to face the cold, hard
In fact, it's actually much worse than many know...
In fact, it's actually much worse than many know...
Today, there are only two 'good' categories America leads the world in: foreign aid, and missionaries sent. Sadly, America is also the number one recipient of missionaries. And the fact that our leaders are borrowing money to send money overseas, especially to terrorists, is another testament to the astounding stupidity prevalent in White House leadership today. And unfortunately, the 'bad' list is not so short. Judging by the ever growing ginormous eighteen trillion dollar debt we continue to ignore and roll back, as our dollar literally only hangs now by a thread, while we continue spending like there's no tomorrow, one could legitimately argue that we lead the world in financial and economic stupidity. Today, we have more enemies than friends, with many even in Europe viewing our leaders as idiots akin to Hitler, as we repeatedly arm terrorists and then invade them, and drop two thousand pound bombs on country after country, while maintaining over six hundred bases and military personnel in over one hundred and thirty different countries. Worse yet, after thirteen years and trillions of dollars in our "war on terror,' with an even more dangerous enemy emerging, we have still failed to do the very first thing we should have done, secure our borders! Link:United States Empire
The situation is so bad that not only are dozens of our war heroes literally taking their own lives every single day or trying, but suicide is a top ten killer in our country! For several years now, more than two dozen veterans and several soldiers every single day have been either choosing suicide to escape or trying. It's so bad even Peter Pan just recently killed himself! Things are so bad now that approximately 20% of the population is on an anti-depressant (if you include marijuana), 25% are on five or more prescription drugs, 50% are on several, and 70% are on at least one type of prescription drug. Link: --> America on Drugs From 2001 to 2007, America lost 2.3 million jobs, and whereas 146 million Americans were working in 2007, only 144 million are working today. Considering the U.S. population grew over thirty million since 2001, these facts illustrate a very bleak and failing economic picture. In 2017, Social Security is set to pay out more than it garners in revenue, and there is currently over 200 trillion in legal government unfunded liabilities to it's people. With countries such as Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, and others now circumventing the petro-dollar, our own dollar has not long to live.
Countries like Germany, Brazil, Turkey, Scotland, Norway, Greece, France, Finland, Denmark, and Argentina all offer free higher education, while our government turns students into slaves through debt by handing mortgage size loans out like candy. And in a tremendous act of stupidity, considering the recent bursting of the housing bubble, an even bigger college-loan bubble is being created. Even worse, our education continues to slide farther down lowering our ranking today to 36th in the world. Also according to the World Health Organization, the United State's healthcare system is ranked a dismal 37th, with many going broke pursuing critical care. America is not even ranked in the list of top ten 'best countries to live in' anymore, and is now ranked 12th in freedom. As of 2015 an estimated 10,000 Americans have abandoned ship since Obama took office. **In Qatar, electricity, water, healthcare, and communication lines are free.
Every Hour in America there are twelve rapes, four suicides, and one murder.
Every Day:
- There are 288 rapes. In 2013 there were more than 105,000 forced rapes. Rape in America
- At least forty Americans are murdered (A total of 14,827 Americans were murdered in 2012. We have more annual murders than the entire European Union, Iran, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Cuba, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia combined)
- Twenty-one die from HIV (AIDS)
- Ninety-one die in traffic accidents, including twenty-eight in drunk driving accidents (Our annual societal cost of traffic accidents is nearly three hundred billion a year)
- Approximately one hundred and eight commit suicide while around two thousand try
- Around two thousand three hundred go missing every day
Every Year in America there are nearly twenty million new cases of sexually transmitted disease infections, including approximately fifty thousand HIV (AIDS) infections which has killed around 650,000 Americans so far, and costs taxpayers nearly sixteen billion in direct medical costs. Because infections can persist for a long time, especially in people who aren't aware they are infected, the number of existing infections at any given time is actually much higher according to CDC researchers. Link: Hidden STD Epidemic
- 23% of American households have a networth under $9,999
- The real unemployment rate is around 13%
- A quarter of our children either live in poverty or are on food stamps.
- 20% of American households, and more than 1 out of every 7 Americans, are on food stamps.
- A third of adults are obese, while an estimated fifty million Americans face hunger.
- Even worse, the equivalent of $165 billion dollars, roughly seventy billion pounds, of edible food is thrown out every year.
- And while over three million Americans now experience or are in danger of experiencing homelessness, almost nineteen million homes sit abandoned across the country, because God forbid these greedy, filthy rich bankers lose a few bucks.
