In his State of the Union speech earlier this year, Obama said,
"The shadow of crisis has passed, and the State of the Union is strong."
Let's look at the FACTS:
- America faces a financial crisis with our dollar literally only hanging by the will of one man as our country is mired in over 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities and 18k trillion dollars of debt and skyrocketing with no end in site as leaders like Obama simply continue to irresponsibly kick the debt ceiling higher without any real talks or balancing of the budget, and major countries like Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, and others working to circumvent the petro-dollar which means our dollar does not have long to live regardless. By the way, in 2015 we are slated to thrown down a hole 252 billion in interest towards the national debt alone.
Because of our financial crisis, we are also facing an economic crisis in a stalled economy where jobs have been outsourced, as veterans struggle with unemployment and homelessness rates triple the national average, with 1/3 of school children living in poverty, with the real unemployment rate around 13%, with 47 million Americans on food stamps, with long-term unemployment doubling under Obama, with the only jobs being created either part-time or low paying, as we import more than we export, with the most complicated tax system in the world.
- America faces a health crisis with 1/3 Americans obese,which will not only cost us health-wise in numerous serious and potentially deadly health complications, but will cost us hundred of billions of dollars in the future in costs and expenses to manage. And the Big Health Corps don't care because the more problems we have, the more money they make.
- America faces a political crisis not only with a worthless stalled and stale-mated Congress lacking any real leadership or partisanship, but also with the rise of the death cult, Islam, the fastest growing religion in America with spineless leaders either blind or unwilling to call this spade like it is.
- America is admist a prison system crisis, with the highest incarceration rate in the world, as we waste billions on prisoners who end up right back in prison, instead of educating them and helping them succeed, locking up human beings for life like animals. I could do way better. Our prison systems could be profitable, instead of sucking up money.
- America is admist an education crisis as children are graduating with worthless degrees with mortgage size debts in a stalled economy where jobs have been outsourced and unemployment is high. Nearly a quarter of adults read below a 5th grade reading level. 75% of those on foodstamps can't really read. 70% of inmates are functionally illiterate.
- America faces a human rights crisis with severe monetary inequality, from which the average American is years a slave through debt, as the rich consolidate power and turn into dictators.
- America faces a common sense crisis engaged in a decades old failed war on drugs, wasting 50 billion annually, turning patients into criminals, sending young non-violent offenders to prison and ruining their future through the illegal regulation of a natural plant.
America is facing a security crisis as ISIS grows and earns millions daily, as the death cult Islam is being welcomed into our country and is one of the fastest growing religions, as powerful countries like Russia, China, Iran, Turkey ally against us, as countries like Venezuela harbor and train terrorists to infiltrate and blend into our country, as the number one state of terrorism around the globe for nearly four decades, Iran, is reaching for nuclear weapons, and as we turn our back on our top ally, Israel, in their front-lines war on terror.
American also faces a spiritual crisis which is resulting in a serious and dangerous moral decline leading to extremely high rates of crime, rape, and murder. America now leads the world in approximately 32 BAD categories, including incarceration, rape, murders, teen pregnancy, and STD infection, just to name a few. Did you know America has more annual murders than the entire European Union, Iran, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Cuba, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia combined?
Lastly, America is also admist a related and deadly suicide crisis, with suicide being a top 10 killer in our country, and as more than twenty-two veterans and several active duty soldiers either killing themselves or trying daily because Obama would rather send money to terrorists than take care of our own soldiers. Studies have shown that 9/10 of the top irreligious countries have the highest suicide rates, while 9/10 of religious countries have the lowest.
If Obama actually thinks the State of our Union is STRONG right now, this just tells me he is either delusional, or an idiot, or deliberately deceiving the American people.
You think I am over reacting about these problems? I think you are under reacting.
Obama's top Accomplishments
- according to others
- according to others
1. Healthcare reform - Actually ending the coverage of millions and forcing them to pay higher premiums while destroying the private industry and forcing everyone to depend on the government is not reform. It's mafia style takeover. Not to mention, a direct healthcare tax is a violation of my freedom.
2. Passed the Stimulus - Since this stimulus never went to those who needed it, and instead was nothing more than a trillion dollar political slush fund, this is not an accomplishment so much a disturbing display of stupidity, corruption, and cronyism.
3. Passed Wall Street Reform because of the "Great Recession.' Well since the petro dollar is on it's way out which means the dollar is not far behind and we are 18k trillion in debt as Obama refuses to balance the budget this accomplishment is nothing more than political showmanship and doesn't mean diddley squat.
