For those
who don’t believe in
the spirit world...
This publication is for you.
What follows is my own personal, undeniable account of a real life experience with an evil spirit, and this account is supported by three different witnesses, including one stranger, who also had her own similar, and personal experience with the same spirit. This is for the truth-seekers out there who do not know what to believe but have an open mind. There are many obvious examples of evil in the world around us, and looking back into history we see many, many more. In fact, history shows us that evil continually manifests itself through various bodies such as Stalin, Mao, and Hitler. Today, the most obvious example is the terrorist group ISIS who is brutally murdering, raping, and even beheading most enemies. The obvious examples of evil around us today support a good and evil concept of life. My brush with an evil spirit concretely verifies that there is a spirit world, which further supports that we have spirits and that these spirits will go somewhere when we die. Once this basic concept can be grasped, man can enter into the journey of enlightenment, which ultimately leads to the discovery of his or her Creator. I hope my experience helps show others that there is more to life than meets the eye.
The year was 2010. I was twenty-seven years old when I exited the military and returned to my hometown in Lima, Ohio for a brief stay before relocating to California. Now I had been through a tour in Iraq and I had seen some disturbing things, but until the following night I had never, ever had a nightmare. When I learned that my sister had her own horrifying nightmares which became worse and worse every night she slept in that room until she finally moved out, I knew my own nightmare was no coincidence. Especially considering the fact that both of our nightmares involved a certain mysterious figure brutally murdering us. I was so shook up after my nightmare that I mentioned it to my mother who informed me that my father had a similar experience as well. So I talked to my dad to find out that he also had similar nightmares where a dark and mysterious figure murdered him every night he slept in that room. If that wasn't enough proof that this room was haunted, my sister met someone else who also had the same experience in that room one night after moving in. Now this house was built in 1910, and there were rumors of a murder in the house. What's interesting is that my sister's friend had no problems after hanging up a 'dream catcher.' As for me, I simply prayed over the room and never had a problem since. Although, upon returning home two years later from California I was visited again in my dream but this time the encounter was not frightening, and possible another spirit.
By this point you might be interested to hear the details of my nightmare and so here I go. Now, I could not sleep at all the two previous nights, but tossed and turned all night every few minutes. This was my first clue that something was off, because I almost never have trouble sleeping. Eight years in the military has given me the ability to sleep anywhere, anytime, with the lights on and noise, or even on the ground in the rain. On the third night of sleeplessness I finally drifted off to sleep around 0630am. Now I am almost always aware of the fact that I am dreaming ,and I usually manipulate my dreams to my advantage, such as willing myself to fly. When I drifted off to sleep that morning it was not until I woke up that I realized it had only been a nightmare. Before I woke up, I really thought my dream was reality. Even in Iraq I had never been so shaken up. This is how it went when I drifted to sleep.
I was suddenly lying down in a dark, prison-like 'cell.' I was on my right side, tilted forward on my stomach as I normally sleep. I looked over and saw the doorway open with two figures standing and talking in the entrance. The smaller of the two appeared to be some kind of 'warden,' and was telling the other, a big, hulking figure, that he had some time to do whatever he wanted to me. The warden then left and locked the door behind him. The other mysterious, intimidating figure then came over and stuck a blade to my stomach from behind me. He told me he was going to kill me, and he started to slowly plunge the blade into my stomach. I sucked in my stomach, bracing for the pain, but just before the blade would actually pierce my skin he would stop, hesitate, and then pull back. *There was several inches of 'play' as I sucked in my stomach* Before I had time to think, he would start to plunge again, and again my stomach would recoil in fear and expectation but again he would stop just before actually piercing my body. He kept doing this for the most mentally agonizing seconds of my life. He started and stopped several times until I realized that he was deliberately torturing me, feeding off my fear. Immediately after realizing this, I knew he was going to kill me. In fact, the very thought came from him, which would make sense later after realizing he was in my head. He wanted me to know I was going to die, because he wanted to torture me and feed off a climax of my fear. In that split second after realizing I was going to die, my entire life literally flashed before my eyes, which then led to several thoughts almost simultaneously occurring to me; acceptance and then immediately thankfulness. I became thankful for the life I had lived, and I accepted what was about to happen. The situation was out of my control anyway, and I had faith and trust in God. This acceptance instantaneously provided peace. I had been through some horrible times, but I had also lived better than most ever will. Not only was I thankful for the life I had lived, but, more specifically, I was thankful to the ONE who allowed me to live such a good, full, and long life. In that split second of acknowledgement, I directed what I thought would be my last words towards God in praise, "Thank you God for the life you let me live." Immediately my cruel tormentor placed the blade to my throat and plunged. I grabbed the blade hoping to either stop the plunge or pull the blade out after, but I could not do either. I will never forget that next moment as I laid there in complete helplessness, as I felt the warm blood flowing over my hand and neck before I jolted awake.