Even worse, we are not even truly free anymore in America, and debt creation is turning us into slaves. I could be thrown in jail for medicating myself with a natural medicinal herb. My land could be taken by the government if they desired. The military draft proved we are 'property' in the eyes of the government. We are forced to pay illegal and unconstitutional taxes at every single turn, including the income tax, land tax, healthcare tax, and numerous transportation taxes (registration, tags, insurance). One cannot even get a job anymore without having to pay for an I.D. And it is completely obvious that our government has been bought out by 'big business.' Why do you think congressmen are multi-millionaires, while the average citizen struggles unemployed, or underemployed, or working numerous crappy jobs just to pay the bills. Why do you think jobs were ever allowed to be outsourced in the first place? Why do you think we are forced to buy cheap, foreign made products that often break immediately. Why do you think Congress is seemingly so unproductive? Why do you think a natural, medicinal plant was ever banned? Why do you think we are still using the same, dirty, inefficient, combustible engine over a century later! Why do you think we are forced to pay outrageous fees for communications (cellphone/internet)? Why do you think non-lethal defenses or not being commercialized? Why do you think we are not pushing towards true economic and energy independence as a country? Why do you think government took over education, and is trying to take over healthcare? It's all about the money! The greatest threat towards evil is a free, independent, and intelligent man. This is why the Sovereign Citizens are labeled domestic terrorists. Technically, we were all created equal and all are sovereign citizens. But another Hitler is emerging behind the scenes, and this new Hitler views himself as a King, and we, his subjects.
Although many are finally starting to realize that Iraq was about oil, and that 9/11 was a lie, many still remain in the dark or in denial. However, the only ones calling it a 'conspiracy theory' are those who don't really know much except what they see on TV, or those who have been bought out to bury the truth. Most know Bush repeatedly lied and represents 'Big Oil,' and Iraq has the worlds 5th largest oil reserves, so to think we should blindly accept the 'story' of 9/11 is absolutely ludicrous. Link: CNN:War for Oil Regardless of what you believe, we have now spent over twenty years fighting pointless wars between Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, casting away tens of thousands of heroes and trillions of dollars for NOTHING! Well, the oil, defense, and private corporations, like Halliburton, profited trillions, but the American people are now weaker, spending money we don't have, making more enemies than friends, and our borders still remain unsecured! The spirit of Hitler has manifested itself again through ISIS, yet Obama stalls, seemingly indecisive, while this evil grows and recruits. Every day, ISIS is making millions through the black market sales from the oil fields they have secured. Outrageously, Obama has literally been buried in scandals after scandal, yet nothing is done. Even worse, Obama has repeatedly committed acts of treason, literally supporting terrorists, yet the media seems bought out and remains silent. And just when you think it can't get any worse, you learn that Obama has been appointing Muslim Brotherhood (terrorist) supporters in government. Whether these treasonous acts were committed deliberately or out of sheer stupidity remains yet to be determined, yet the majority of Americans remain clueless or do nothing. Please read my "Obama' page via the right-hand link on the home page.
America now leads the world in at least 32 bad categories:
- Those abandoning ship (approximately 10k since Obama)
- Rape
- Incarceration
- Reported murders
- Total crimes
- Car thefts
- Most laws
- motor vehicle death rate
- Government waste
- Healthcare costs
- Obesity
- Most expensive place to have a baby
- Television watched
- Divorce rate
- Teen pregnancy
- STD infection rate
- Porno production
- Sitting in traffic
- (4 in 1) National/Student loan/Mortgage/Credit card debt
- Money given to fake charities
- Plastic surgery performed
- Anxiety disorders
- Mental disorders
- Percentage of women on anti-depressants
- prescription drug consumption
- Illegal drug use
- Number of protesters that chant “Hail Satan” while cheering on the murder of innocent babies
- Military spending (7x more than any nation; more than China, Russia, Japan, India, & the rest of NATO combined)
- Weapons exporting
- Energy use per person
- Foreign military bases
- Most complicated Tax system
Here are some more American statistics:
- 49th in life expectancy
- 178th in infant mortality
- 7th in literacy
- 13th in starting a business
- 12th in economic freedom
- 47th in press freedom
- 24th in perceived honesty
- 13th in quality of life
- 169th in growth rate
- 103rd in unemployment rate
- 148th growth by GDP
There is something seriously wrong when we are right nearby North Korea and Egypt in Growth by GDP... Although, it is not just a coincidence that we are right next to the UK in GDP, with both countries leading the world in debt, and both currencies on the verge of collapse. This supports something many have known, but many do not. Many know we fought for our independence as a country several times, including the Revolutionary War of 1775, and the War of 1812. What many have failed to realize is that the enemy did not simply give up, but became smarter, and started buying out political leaders including presidents, beginning with Woodrow Wilson. It was traitor Woodrow Wilson who was hired to sign into being the Federal Reserve, a foreign owned central bank, which lends our government money at interest, and thus the true owners and masters of our country. This is why our 17 trillion dollar debt is labeled 'external debt.' If this debt is called in, we are in danger of a hostile takeover, which is exactly what these wolves want. In 2015 we are slated to spend 252 billion dollars in interest towards the national debt alone. Abraham Lincoln and JFK both tried to warn us about the 'money powers,' and hopefully you know what happened to them.