4. Ended war in Iraq - Actually, we are right back in Iraq.
5. Eliminated Bin Laden - Well 1.) we never saw the body. The fact that Bin Laden was mysteriously disposed of instead of a trial like Saddam definitely cast suspicion on the hole operation but regardless, 2.) this had nothing to do with Obama.
6. Turned around auto-industry - Sorry, but GM and Chrysler do not make up the auto-industry and using taxpayer dollars to bail out negligent companies that deserve to collapse is criminal and cronyism, and proves that corporations run the government and can do whatever they want, including stealing our taxpayer dollars to fund their stupidity.
Forbes: The Real Unemployment
Forbes: The Real Story of Job Creation
Forbes: Obamanomics Not Working
Lastly, never has a president been buried in so many lies, or scandals. Frighteningly, the press seems to be either completely oblivious, or bought out. Scandals, lies, and even treasonous activities are either barely mentioned or completely ignored. For example, mainstream media remained silent as Obama bypassed Congress to literally arm, finance, and release terrorists. Furthermore, mainstream media seems to have no problem that Obama is turning against our top ally in their war on terror. Even more disturbingly, mainstream media has been ignoring the fact that Obama has placed numerous terrorist supporters (Muslim Brotherhood) in the White House. Since mainstream media remains unwilling to report on many events involving our president, many Americans remain clueless about what is going on in this country. Which is why I find it important to shine a light on this dark topic. Below is a list of lies, scandals, and facts for your interest. Based on the evidence below, Obama is guilty of treason, and has terminated his legitimacy as president and leader of this country. Unfortunately, we must endure this puppet until someone with balls arrests this traitor.
List of lies and scandals - just a few
- IRS Scandal - The IRS has been found guilty in targeting Obama's enemies including conservatives, tea-party members, and even threatening and intimidating Churches. The IRS chief and others have been caught lying and withholding information. Update: Louis Lerner, responsible for 'losing' key emails has now resigned.
- Benghazi Scandal - Obama repeatedly lied throughout this investigation, failed to protect Americans in danger even when warned, and then used the event to attack Americans further. In a cache of documents released as a result of Judicial Watch's successful FOIA lawsuit, it was clear that Obama knew right away that the attack on Benghazi was a terrorist attack, yet Obama attacked free speech, a YouTube video. Before the attack Ambassador Stevens made it very clear through various documents he was concerned about safety and deteriorating security, yet white house officials try to say he turned down security. Worse yet, no aid whatsoever was sent during the 7 hour attack, and according to U.S. diplomat deputy Gregory Hicks, special forces were turned down because 'they did not have authorization.' White house officials said no military resources were available, but a jet could have easily been scrambled for a fly over and saved American lives. The attack came only several months before Obama's reelection admidst his claims that he had "Al Quada on the run," and Obama would have looked like an idiot if the true nature of the terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11 had been known.
- Obama Cronyism scandals -
- Now counting 5 firms that have filed for bankruptcy after being infused by Obama with hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars, including Solyndra, a key Obama donor. Solyndra alone sucked up $535 million. The bad news of Solyndra was found to have been held off until after mid term elections. Obama has invested in 31 other energy companies that are ALL failing.
- The stimulus was a lie and huge fraud and nothing more than a political slush fund with little accountability. Obama promised "help for those hardest hit by our economic crisis" and for shovel ready jobs, but those that needed the money the most did not get it. D.C. was the biggest recipient. 75% of the money went to Obama supporters like Solyndra.
- Obama promised to deliver unemployment rates below 6% yet the true unemployment rate hovers around 13%.
- Illegal ObamaCare / Lie - "if you like you're plan, you can keep it." -Obama. Everyone knows now that this was a straight up lie now. Millions have been getting cancellations because their policies are not up to Obama's 'standards.' And besides, a mandatory healthcare tax is another burdensome tax and a violation of our freedom. Why aren't we striving for a free healthcare system instead of burying this people in 'mandatory taxes?'
- Attacking our 1st Amendment rights and the freedom of press -
- The department of justice has tapped scores of lines at the Associated Press with the Attorney General admitting he is not sure how often records are seized, while prosecuting the whistleblower in regards to North Korea, as well as the chief Washington correspondent for reporting what the whistleblower told him
- Calling James Rosen a criminal while intimidating and investigating him for reporting government secrets
- Attempting to prosecute Edward Snowden for his leak of illegal government spying programs.