Two years later I slept on the floor of that room which had been turned into storage, simply because I love an adventure. I drifted to sleep quickly, and had one vision
I was in the middle of an empty desert. A small fire surrounded by rocks before me. On the other side...was a creature. A small, almost grotesque, human like figure hunched over the fire. Most of its flesh had been consumed away, almost like a radioactive holocaust survivor.
It was there, and we met, observing each other in a brief moment before I awoke. It was if he wanted to communicate, but I woke up too soon. Because I NEVER have weird dreams like this, I know this was not just random. Because of this experience, and other minor ones as well, I now believe I am more sensitive in a way I was not before. Since that first encounter, I have had several other dreams and even real life experiences elsewhere as well. In California, and even Florida, there have been several times during slumber where I had this deep foreboding of approaching evil so strong that I began seriously praying until the feeling passed. I have also had other experience that I dare not try to explain. Let me just say that I have witnessed spirits pushing, or playing people if you will, like strings on a harp.
By this point you might be interested to hear the details of my nightmare and so here I go. Now, I could not sleep at all the two previous nights, but tossed and turned all night every few minutes. This was my first clue that something was off, because I almost never have trouble sleeping. Eight years in the military has given me the ability to sleep anywhere, anytime, with the lights on and noise, or even on the ground in the rain. On the third night of sleeplessness I finally drifted off to sleep around 0630am. Now I am almost always aware of the fact that I am dreaming ,and I usually manipulate my dreams to my advantage, such as willing myself to fly. When I drifted off to sleep that morning it was not until I woke up that I realized it had only been a nightmare. Before I woke up, I really thought my dream was reality. Even in Iraq I had never been so shaken up. This is how it went when I drifted to sleep.
I was suddenly lying down in a dark, prison-like 'cell.' I was on my right side, tilted forward on my stomach as I normally sleep. I looked over and saw the doorway open with two figures standing and talking in the entrance. The smaller of the two appeared to be some kind of 'warden,' and was telling the other, a big, hulking figure, that he had some time to do whatever he wanted to me. The warden then left and locked the door behind him. The other mysterious, intimidating figure then came over and stuck a blade to my stomach from behind me. He told me he was going to kill me, and he started to slowly plunge the blade into my stomach. I sucked in my stomach, bracing for the pain, but just before the blade would actually pierce my skin he would stop, hesitate, and then pull back. *There was several inches of 'play' as I sucked in my stomach* Before I had time to think, he would start to plunge again, and again my stomach would recoil in fear and expectation but again he would stop just before actually piercing my body. He kept doing this for the most mentally agonizing seconds of my life. He started and stopped several times until I realized that he was deliberately torturing me, feeding off my fear. Immediately after realizing this, I knew he was going to kill me. In fact, the very thought came from him, which would make sense later after realizing he was in my head. He wanted me to know I was going to die, because he wanted to torture me and feed off a climax of my fear. In that split second after realizing I was going to die, my entire life literally flashed before my eyes, which then led to several thoughts almost simultaneously occurring to me; acceptance and then immediately thankfulness. I became thankful for the life I had lived, and I accepted what was about to happen. The situation was out of my control anyway, and I had faith and trust in God. This acceptance instantaneously provided peace. I had been through some horrible times, but I had also lived better than most ever will. Not only was I thankful for the life I had lived, but, more specifically, I was thankful to the ONE who allowed me to live such a good, full, and long life. In that split second of acknowledgement, I directed what I thought would be my last words towards God in praise, "Thank you God for the life you let me live." Immediately my cruel tormentor placed the blade to my throat and plunged. I grabbed the blade hoping to either stop the plunge or pull the blade out after, but I could not do either. I will never forget that next moment as I laid there in complete helplessness, as I felt the warm blood flowing over my hand and neck before I jolted awake.
Two years later I slept on the floor of that room which had been turned into storage, simply because I love an adventure. I drifted to sleep quickly, and had one vision
I was in the middle of an empty desert. A small fire surrounded by rocks before me. On the other side...was a creature. A small, almost grotesque, human like figure hunched over the fire. Most of its flesh had been consumed away, almost like a radioactive holocaust survivor.
It was there, and we met, observing each other in a brief moment before I awoke. It was if he wanted to communicate, but I woke up too soon. Because I NEVER have weird dreams like this, I know this was not just random. Because of this experience, and other minor ones as well, I now believe I am more sensitive in a way I was not before. Since that first encounter, I have had several other dreams and even real life experiences elsewhere as well. In California, and even Florida, there have been several times during slumber where I had this deep foreboding of approaching evil so strong that I began seriously praying until the feeling passed. I have also had other experience that I dare not try to explain. Let me just say that I have witnessed spirits pushing, or playing people if you will, like strings on a harp.
Very compelling story. You should check out effedupstories.com they would love to publish this and may want to interview you. I think people should hear this story from you. It could change lives.