"The money power preys upon the nation in time of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of our country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the republic is destroyed.” Abraham Lincoln
"Our great nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men...who necessarily, by very reason of their own limitations, chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom. We have come to be one of the worst rules, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world, no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction or vote of the majority but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.” Woodrow Wilson
“The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight.” JFK -Ten days before assassination-
Debt, is the new age slavery. If there is any hope for our country, we must see this. Think about it for a second. Was it simply astounding incompetence and stupidity that led to leaders in government taking over school-loans and handing them out like candy in a stalled economy, where jobs have been outsourced and true unemployment hovers around 13%, creating a potentially bigger bubble than the housing bubble not even a decade later? Or is there something else more subtle and sinister going on? In history, a common cause of slavery was the inability to pay debt. It's ancient wisdom:
"The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower becomes the lender's slave."
Proverbs 22:7
Now, the best way to rule is in the shadows, which is why an ancient proverbs states, "when the wicked rise, a man is hidden." (Proverbs 28:28) That way revolutions or impeachments only remove the puppets. Who is the man who owns the central banks in almost every country, including ours, and to whom almost every major country, including every European country, is in tremendous debt? What better way for corrupt evil leaders to rule than by turning everyone into slaves through debt? And I remind you, history proves there are always various forms of 'Hitler's' emerging. Think about how Egypt became one of history's first, global superpowers. A global famine forced everyone, even neighboring countries, to sell everything, including themselves, just to eat. Now we are headed towards a financial meltdown that could lead to a very similar scenario. If the dollar collapses, how will you buy food? 80% of citizens live in rural areas, and are dependent on the 'system.' 1/7 Americans are already dependent on the government for food via the food stamp program. And Obamacare is forcing everyone to depend on the government for healthcare. And guess what, due to food stamp fraud, government leaders are pushing for RFID tracking which might involve some type of invisible chip stamped onto recipients similar to a bar-code.
Do you really think leaders are so incredibly stupid to be continually throwing billions of dollars down holes? (Bailouts of negligent and irresponsible companies, economic stimuli, bad investments) Since 2008, an estimated 4 trillion has been thrown into the economy and nothing has changed. The crash was caused by irresponsible and negligent practices, and then these same crooks used the government and our tax dollars to bail themselves out. My blood boils just thinking about this outright corruption. Hopefully you don't really think this is just stupidity. These people represent, and are surrounded by, some of the brightest minds in this country. They know exactly what they are doing. Yes, the stimulus kept us from really crashing, but nothing was fixed. A real crash would have really hurt, but we would have been forced to really fix things. Is Obama a complete idiot to have infused hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars into five different companies that have since declared bankruptcy, with thirty-one others on the verge of collapse? It is gross negligence or stupidity that keeps kicking the debt ceiling up without any budget talks or plan? Or is our dollar deliberately being destroyed in order to set up a new global, electronic currency. I submit to you this is exactly what is happening, and I lay out a very obvious case in my page entitled, "Currency," which I strongly encourage you to read.
A free and independent people is a threat to a rising Hitler. Independent people cannot be controlled, they think for themselves, and they can turn into vigilante's, like 'Batman.' I believe this is why three leaders in the gun industry have all mysteriously been killed within thirty days of each other. If you did not know about this then please check out a recent blog of mine entitled, "Coincidence or Assassinations?" Dumb sheep are easy to control. Why do you think government took over education? Why do you think our economy has stalled? What do you think will happen when the money lenders decide to call in their debt? I'll tell you. We will essentially turn into slaves just to eat. If our currency collapses, the only money or jobs will come from those who own our government, the true money lenders, the true owners of the Federal Reserve. Although they will never reveal themselves, because a true mastermind always sets up a string of puppets.
