Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lies: Exposed

7 Lies
Every Atheist Believes

1.) The Bible condones or endorses slavery and stoning
News Flash: Just because the Hebrews stoned or enslaved others thousands of years ago, does not mean the Bible is endorsing or condoning those acts.  Just because Paul, in the New Testament, encouraged a slave towards peace, does not mean Paul is endorsing or condoning slavery. Slavery is a form of stealing which clearly violates the Ten Commandments.  When men approached Jesus about stoning an adulterous woman, Jesus turned them all away by saying that 'he who is without blame' should cast the first stone, knowing that no one is perfect and therefore none of them had the right.

2.)  Christianity was responsible for the Inquisitions, Crusades, Hitler, etc.
The truth is that religion does not kill anyone more than a gun does. People kill people.  Blaming an ideology or instrument for murder when man is the one using said ideal or instrument is both ridiculous and ignorant. True Christianity is about following Jesus and His teachings, and Jesus clearly taught love, peace, and forgiveness, even of ones enemies.  One of the fundamental tenants of Christianity found in the Bible is that the Jews are God's chosen people, yet Hitler attempted their genocide, a clear contradiction to Christianity.  Just because a wolf goes 'baaaah' does not make that wolf a sheep. I believe the obvious explanation concerning Hitler's Christian talk relates to political motivation. Most know that Hitler was working with the Catholic Church, and that it was the Catholic Church which played an integral part in Hitler's rise to power.  
"But I tell you, love your enemies..." Mtt 5:44
"Blessed are the peacemakers..." Mtt. 59
"Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you..." Mtt 7:12

3.)  According to science the world is millions or billions of years old
Actually, there is no accurate way to date anything beyond our 6,000 years of recorded history.  The current dating method used by evolutionists literally rely on approximately half a dozen assumptions, including current rates, variables, and observations, and therefore, amount to little more than speculation or guess-work.  Science means knowledge, not guesses.  And actually, there is abundant evidence pointing towards a young earth.  For example, mountains erode, yet we still have mountains, which points towards young mountain formation.  The annual sea salt intake and sea floor mud accumulation both point towards young seas.  Desertification is the process by which deserts expand, which, if backtracked, point towards young Earth.  Comets still flying around, galaxies still unwinding, planets still cooling down, and Saturn's rings breaking apart and moving away all point towards a young universe.  If this universe was billions of years old, Saturn would not still have rings.  The human population growth curve, and our oldest lifeforms (trees, reefs) point toward young life.  The moon is gradually moving away from Earth, and if you backtrack the current distance than Earth then life cannot be millions of years old because a million years ago the moon would be so close to Earth that the tide would destroy all life several times a day.  Also, there is hardly any fossils or graves, which contradicts the theory that billions of transitions occurred over billions of years.  Also, the Earth's spin is slowing, which means it use to spin fast.  If you backtrack the spin Earth cannot be too old before you get 1,000 mph winds which means life would be unsustainable.  Also, the amount of helium in the atmosphere indicates only a few thousand years of leakage.

4.) Evolution is Scientific
Actually, the Latin rot word of 'science' literally means knowledge, and there is nothing knowledgeable about the theory that nobody + nothing = everything.  While theories are sometimes part of the scientific method, a theory by itself is not actually knowledge.  The Greek root word of theory literally means speculation, and the theory that we all evolved billions of years ago from nothing is just that, speculation.  One of the damning testaments against evolution is that 156 years of research has failed to produce any new evidence, and the only evolution observed is the theory of evolution itself as evidence and theories are constantly changing.  The fact remains, upwards evolution has never been observed, violates numerous fundamental scientific laws, fails experimentation at every level, and lacks any evidence whatsoever, which is actually thee single more damning evidence against upwards evolution because if billions of transitions really occurred over billions of years there would be an overwhelming abundance of evidence.  And actually, blueprints in DNA have recently and scientifically destroyed upwards evolution.  Just because some idiot says something, does not make it so.  Atheist scientists want you to believe the evolution is science, but this is just not the case.  A theory is not science.  

5.)  Dinosaurs existed millions of years ago
Actually, history and archaeology contain an overwhelming abundance of evidence that demonstrates that man and dinosaurs coexisted.  Dinosaurs are simply the first lizards, and lizards never stop growing.  Their tremendous size actually verifies the long life span of not only animals but men as recorded in the Bible.  Check out Kent Hovind's presentation included in an earlier blog of mine, or look him up on YouTube.   Then ask yourself why these facts, along with giant human fossils, are being buried.

6.)  The majority of scientists are atheists
-A well documented fact is that atheists have hijacked the lame-stream scientific and education communities, and anyone even mentioning 'Creation' or 'Intelligent Design' are not only fired but blacklisted.  Likewise, the only reason for this significant disproportion among scientists is because of government funding.  Also, pointing to a majority as justification for anything is profoundly ignorant as history repeatedly demonstrates.

7.) Christianity takes faith
The truth is that Christianity does not take faith to believe. We know that God is real through science, history, numerous fulfilled prophecies, and, most importantly, through Jesus who declared and proved Him. Christianity simply requires some day-to-day faith that God will take care of us and work everything out for our good, particularly when things aren't going as planned or expected. Since there seems to be much misinformation, many lies, and much brainwashing regarding this subject, let me clarify more. The fact is that there is an overwhelming abundance of evidence confirming God, and specifically the Hebrew God.  The thousands of literal and specific fulfilled prophecies concretely confirm that the Hebrew God is real.  There are many even today literally being fulfilled regarding Israel, a one world leadership and currency, and the growing coalition of specific nations against Israel.  The code containing blueprints in our DNA prove an intelligent designer.  Science, mathematics, common sense, destroy any other explanation. Then there is Jesus who proved Himself to be the Son and messenger of God, or more accurately, God made manifest, who, still today, 2,000 years later retains the majority of followers globally. The journey for truth in God might start in some faith, but, soon after, experiences concrete us in the reality that there is a God with absolute certainty more than atheists can ever hope to find.  Believing that our computer-like brains, complex bodies, and the beautiful, complex, balanced nature, including water, EXPLODED into existence???!!!! - Now that takes ginormous and ridiculous faith. One fundamental truth that atheists fail to grasp is that there is a difference between believing and knowing.  Atheists believe there is no God, but one can believe a lie.  Someone who has experienced God KNOWS the truth. The critical difference is tha knowledge is concrete and real, based on personal experience or observation.

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