Sunday, February 22, 2015

Top Atheists - Destroyed

Stephen Hawking & Richard Dawkins

Both men are recognized as leaders in their so called 'scientific' field, and both are vocal atheists.  
These men represent the  Champions of Atheism.

So let us examine these men shall we?

Stephen Hawking was a theoretical physicist whose top listed so called 'scientific contributions" were:
1.) Collaboration on gravitational singularity theorems, and the 
2.) Theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation.

Let's sum this up for the simple men and women: 

Stephen's 'scientific' contributions towards science were theorems, and a theoretical prediction.

So what is a theoretical prediction and theorem? 

As you will notice, the root word of both 'theoretical' & 'theorem' is theory, so let us first examine the etymology of the word theory.  Theory is derived from the Greek word 'theoria,' which means contemplation of speculation.  Still today the exact definition of the word theory means 'a contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking...'  Notice the key word, thinking, which is synonymous with speculation or contemplation.  Far more telling is the list of words synonymous with theory, which include assumption, idea, and guess.  So then a theoretical prediction would be a guess or speculation about the future, something that hasn't even happened yet.  A theorem, by definition is "a statement that has been proven on the basis of previously established statements, such as other theorems."  If you examine that definition, not only will you notice the ridiculous circular logic of using a theory to prove a theory, but you should notice that assumptions are being called 'proof,' that is, statements about other things are being called proof of something else.  However, technically this 'proof' is just an assumption.  So a theorem is dealing with assumptions or statements built on other assumptions, theories, or statements.  Finally, let us get something else straight: The Latin translation Science literally means knowledge.  While theories are sometimes used by scientists (almost always with evolutionists, but I don't consider them real scientists because real scientists deal with reality not fiction) in an attempt to advance research or knowledge, a theory by itself is NOT KNOWLEDGE or SCIENCE!  A theory is a guess, or speculation, and does not qualify as real knowledge!  Unfortunately today, atheists have have twisted science to include theories, which is why many now believe that evolution is 'scientific.'  But the truth stands, a theoretical prediction is not fact or science, only a theory or guess, or speculation, and a theorem is not much different.  So many atheists have heralded Stephen Hawking as their well educated, accomplished champion, but the sad truth is that Stephen has really done nothing to advance true science or knowledge.  Simply put, Stephen is famous for dealing with theories, not fact, hence the job title "theoretical physicist,'  Stephen's claims of atheism are only natural, because it is obvious Stephen's home was in fantasy or fiction, not fact. How tragic that his whole life has been nothing but a tremendous waste of time and money, helping no one, least of all science.   It's hilarious that anyone would want to waste their time watching his recent move, "The Theory of Everything.' That's like watching a movie on the life of the guy who theorized the spaghetti monster.  For myself, I am not interested in theories, I am interested in fact.  One quote from the move trailer by Stephen goes, "What if I reversed time, to see what happened at the beginning of time itself," which is the basic premise for the movie.  Unfortunately, Stephen, you are just a mortal powerful man; you cannot reverse time. Your suggested reversal of time is nothing more than speculation or theory.

"philosophical problems can be answered by science, particularly new scientific theories which "lead us to a new and very different picture of the universe and our place in it" -Stephan Hawking

Actually, Mr. Hawking, theories are not answers for anything, they are at best, unproven, baseless speculation. Science will not help us transition from this life to the next. Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life," not science.

"No one created the universe and no one directs our fate." -Stephen Hawking

Where you there at the foundation of the universe Mr. Hawking? No, you were not, so your claim is nothing more than imaginative speculation that flies in the face of overwhelming evidence.

Now let us examine Richard Dawkins - an evolutionary biologist and popular atheist.

Richard Dawkins' so called 'scientific contributions'  were popularizing the gene-centred view of evolution, and introducing into evolutionary biology the influential concept that the phenotypic effects of a gene are not necessarily limited to an organism's body, but can stretch far into the environment, including the bodies of other organisms.

So let's break this down. Richard Dawkins popularized a view, and introduced a concept.

News flash: a view or concept have proof to qualify as science or knowledge!!! Example of ignorant concept or view: (If I was blind) - "there is no such thing as color." Does that make it true? No!  Just because you believe there is evidence supporting your 'view', does not make that view evidenced based or scientific. Science means knowledge, not views or concepts.  True science stands up to tests, but your views do not. So basically the man did nothing but help perpetuate stupidity with new ideas and words.  The man found nothing new in science to support atheism, but then wrote a book denouncing God as if he had found some new knowledge to support his claim. Sorry, Richard, you are in no way qualified to write about a Being you have obviously never experienced and obviously know nothing about.  Your book only serves to demonstrate your profound ignorance on the topic. You did nothing for real science, and we do not care about anything you have to say.

There you have it, two of today's most influential, intelligent, and educated atheists reduced to nothing.  The sad truth is that not one single atheist has advanced their science or belief in anyway, even after  more than a century and half of trying.  Technically, Darwinism was birthed through Charles Darwin's book, "On the Origin of Species,' in 1859.  Amazingly, after 156 years the only evolution to be observed has been the theory of evolution itself as new 'proof' or theories are constantly thrown up and then replaced.  That should blow your minds that 156 years of research has failed to produce anything other than constantly changing theories with regards to evolution and the origins of life!  And how much money do we spend funding men like Stephen and Richard who do nothing to advance science, searching for answers we already have. It's tragic. 

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