"The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower becomes the lender's slave."
Proverbs 22:7
Now, the best way to rule is in the shadows, which is why an ancient proverbs states, "when the wicked rise, a man is hidden." (Proverbs 28:28) That way revolutions or impeachments only remove the puppets. Who is the man who owns the central banks in almost every country, including ours, and to whom almost every major country, including every European country, is in tremendous debt? What better way for corrupt evil leaders to rule than by turning everyone into slaves through debt? And I remind you, history proves there are always various forms of 'Hitler's' emerging. Think about how Egypt became one of history's first, global superpowers. A global famine forced everyone, even neighboring countries, to sell everything, including themselves, just to eat. Now we are headed towards a financial meltdown that could lead to a very similar scenario. If the dollar collapses, how will you buy food? 80% of citizens live in rural areas, and are dependent on the 'system.' 1/7 Americans are already dependent on the government for food via the food stamp program. And Obamacare is forcing everyone to depend on the government for healthcare. And guess what, due to food stamp fraud, government leaders are pushing for RFID tracking which might involve some type of invisible chip stamped onto recipients similar to a bar-code.
Do you really think leaders are so incredibly stupid to be continually throwing billions of dollars down holes? (Bailouts of negligent and irresponsible companies, economic stimuli, bad investments) Since 2008, an estimated 4 trillion has been thrown into the economy and nothing has changed. The crash was caused by irresponsible and negligent practices, and then these same crooks used the government and our tax dollars to bail themselves out. My blood boils just thinking about this outright corruption. Hopefully you don't really think this is just stupidity. These people represent, and are surrounded by, some of the brightest minds in this country. They know exactly what they are doing. Yes, the stimulus kept us from really crashing, but nothing was fixed. A real crash would have really hurt, but we would have been forced to really fix things. Is Obama a complete idiot to have infused hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars into five different companies that have since declared bankruptcy, with thirty-one others on the verge of collapse? It is gross negligence or stupidity that keeps kicking the debt ceiling up without any budget talks or plan? Or is our dollar deliberately being destroyed in order to set up a new global, electronic currency. I submit to you this is exactly what is happening, and I lay out a very obvious case in my page entitled, "Currency," which I strongly encourage you to read.
A free and independent people is a threat to a rising Hitler. Independent people cannot be controlled, they think for themselves, and they can turn into vigilante's, like 'Batman.' I believe this is why three leaders in the gun industry have all mysteriously been killed within thirty days of each other. If you did not know about this then please check out a recent blog of mine entitled, "Coincidence or Assassinations?" Dumb sheep are easy to control. Why do you think government took over education? Why do you think our economy has stalled? What do you think will happen when the money lenders decide to call in their debt? I'll tell you. We will essentially turn into slaves just to eat. If our currency collapses, the only money or jobs will come from those who own our government, the true money lenders, the true owners of the Federal Reserve. Although they will never reveal themselves, because a true mastermind always sets up a string of puppets.
Now, I hope you haven't gotten me wrong. I sacrificed eight years of my life in blood, sweat, and tears serving in both Korea and Iraq in the United States Army for this country. I WANT to love this country, and I WANT to be proud of this country. Unfortunately, right now neither is true. In fact, it makes me sick to even look around or think about it. The only way I can stay positive anymore is to just focus and trust in God. Without God, I would go crazy. Without God, I would have committed suicide, as a growing number are doing today. What really disgusts me more is to hear many today still foolishly and ignorantly proclaiming their pride in this country, at a time when we literally have almost nothing to be proud about. But this is the mindset of the culture we have been raised in. We have been brainwashed with a strong sense of patriotism and national pride that motivates us to literally blow the hell out of anyone with whom we have a problem. Interestingly enough, an ancient proverbs states that 'pride goeth before destruction...' (Proverbs 16:18) And it sure looks like we are headed for destruction. Now we can not expect to fix the problem when most are not even aware there is a problem, and so it is not only the purpose of this article not only to highlight the problems, but to offer a solution, a road-map to success. We can turn this country around. We can have a better future. But we need strong good leaders. Here it is what I would do if I were president:
1.) Erase/forgive ALL debt &
Shut Down the Federal Reserve.
Shut Down the Federal Reserve.