- NSA Scandal - NSA was used illegally to spy and gather data on tens of millions of Americans, including Congress, and others around the world. Edward Snowden, who revealed this crime, is now hiding for this life. Find out more here: Forbes.com/NSA
- Seal Team Six Assassinations - 3 months after news was negligently leaked by idiot Joe Biden linking Seal Team 6 with the capture of Bin Laden, 22 members of Seal Team six were placed together in an old, slow moving helicopter built in the 1960's, without any planning, preparation, or pre-assault fire, and no support, and were sent into the middle of a battle where they were shot down by a 'lucky' Taliban rocket. The black box was 'lost' and the bodies were immediately cremated. The families have gone public with their concerns about many questions remaining unanswered and many inconsistencies and contradictions with the explanations provided and are demanding an investigation blaming the Obama administration with at least partial responsibility. The families were told that there was no pre-assault fire because our administrations goal is to win the hearts and minds of our enemy which indicates our enemies are more important to our leaders than the heroes sacrificing everything for this country. According to several commanders, none of the previous 400 special forces missions were unescorted. The 7 Afghans that died were no on the manifest which means there was a last minute switch. FYI: Special forces are one of our most valuable 'on-the-ground' assets trained to a tune of over a million dollars. They only train and use top-notch, new, state-of-the-art equipment. Everything about this operation screams a set-up. At the very least, this administration is guilty of gross criminal negligence worthy of impeachment.
- Fast & Furious Scandal - In 2009, ATF launched one of the dumbest strategies recorded in history by illegally selling thousands of dangerous weapons to dangerous criminals (Mexican drug cartel). In December of 2010, those weapons were used to kill at least one border patrol agent. Top administration officials first lied about the existence of such a program, including Attorney General Holder, who has since resigned. In 2011, ABC and NBC never even mentioned the scandal once on their evening shows demonstrating once again a media either bought out or completely favoring the Obama administration so much so as to not even bother reporting negative news. Even CBC barely touched this scandalous story.
- Illegal immigration and Lies - Obama immigration Lies
Now check out these 10 Facts
1.) Obama recognizes Terrorists (Hamas) as legitimate partner.
2.) Obama has been continually sending our tax dollars to terrorists, even bypassing Congress recently to send foreign aid to Palestinians (Hamas). In April of 2012, and again in July of 2014, Obama has sent a total of almost 200 million to Hamas, and 1.5 billion to the Muslim Brotherhood immediately after they took power in Egypt. For anyone that is unfamiliar with the Muslim Brotherhood, here is there five-part slogan: "Allah is our objective; the Qur'an is the Constitution; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; death for the sake of Allah is our wish."
3.) Obama vetoed Congress to release five dangerous Taliban commanders and terrorists in exchange for one traitor.
4.) Obama bypasses terrorist law in order to arm terrorists last year.
5.) Obama is turning against top ally Israel by...
- Pressuring Israel to divide her land with open terrorists. Ironically this is called a 'peace deal' but only an idiot actually thinks that dividing Israel's land with terrorists will bring peace, especially when these terrorists have openly declared their intent to destroy Israel. Israel's old borders are indefensible, this is why Israel will not go back. Once again, either Obama is an idiot, or he is engaging in subtle warfare against Israel.
- Threatening to withhold support if Israel launches a preemptive attack (which might be necessary for their survival, particularly considering Iran who is pursuing nuclear weapons and threatening to destroy Israel)
- Reducing Aid - Israel stands on the front lines of war; they need our support more than ever.
- Threatening Israel with isolation, and international boycotts if a Israel-Palestinian accord is not soon reached.
6.) Obama has placed six Muslim Brotherhood (terrorist) supporters in key leadership positions, and has been inviting these terrorists to the White House. Check out Mohamed Alibiary. He is an open Muslim Brotherhood support and is now on the Advisory Council of Homeland Security. *Update- Mohamed Alibiary just resigned after controversial and offensive tweets supporting radical Islam.
7.) Obama is pressuring Egypt to stop the executions of terrorists.
8.) Obama's complete failure on ISIS.
- Ignored warnings concerning ISIS for years.
- Underestimated ISIS, referred to them as junior varsity, and now blames others.
- ISIS captured Syria's largest oil field on July 3rd yet Obama did nothing.
- Reports came out end of July estimating ISIS making approximately 3 million a day from black market sale of oil yet Obama did nothing.
- ISIS captures Iraq oil field on August 3rd yet Obama did nothing.
- In August reports from Iraq of mass beheadings, killings, rape, and abductions emerged yet Obama did nothing.
- James Foley was executed on August 19th yet Obama did nothing.
- Steven Sotloff was executed September 2nd yet Obama did nothing.
