Last Hour

Many Christians have tried to predict the exact date of the end of the world in complete ignorance of the Bible and words of Jesus which state that

"...of the day and hour no man knoweth." 

Any claims before the rebirth of Israel 65 years ago were not Biblical, because some of the last end-times prophecies involve Israel existing as a nation again

Jesus did want us to know the season though because of His words in Matthew 24:32 -

"32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: 33 so likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors."

This reference of knowing 'that summer is nigh' indicates we will know the year.  And a study of the clues do indicate an approximate year.

With recently global developments over the past several decades now finally fulfilling the last few "latter years" and end-times prophecies, it is obvious that we are seriously and finally approaching that season.  

obvious signs 
why we are the 
Rapture Generation:

1.  Jesus said the Gospel must first be published in all nations. (Mrk 13:10)
-It's official: The Gospel has been published in every nation, and even the last few tribes of the world are being reached and the Gospel is being translated into their language.

2.  Jesus said love would wax cold. (Mtt. 24:12)
-Love has all but disappeared with divorce now occurring in the majority of marriages, relationships all ending quickly, and real true friends a dream.  There is no longer any love for another as mankind shifts into an anti-social, selfish creature of the dark.  I can personally testify to this as I have no friends, my family doesn't even talk to me, and 'love' is something that is dead to me because everyone I ever loved or who said they loved me ended up completely turning on me, stabbing me in the back, and hurting me the worst. Throughout my travels from coast to coast over the past 12 years, I can testify from experience that I am not unique, and in fact, there is a growing population of those literally with no one in their life, no family, no friends, and no love. 

3.  Jesus said Men's heart's would fail them for fear in the last days. (Luke 21:26)
-Guess what, heart failure is the top killer in our country and skyrocketing.  And record numbers turn to drugs, alcohol, and pills, overdosing, to deal with their fear, and fear's cousin -anxiety which is also leading towards record heart problems.

4.  When evil is called good we can know that destruction is nigh (Sodom). (Isaiah 5:20)
-The killing of babies called pro-choice, the introduction of civilized slavery (debt), and the homosexual lifestyle and their 'gay parades' are all evidences evil being called good.

5.  Jesus said "as in the days of Noah..." and "Lot..." so it would be in the last days.
(Mtt. 24:37-39;Luke 17:28)
-Those days were both characterized as days of feasting and drinking, both of which characterize our society today as we live from holiday to holiday, and binge drinking in between.
-Those days were also characterized by "marrying & giving in marriage," which also is a good picture of today since divorce rates are passing 50% among civilians, and over 80% among military and police, and elsewhere.

6.  Revelation 11:10  describes the world witnessing a global event.  With the recent developments in satellite television, the internet, youtube, TiVo, and mobile media,  this is now possible.

7.  Revelation 13:16,17 describe a global order and a new type of global currency, a mark that no one can buy or sell without.  In the past few decades we've seen the formation of the EU, their own unified currency, the euro, the formation of the Mediterranean Union, the formation of the United Nations which is a platform and step towards a world order, new developments in electronic banking, and with the major currencies (EU/Dollar) in real trouble as their countries are in outrageous debt, the stage is set for a new global order and currency to emergeThe likely mark will be related to new developments in an invisible RFID based stamp which would serve as identification but could be linked to a bank account.  This would do away with the need for wallets, passwords, and keys, and would significantly reduce crime, identity theft, the black market, and tax evasion.  Also all medical information and emergency contact information could be easily accessed by a simply scan of the stamp.  People are already getting a chip implant because of these conveniences.  

8. -Alien activity and Demonic activity on the rise.  (the two are definitely linked)

9. -Witchcraft, atheism, the homosexual lifestyle, and paganism are all on the rise

10. -Christian persecution is on the rise around the world, particularly in Chine, Russia, N. Korea, and the Middle East where Christians are literally being beheaded.

11. -There have been 3 Great Awakenings -the 1st Great Awakening of the 1700's, the 2nd Great Awakening of the 1800's, and the Pentecostal Revival of 1901 which has been the biggest movement of this world this century.  It's very possible the 3rd revival was our last, although there is major revival exploding in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia today, as tens of thousands have been turning to Jesus every day for the past decade.

12. -The world population reaches 7 billion this year...(God seems to love the number 7)

13. -According to foreshadowing, we are in the last years.  Since most are unfamiliar with this topic, let me explain.  The first thing you should know is that the Old Testament is full of 'foreshadowing', that is events, including the feasts, which pointed towards a future event.  For example, the five most pivotal moments in the New Testament had been foreshadowed previously in history.  Here they are:

  •  The sacrifice of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, was foreshadowed two thousand years earlier when Abraham was told by God to sacrifice his son Isaac. 
  •  The saving power of the cross was foreshadowed during the children of Israel’s journey to the Promised Land when fiery serpents were unleashed upon them for murmuring against God, and they could only be healed by looking to the pole with a serpent on it which God had told Moses to erect after Moses prayed for the people. 
  • Jonah trapped in the belly of the whale for three days foreshadowed Jesus being in the tomb for three days. 
  •  The splitting of tongues at the tower of Babel foreshadowed the gift of tongues which began with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples shortly after Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven. 
  • The children of Israel walking through water in order to get to the Promised Land foreshadowed baptism.
  • The Feast of Passover marked the day of the crucifixion of Jesus; The Feast of Unleavened Bread foreshadowed the burial of Jesus; The Feast of The First Fruits foreshadowed the resurrection of Jesus; the Feast of Pentecost foreshadowed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Here is the interesting part. Considering the fact that the crucial, pivotal events of the New Testament were foreshadowed in the Old Testament, it makes perfect sense to conclude that God would use the beginning to foreshadow the end. So let’s examine the facts. There are four clues that when added together strongly suggest that God did foreshadow the end through the beginning.

