
There is a war for your mind and ultimately your soul, and, like any war, the enemies first tactics are control of information and propaganda, and the first casualty is truth.  So it is no wonder that so many lies are being spread around about the most important and most powerful, life-changing book in history, the Bible.  Disturbingly, many are blindly accepting these lies without researching the truth for themselves, and, even worse, are repeating and spreading this foolishness and ignorance.  Fortunately, truth stands for itself.  Truth might be buried and suppressed, but it will never be destroyed.  This page is dedicated towards those seeking the truth.  

Even today, over two billion global citizens recognize the importance and authenticity of the Bible, and claim to follow Jesus, two thousand years after His death and resurrection.  Even the second largest religion, Islam, claims roots from the father of Judaism and Christianity, Abraham, whose life and genealogy is recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible.  The only reason Islam is overtaking Christianity as the top religion by population is because Muslims are out-procreating Christians.  While the Christian economies of Europe and America have stalled for decades now, constantly warring, the oil rich and other Muslim countries around the world have experienced substantial, unchecked growth, including Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Turkey Bangladesh, Iran, Nigeria, and Egypt.  More than four billion people, between the Jews and Muslims, recognize Jesus as a real historical figure, yet many today are being brainwashed that Jesus is some mythological fiction.  The Muslims simply believe that Jesus was just another prophet.  Why Muslims would ever choose to follow a demon possessed murdering lunatic instead of a kind, loving, miracle performing peacemaker claiming and proving Himself to be God is beyond me.  The rise of Islam is the perfect example of brainwashing by environment.  The Jews, or Hebrews, were expecting a shiny king on a white horse, which is why they crucified the poor man named Jesus claiming to be God manifest.  If you study the teachings of Jesus, this was exactly part of the plan so that the gospel, or good news of salvation, would first go to us, the Gentiles.  Otherwise, non Jews would never have any hope.  Many Jews today, known as Messianic Jews, are now turning to Jesus.  In fact, even the current leader of Israel, Prime Minister Netanyahu has been holding Bible studies.  Interestingly, the Bible indicates that Israel will experience revival in the last days.  

 "Then they will know that I am the LORD their God, for though I sent them into exile among the nations, I will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind." Ezek 39:28

 "I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in." Rom 11:25

The history, rebirth, blessings, and prophecies of Israel, along with the curses against her enemies are the biggest modern day concrete proof of the legitimacy of the Bible and therefore God.  But I will not get into that here because I have dedicated a whole page on that for your interest.  Check it out via the 'Israel' page link on the right side of the home page.  This page is more of a basic overview of the facts, including the basic history of the Bible. 

Many have been brainwashed into believing that the Bible has underwent so many translations as to be unreliable and inaccurate, but this is simply a bold lie.  It was in the fourth century that the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts of what we now call the Bible were translated into the Latin Vulgate.  In 1534, Martin Luther translated the Bible into his German language spawning the second greatest revolution in history after the birth of Christianity, the Protestant Revolution.  In 1611, the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts were finally translated into the English language in what is still one of the most commonly used translations, the King James Bible.  Today, there are many other translations available in order to provide easier reading and understanding from the sometimes difficult old English language, but simply rephrasing text into modern speak does not detract from the validity or accuracy.      

Unlike other religious writings, the Bible reads as a factual news account of real events, places, people, and dialogue.  Historians and archaeologists have repeatedly confirmed most of its authenticity.  There is one central message consistently carried by all 40 authors of the Bible: God, who created us all, desires a relationship with us, and He calls us to know him and trust Him.  Even at the top levels of experts and critics, only the validity of the first several chapters of the Bible detailing Creation is debated, despite the fact that the fossil record actually shows a sudden emergence of life, not to mention the lack of any evidence whatsoever to the contrary.  The opponents of Creation and therefore the Bible advocate evolution as science, but the truth is that there is nothing scientific about macro-evolution -the theory that nothing + nobody = everything.  If macro-evolution were true there would be plenty of fossils to support.  And actually, recent breakthroughs in DNA have finally destroyed macro-evolution.  I detail this more in my page entitled "Evolution" via right side links on the home page.  Many today write off the whole book of the Bible as fairy tales, but this position is simply an astounding display of ignorance.  Only a complete idiot or fool would write off this book of history, fulfilled prophecies, and timeless wisdom and truth, as fairy tales.  Much history and archaeology has been discovered and verified compliments of the Bible.  And numerous historians have confirmed what the Bible says about Jesus, including Cornelius Tacitus, Flavius Josephus, and Talmud.  Furthermore, we do have an original copy of the apostles creed, dated to the time of Jesus, written by men who chose death rather than rejection of their leader Jesus.  Also, the Dead Sea Scrolls were another manuscript recently found to contain, word for word, the same text found in much of our Bible.  Many have been brainwashed into believing the lie that Jesus is some made-up mythological figure, but if Jesus was not real, or even fake, there is no way Christianity would have exploded so powerfully during a period of severe and brutal persecution.  All one had to do was recant their belief in Jesus, but all of the original Apostles literally gave their life towards their believe in Jesus.  Here is a copy of the Apostles Creed for your interest.  Each line was written by a different Apostle, and affirms not only the authenticity of Jesus, but His death, burial, and resurrection:

I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead;
he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen

Since many today are so unfamiliar with the Bible, let me break it down for you.

First, let me mention prophecy, which makes up approximately 27% of the Bible.  There are approximately 2,500 prophecies recorded in the Bible, and about 2,000 have been fulfilled to the letter, with the last few being fulfilled today as we sit.  Check out the prophecies of Ezekiel in one of my first actual blogs.  The Hebrew race is one of the most ancient races in history, and they are the only race that can boast 100% accuracy among prophets.  One would have to be an idiot to ignore someone claiming to be the voice of God making predictions centuries in advance with 100% accuracy.  But then again, this is the generation where common sense and basic intelligence or thinking seem to be a lost art.

Secondly, almost eighty percent of the Old Testament is actual Israel genealogy and history.  Approximately 10% is prophecy, most of which has been fulfilled.  The last 10% of the Old Testament is timeless wisdom, including several books written by history's greatest kings, King David, and King Solomon (Proverbs, Psalms).  No other nation in history endured such freedom and prosperity than Israel under King David and his son.  Following the wisdom recorded by those men will dramatically improve anyone's life.  And one would have to be pretty brain-dead not to recognize the truth and priceless wisdom recorded therein.

Lastly, almost 60% of the New Testament is eye witnesses and first hand accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus and His apostles.  Approximately 10% of the N.T. is prophecy, some being fulfilled today.  And the rest of the N.T. is filled with letters to the first churches by Peter, John, and other disciples of Jesus, including Paul, another man and great example of the power of Christ.  Paul, formerly known as Saul, was a leading persecutor of the first Christians until Jesus grabbed His heart.  Now, everyone Christian knows Paul, two thousand years later, as a pillar of the faith.  And the wisdom of God is clearly evident through his teachings and writings.

The most powerful display of authenticity of the Bible is through the promises Christians experience daily.  For example, blessings are promised to those that give to and trust in God.  It is no wonder then that the vast majority in Church giving to God are living longer, fuller, blessed, and healthy lives.  As King David said in Psalms, 

"I have been young, and now am old, yet have I never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging for bread."  

Today, much of the world struggles in poverty, with many homeless, and unemployed.  But one can go to any church, (I've been to dozens) and an unemployed Christian is very, very rare.  Furthermore, studies have shown that church going Christians live happier and healthier lives, more than a dozen years longer than the average life expectancy.  Studies also show Christians cope better with mental health problems, something which is a huge problem in today's society without God, which is why so many are turning to pills.  Mental health benefits of being a Christian are happiness, hope, and optimism, purpose in life, better social support, less loneliness, lower rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, and alcohol and drug abuse, higher rates of marital stability and happiness, which all lead to a much happier and healthier life.  Every single Christian circle can testify to answered prayers, healings, and even miracles.  I personally have experienced hundreds of answered prayers, and numerous miracles.  In fact, I should have died several times.  Check out my Testimony page via my personal blog.  It really is an astounding display of ignorance when atheists write off these occurrences as delusions.  The only one deluded is the one believing this universe is one great cosmic accident.

Common lies teach that the Bible supports slavery, but this is not true.  In fact, one of the commandments is against stealing, and slavery is a form of stealing.  And Jesus taught love, peace, and forgiveness, which goes against slavery.  Another common lie blames Christianity for violence, but Jesus clearly taught against violence by commanding us to 'turn the other cheek.' 

If you are interested in studying the Bible, and do no know where to begin, I strongly encourage you to start studying the life and teachings of Jesus first.  I would also strongly suggest a chapter of Proverbs a day.  There is something magical and powerful about taking to heart the words of and wisdom of this book.  I promise you, if you give it a chance, it will change your life.  Thanks for reading.  Let me know if I can enhance your reading experience.  And check out these videos below.


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