- ISIS makes millions every day, yet all Obama does is authorize airstrikes...
- Obama STILL has not secured our border.
- Reports indicate ISIS still advancing which begs the question; what the heck are we really doing over there. Are you telling me our air-force cant keep some towel heads from moving around? If they are still advancing, this further suggests the air-strikes are nothing more than a show of force while ISIS is allowed to grow while making millions every day.
- We can easily take back these oil fields with small elite forces and strong air support. It does not take a genius to figure out what to do. Stop their income flow! We don't need a full invasion. It is obvious Obama is either stalling or an idiot which is another sign that he is either a traitor or unfit for leadership. Watch as Obama continues to softly and slowly step and put on a show. Based on all the above and all the below, any action he takes now is highly likely nothing more than political 'showmanship.' If Obama was really concerned about our country and this threat then he would immediately secure our borders.
9.) Important records or links to Obama's past have been either sealed off, or lost including school records, medical records, birth records, passport records, and even early legislative records from his early Senate years. Everywhere one looks into Obama's past one finds websites scrubbed, documents altered, and deception and unanswered questions. No parents, no family. It also appears Obama has multiple identities in terms of possessing multiple social security numbers. His autobiographical books appears to be nothing more than PR stunts having nothing much to do with actual events in his life and contain great gaps and even proven fabrications. Obama has been caught giving contradictory accounts of his history. His hidden past is the smoking gun of deception. The fact that a former Jr. senator with no political accomplishments ever became president in the first place should have raised red flags for many.
10.) Obama has strong personal Muslims connections.
- Child of Muslims. Obama's Grandfather and Father were Muslims
- Obama's middle name, Hussein, explicitly proclaims him a born Muslim
- We know from at least the ages of 6 to 10 Obama lived in a Muslim country, Indonesia and was registered as a Muslim.
- Obama's former mentor and pastor is a former Muslim and seemingly anti-American with recent terrorist connections. In 1984, Wright was one of the inner circle that traveled with Farrakhan to visit Libyan strongman Col. Muammar Khadafy. The ostentatious Farrakhan junket came at a time when Khadafy had been identified as the world’s chief financier of international terrorism, including the Black September group behind the Munich Olympics massacre. Reverend Wright’s hate speeches are a glimpse of someone who has blended Nation of Islam and Black Nationalist Liberation Theology into a subversive Christianity.
- Obama speaks to Muslims audiences as a fellow believer
- Here is great link revealing Obama's strong Muslim past and ties and inconsistencies - Obama's Muslim Past
So Let's Recap:
- Obama has strong Muslim past, still talks like a Muslim, and records are missing or unavailable.
- Obama breaks the law and partners with terrorist group (Hamas).
- Obama breaks the law and bypasses Congress to finance several terrorist groups (Hamas & Muslim Brotherhood).
- Obama breaks the law and veto's everyone to release five dangerous terrorists.
- Obama breaks the law and bypasses Congress to arm terrorists.
- Obama turns against strongest and best ally on front-lines in war against common enemy.
- Obama places Muslim Brotherhood (terrorist) supporters in White House.
- Obama pressures Egypt NOT to execute terrorists.
- Obama ignores, then stalls, and then puts on a show with airstrikes against ISIS all the while letting them make millions every day, grow, and recruit.
Now YOU know why even political leaders are calling Obama an 'Islamist.' It does not take a genius to connect the dots and see Obama for who he really is. Maybe he is just completely naive, but I think we all know that's not true. It's a dark time in American history when leaders are openly engaged in the support of terrorists and many are so completely brainwashed or ignorant that any attempt to point out the facts is met with ferocious and immature attack. Even more disturbing is the fact that mainstream media seems to be completely ignoring these issues, or if major news outlets report these stories they disappear afterwards. It comes as no surprise to me that the only ones supporting Obama are the gullible idiots who get all of their information from the television. It takes little time to verify the information I present before you today. For those already forming misconceptions in their tiny little heads, let me clarify something for you: No, I am not a Republican either. Both Bush and Obama have destroyed my faith in the mainstream political parties. To be fair, there are just as many brainwashed Republicans who still fail to see Bush for the liar and corrupt political player he was. Make no mistake, Bush was caught in many lies, and most everyone now knows Iraq was about oil. Bush = Big Oil; Iraq = Oil. I am constantly amazed at the inability of many to connect dots. Hopefully you can connect the dots I have laid out before you above.
Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Obama is aiding terrorists, and this is grounds for treason and impeachment. It's time someone made a citizen's arrest.
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