  • FirstGod did not need six days to create Earth life.  Why not three, or four, or five days? Why six?  Those six days must represent something. 
  •  Secondly two of God’s most important men, the apostle Peter and King David, both mentioned the phrase “a day is as a thousand years…[to God],” and I do not believe they did so randomly or meaninglessly.
  •  Thirdly, we know that one of the last events on God's timeline according to prophecy will be Christ’s thousand year reign of peace.  And God rested on the seventh day of creation and commanded us to rest every seventh day.  So it fits that the 7th day of rest foreshadows the 1000 years of rest at the end of time.  From which we could logically conclude that each day of creation represented one thousand years of time. 
  •  Lastly, genealogies and records from the original Hebrew texts have given us enough history to know that we are now approximately at the six thousand year mark since the creation of Adam with approximately forty-year margin for error. Jesus said no man would know the day or hour, but he gave us signs of the season for a reason and there is not one expert who will deny that that season is now. Look around for yourself at this supposed juncture: Israel is reborn and surpassing every other nation in everything while fulfilling the last few prophesies, and every other sign is in place. Evil dominates most of the world, and mankind is once again reaching complete corruption with the gay and adulterous lifestyle taking over just as in the days of Noah and Sodom & Gomorrah which is exactly what Jesus said the last days would be like. The most significant sign of the times is that for over a decade now the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 concerning the “latter years” has begun fulfillment.  A generation in the Bible is forty years, so I believe that the generation to see the fulfillment of the Ezekiel 38 “latter years” prophecy is the rapture generation, which when considered alongside the Revelation 17 prophecy indicates that time is very, very short. 

14.   According to Ezekiel 38 we are in the "latter years."  Ezekiel not only predicted the scattering and rebirth of Israel, but in chapter 38 Ezekiel also  predicts an alliance of specific countries against Israel in the 'latter years.'  And for the first time in history, for over a decade now, every single one of those countries has been coming together not only preparing for war against Israel while repeatedly and publicly declaring their intentions to destroy Israel but they are antagonizing Israel through attacks and building up international resentment against Israel through propaganda.  The two primary armies mentioned are from the land of Magog, and Persia.   FYI, Jewish scholar and historian clarifies in his book, "Antiquities of the Jews," that the descendants of Magog became Scythians and settled in what is now known as Russia.  Moscow's museum proudly displays their Scythian heritage.  Persia is now known as Iran.  Gomer is Turkey.  Ethiopia is the norther Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somolia area.  With those facts you can read Ezekiel 38 and see for yourself.  The old Ethiopian area is controlled by radical Muslims allied with Iran, also controlled by radical Muslims, and these radical Muslims have made their hate of Israel very clear.  Ezekiel 38 War 

15. -The anti-Christ is supposed to emerge during a crisis in the Middle East with Israel.  And guess what, a crisis is escalating right now in the Middle East.

16.  Natural disasters are increasing in frequency and ferocity.

17. The fact that men are completely turning towards evil should be evidence enough that there is a devil who is the "prince of this earth."  Violent and hate crimes are escalating around the world.  You can’t trust anyone anymore.  Everyone only cares about themselves.  Love is disappearing.  Intelligence & common sense have all but disappeared.
18.  According to the picture painted by prophecy, Israel will be by herself in this 'latter year' war mentioned earlier, and with the dollar on the verge of collapse, a food crisis and shortage on the horizon as an apocalyptic drought ravages our entire West country, and a Muslim president, it looks like America is about to be out of the picture. 

One last thing:  
I also believe that the rise of history's first global superpower, Egypt, foreshadowed the rise of this worlds last global superpower, the last anti-christ.  Just as a global catastrophe - famineforced everyone to sell themselves as slaves just to eat, another global catastrophe, likely including a financial meltdown and food crisis, will also force mankind once again to sell themselves as slaves just to eat.  However this time the world leader will implement a mark, similar to the food stamp card which will also serve as some type of loyalty pledge which is why Christians are warned NOT to take this mark.  I believe Joseph foreshadowed Jesus whereas Joseph was hidden and preparing to emerge to save his family, Jesus is hidden and preparing to come back and save His own.  Joseph was in prison 2 years.  If these years translate to 2000 years after Jesus left, then Jesus will be coming back around 2033.  Jesus said we would not know the day or hour, but it looks like He gave us clues to the year....

If I left out anything, let me know so I can add it.  Thanks for reading, and check out my other blogs!

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