This Page
towards those still confused
by the attacks on
September 11, 2001
First, let me say that for awhile, after the attacks of 9/11, I was a Bush supporter and even joined the military right after. Although, I will admit that I was not really following politics and the primary reason I joined the Army was for college money. During my eight years in the Army, which included a year in Iraq, it was the stark contrast between reality and the picture portrayed by mainstream media that turned me into an avid activist, analyst, reader, and researcher and it was not long until I saw Bush for the greedy political player and liar he was. After realizing we had been lied into Iraq, I began to question 9/11, and I was completely shocked by what I found. It was my evolved political and religious views that led to my departure from the military. I am ashamed not only at what we did, but the fact that I was stupid enough to blindly follow. It is for my brothers and sisters still in, and potential recruits everywhere, that I write hoping to wake some up to the truth. Don't take my word for it. Do your own research. I am very stubborn and critical, and I disowned the very first soldier who pointed me towards the path of truth. So I totally understand skepticism; it's healthy and a sign of intelligence. Now, let me also point out that history is full of examples, even in our own country, where leaders falsified information in order to push an agenda or war. We now know Bush repeatedly lied about many things, including Iraq while we were in Afghanistan. This is common knowledge for those in touch with politics, however, if this is news to you then I suggest doing your own research. There are plenty of YouTube videos exposing the lies of Bush. Secondly, it is worth noting that the only ones who still believe the accepted mainstream story of 9/11 today are those who have done very little research, if any. Today, less then half of Americans now buy into the official story; 46% to be exact.
Now, the mainstream story about the 9/11 attacks is that terrorists hijacked airplanes and then crashed into the Word Trade Towers causing their collapse. The problem is that this story is so full of holes it couldn't hold water, and in fact an overwhelming abundance of evidence suggests a different story. Critics always ask for a source of proof, but if corruption or evil were so obvious as to be able to simply point to a 'proof' or source then we would be able to stop said evil or corruption. As with any intelligent crime, one must examine the whole picture and piece together clues in order to catch the criminal. And when one examines all of the evidence, eye-witnesses, video-footage, and everything else that occurred before, during, and after 9/11, the conclusion that everyone is drawing conflicts with the official story and does not point to cave hiding towel-heads across the world. Now one of the primary reasons many cannot or refuse to believe that 9/11 was an inside job is because they cannot or refuse to believe that our government had anything to do with the attacks. And they are exactly right. It is a misconception to think 9/11 'truthers' are blaming our government. Now before we get into that, let me tell you why I believe it is obvious enough that I can say without the shadow of a doubt, the utmost confidence, that 9/11 was an inside job.
- First and foremost, there is literally no way either of those over-engineered towers could have perfectly collapsed simply from the damage incurred by the supposed airplanes even with the assistance of the jet fuel, and anyone who disagrees simply does not know what they are talking about or has likely been bought out by corrupt leaders attempting to bury the truth.
- The jet fuel could not have caused the large pools of molten steel found on ground zero.
- Eyewitnesses testify to multiple explosions seen and heard concurrent with controlled demolition.
- Numerous video footage reveals numerous explosions, including the base of one tower before collapse and down the towers during collapse which is consistent with controlled demolition.
- Evidence and pictures reveal steal beams were tampered with.
- People were warned and held from work the day of the incident, including numerous public leaders warned from flying.
- Firefighters were recalled from the incident right before the collapses
- NORAD, (North American Aerospace Defense Command) had been training for this exact type of scenario for several years and were actually in the middle of an exercise during the supposed hijackings, yet leaders acted like this attack was unthinkable and unforeseen. NORAD leaders were repeatedly caught lying and changing stories. Why didn't they do their job? Because it eventually came out that they were warned with plenty of time to react. Were they intentionally confused while training for that exact scenario? NORAD
- The mysterious cover-up and conflicting reports involving WTC 7
- The conflicting reports concerning the hijackers, including several still alive, passports magically surviving, speedy passport process, etc.
