
While Jesus lived a life serving, helping, teaching, and healing others, Muhammad was a hypocritical lying murderer.  While Christianity was birthed despite persecution, Islam was born using persecution and violence.  Islam proponents may point to a violent history in the now Catholic Church, but this defense completely fails because it ignores the fundamental difference between Christianity and Islam.  Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus who taught love, peace, and forgiveness.  Anyone committing murder is clearly violating the teachings of Jesus and Christianity.  The Quran, however, clearly calls for war or 'Jihad' against unbelievers 164 times.  A study of these texts plainly reveals a physical life or death fighting, not a mental struggle as some idiots or liars would have you believe.  If we look around today, Christians are not going around killing people, Muslims are.  Even though some Muslims may wish Islam to be a religion of peace, the truth is that true Islam is not.  If one wishes for a peaceful religion, one need look elsewhere other than Islam.  Out of the 50 worst nations for persecution, 37 of them are Muslim.  And out of the ten most dangerous countries in the world, eight of them are ran by Muslims.  According to the Quran, the 'radical' Muslims are the true Muslims, because they are simply following orders.  Any peaceful Muslims would actually be the true radical Muslims, because they are literally are going against the Quran.  But actually, I would submit that any peaceful Muslims are not true Muslims, because they are denying the book and leader Islam is built upon.  And as Muhammad proved, any peaceful claims are simply covert warfare until such time as domination can achieved.

Interestingly, the most free and prosperous countries today, and in history, were founded and exist on Judeo-Christian principles - Israel & America.  The only truly free country in the ancient Middle East is the newly formed Israel.  While the vast majority of Muslim countries drown in poverty, the people of Israel flourish.  While the vast majority of Muslim countries lag behind the world in almost every single category, Israel is leading the world in dozens of categories already, including technology, education, and medical.  In Israel, Muslims are tolerated, but in Muslim ran countries, non-Muslims are killed.  Muslims scream for tolerance, but when we look at Muslim ran countries, there is zero tolerance.  There is a very grave danger and cancer growing in this world, worse than Hitler.  And knowledge is the first step in defending against this threat.  Stop believing everything you hear, and do your own research.

Below we read in the Quran where Muhammad teaches the beating of their women:

"Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion [committing a religious sin], admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.
—Qur'an , [Quran 4:34 

The truth is not what we are being led to believe.   "And kill them wherever you find them," - Muhammad (Quran 2:191-193)
Check out this very good video below:

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