is both controversial and taboo, yet achieving more and more exposure each passing decade. Even the latest “Indiana Jones” movie ended with an alien heritage revelation, while the history channel repeatedly airs a series called “Ancient Aliens.” Although most realize that life elsewhere cannot be ruled out, many do not know what to make of all this recent and increasing UFO and alien hype. For the majority of Americans who claim to believe in the Bible, you will find that you already believe in aliens since God, angels, and demons (fallen angels) are Beings not from Earth and therefore technically 'Aliens.' In this column I propose to show that all 'alien' activity can only be one of three possibilities. The idea of little green alien men bumbling around our planet being seen here and there, crashing into “Area 51,” temporarily abducting people is quite ridiculous. If there were another race technologically advanced enough to travel across the galaxy to our planet, they would not be seen unless they wanted to be seen. There would be no mystery.

began twenty years before the release of a top secret aircraft, the "Black Hawk," it is safe to conclude that any unidentified flying object is simply either a top secret government experimentation or even private experimentation. If you did not already know, our military budget has been almost double-quadruple that of second place for over half a century now, and some of the designs we seized from Germany during WWII were of saucer like aircraft in experimental-infancy phase. With those facts in mind, you can be sure that our government is advanced significantly further than anything marketing in any commercial industry, for national security purposes of course. Cloaking technology is a cutting-edge breakthrough just now hitting the public markets, so who knows how long our government has been experimenting with said technology likely in plain sight to test our ability and defense capabilities in detecting cloaked objects. History demonstrates the continual rise of evil men, which is why it is also highly possible that some of these sightings are private corporations testing their own designs. Also, bored billionaires could also be developing and testing their own experiments.
2.) Concerning 'Alien' abductions, it is also likely that some can be explained by evil men. For example, a company ran by a greedy, evil mastermind developing the next aids, or anthrax, bird flu, or a super virus and testing them, along with the cure, on random citizens picked up in such a manner as to make them believe it was an alien abduction. With the proper funding, planning, and chemicals, it would be easy to create such an experience. What better way for an evil company to test a drug and cure, before unleashing said drug on society and then making billions from the cure?
3.) Now many alien encounters and abductions are really demonic encounters. In Genesis 6:2, even most Christians are unaware that the Bible actually records that the "sons of God," came to Earth and took our woman for wives. The Hebrew word here for "sons of God" is "nephilim" which means "fallen angels." The “Dead Sea Scrolls,” also contained a book called “Enoch,” which describe an interesting time where 'aliens' and men mingled. The history channel's "Ancient Aliens" offers an abundance of compelling evidence to suggest that aliens did indeed visit our world in ancient times. These occurrences would explain legends such as “Zeus,” and “Hercules.” While many may know about the rise of alien activity, most are clueless about the rise in demonic activity. But think about this: Is it merely coincidence that not only reported demonic activity is significantly on the rise, but reported alien activity as well? If the Bible is true, which it has been with every other prediction, then Satan is real and it would make sense that he would try to trick the world into believing in aliens so that when the rapture really does occur the world will believe it was a mass alien abduction and thereby misdirect people from the truth. What else will the governments of the world tell their citizens when many people simply disappear overnight? UFO sightings, reported alien encounters, and reported demonic activities have more than quadrupled over the last half century. Even news just recently headlined a story about China’s airport being shut down once again due to a nearby UFO and the Catholic church reportedly has their hands full with the growing demand for exorcisms. Today, almost every other movie seems to be about the end of the world, angels, aliens, demons, ghosts, humans with special powers such as the “X-men” series, another race on a different planet such as “Avatar,” or humans versus the gods like in “Wrath of the Titans.” True Christians know from experience that the Bible is true, and that there is a spiritual warfare going on with our minds as the battlegrounds in a spirit world with angels and demons influencing us, guarding angels helping us, and demons pressuring us into evil trying to destroy us. I personally have survived multiple, miraculous near-deaths which can only be explained by a guardian angel. Most Christians can testify to similar accounts. The fact that every civilization ends up turning into a horrible, corrupt, evil dictatorship where the people are completely miserable and mass killings are common should be proof enough that there is an evil constantly striving to master and manipulate the human race. Many think we are so civilized today, but looking at the global picture is disheartening. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Russia, China, North Korea, and others, are NOT free countries, but are ruled by dictators who control the media, and religion, suppress freedoms, and kill anyone who opposes. Demonic influence explains the rise of evil voices in non-believers heads, and violent, hateful crimes, especially Hitler’s hate and attempted genocide of the Jews.
So yes, let me assure you that there are
aliens out there.
They have infiltrated
us, and they are influencing and manipulating whomever they can.
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