- Bin Laden denied involvement with the attacks,and was in the hospital for kidney problems, not the command center you would expect from a mastermind terrorist attacking the most powerful country in the world. Terrorists always almost immediately claim responsibility for attacks like a third finger salute.
- While all flights were grounded immediately after 9/11, family members of Bin Laden were allowed to fly out.
- Record number of 'put' options (speculation of stock to fall) on 'American' and 'United' airlines, and only those airlines, on the days preceding the attacks despite a report the previous day stating stocks were set to fly. The fact that a report was issued about those specific stocks set to fly the day before the attacks is very suspicious.
- Former German CIA director wrote a best seller "9/11: CIA Coup" publishing his conclusion that 9/11 was a staged event; including former Italian president and Italian supreme court
- Six of the ten 9/11 Commissioners coming out with their conclusion of an inside job.
- 9/11 led us into Afghanistan, which after more lies led us into Iraq, which we now know was about oil. Since Bush represented 'Big Oil' it's not hard to connect the dots.
- Many political and military leaders, as well as architects and engineers all know 9/11 was an inside job
Now don't think I have not arrived at my own independent conclusions because of that last point, because my point is that the '9/11 conspiracy' involves mostly educated and intelligent people. It's actually a sign of intelligence to question everything. Only an idiot accepts everything blindly.
At the bottom I have linked useful videos containing more information and evidence for your interest and own research. I strongly encourage you to read them as you find time.
Does this mean I think our government had anything to do with the attacks?
Not at all.
I believe it is most likely that none of them knew anything, except maybe Bush. Bush could have easily been lied to which led him to lie to us, although Bush was caught in outright lies indicating his own part in the cover-up. Although all the evidence points towards a lie and cover-up, there is no concrete proof pointing towards who really did it. But if we connect the dots, there is one very likely conclusion: those who benefited from the war - the same men who own the major oil and defense corporations. Immediately after the attacks, one defense corporation's profits rose over two hundred million after legislation in congress was passed authorizing new weapon production. Before the attacks this legislation was about to be veto'ed. After the attacks, private and defense contracts supporting our military reaped in trillions of dollars, and the profits oil companies stand to gain with the monopoly on Iraq's oil production over the next two decades will be in the trillions. Technically since the true owners of these companies are foreigners, 9/11 was not an inside job, but it was a staged event in order to push us into Iraq. We are taking about businessmen from the 1% who view themselves as gods and look at people outside their circles like dumb sheep. What's a few thousand lives compared to the trillions they stood to profit, and the foothold this enabled us in the Middle East, one of the last 'frontiers' for our vast Empire. Money and power is their god. History demonstrates the continual rise of Hitlers and Stalins, with many alive even today in countries like Iran, Syria, N. Korea, China, Russia, etc. We know our government has been corrupted and bought out by "Big Business.' One would have to be pretty naive to think there are not others behind major corporations manipulating events for profit. Like "Big Pharma' often mass distributing untested 'medicine' that causes more problems and leads to more medicine and medical care. Like adding a mercury based ingredient into vaccines which is turning 1/68 babies ending up with some type of autism and 1/33 babies born with some type of disorder into regular medical patients for life.
Well, please check out the links and videos below, and be sure to check out my other blogs and pages and let me know if I can improve your reading experience in any way. I do research so you don't have to. I know most people don't have time to really research the truth of things today. But know that any information I put out is supported by numerous independent sources and passes my own very critical and analytic mind. It's obvious to me 9/11 was a cover up. And Obama is no different than Bush with his own scandals and cover-ups. (Please read my Obama page) But before we can change things, we must know the truth. So help spread the truth and +1 this post.
Thanks for reading!
Well, please check out the links and videos below, and be sure to check out my other blogs and pages and let me know if I can improve your reading experience in any way. I do research so you don't have to. I know most people don't have time to really research the truth of things today. But know that any information I put out is supported by numerous independent sources and passes my own very critical and analytic mind. It's obvious to me 9/11 was a cover up. And Obama is no different than Bush with his own scandals and cover-ups. (Please read my Obama page) But before we can change things, we must know the truth. So help spread the truth and +1 this post.
Thanks for reading!
Check these videos out:
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