- This would immediately jump-start our economy. Those politicians and other leaders owned by the Federal Reserve and major corporations will do everything in possible to maintain control, including campaigns of lies, and even assassinations, so this would be a very dangerous move. But this is the first step towards true freedom and recovery. There is historical precedence in ancient times. The Hebrews would forgive all debts after seven years. It's time we had a reset. The only ones that will complain are the greedy, controlling bastards who are already so stinking rich that even their great, great grandchildren will never have to work. And who cares about them anyway because I can tell you that they aren't even American. They might hold citizenship here, but they also hold another citizenship, and their allegiance is elsewhere. These are the same men who own the central banks in Europe, and the major defense corporations that have been supplying both sides of every major conflict over the past century. So don't feel bad for them. They will be just fine. Let me repeat myself for those who did not know, the Federal Reserve is a foreign owned central banking system that is enslaving us, a system we came to America to escape. Without them there would be no need for an income tax. The income tax today goes towards the interest off the national debt, which only exists because we gave foreigners the power over our money and then borrow it from them. If you dont believe me then look it up. Read my "Fraudulent Federal Reserve' page via the right-hand link on the home page. Ron Paul and other leaders have been warning everyone about these bastards for years. We need to shut them down. As I mentioned earlier, John F. Kennedy warned us about them, ten days before he was assassinated.
2.) Balance Budget!
3.) Overhaul of Congress
- Downsize and overhaul military
- Shut down or hand over ALL foreign bases. We can easily work together with allies and be just as effective if need be.
- Eliminate nuclear arsenal. The first step towards making this world a better place is to get rid of nuclear weapons.
- Trim back research and development and military spending. Our R&D budget is @ 80 billion. *These 3 steps alone will save us trillions in just a few years.
- Redirect efforts towards developing non-lethal defenses and weaponry.
- 2.) Get government out of education and energy.
- Provide all government and state leaders with other incentives to include free living accommodations, including free food, transportation, and communications, in order to offset large salaries. Anyone serving a life of civil service should do so voluntarily, and should be given land until death where any children would take over, unless there were none, in which case land would be given back to the country. Those serving should only be doing so out of a pure desire to help, not for the elite, privileged lifestyle they have come to enjoy while the citizens they are supposed to be representing suffer and the real heroes go homeless.
- Cut off ALL foreign aid until economic recovery, except to Israel as they are on the front line in the war on terrorism. And even then, only what they really need in non-lethal support.
- End War on Drugs & Overhaul our prison system.
- Release all minor drug offenders and users
- End death penalty and life-sentencing. Create secure island or isolated land for all murders and rapists with mandatory ten year sentencing of hard labor for all found guilty. Force job training and employment so that criminals can be productive and not a drain on society. Prisons systems should be productive and profitable for society, not sucking up large resources and draining society.
3.) Overhaul of Congress
- Start over with a complete clean slate.
- Ensure better transparency.
- End bloated salaries, anonymous donations, gifts, foreign bank accounts, and corruption.
4.) Halt all imports
- Except for critical necessities, at least until economic recovery.
- This will immediately create several million jobs, and help jump-start our economy.
- I for one am sick of products shipped from China breaking immediately after being pulled from the box. We CAN make almost everything we need here. The only things we should be importing are exotic items such as fruits.
5.) Secure borders
6.) Free healthcare and education
- Our biggest threat is our unsecure borders.
6.) Free healthcare and education
- Is this not OUR world? Why are we having to enslave ourselves for these basic necessities?! To help make healthcare and education affordable, we can offer healthcare providers and educators incentives instead, like free living accommodations, including free food and vacations and communications.
7.) Free automated, 'green' transportation system
- Our first goal should be to develop this technology.
- Secondly, we should strive to provide everyone with their own transportation, or at least free transportation available for everyone.
- Automated, 'green' transportation would save us billions by eliminating many problems, particularly the hundreds of thousands of traffic accidents that occur every year.
- One of the ways we can accomplish this is by offering auto-makers incentives like free living accommodations, including free free food, and vacations.
8.) Free electricity, water, sewer, phone service, internet, and even food for everyone.
We could easily accomplish all the above. Of course it will take time. We can end debt creation. We can make at least healthcare and education free. In Qatar, citizens receive free healthcare, free water, free electricity, and free phone-lines. There are almost a dozen countries that do offer a free higher education. Why isn't America one of them?
We could easily accomplish all the above. Of course it will take time. We can end debt creation. We can make at least healthcare and education free. In Qatar, citizens receive free healthcare, free water, free electricity, and free phone-lines. There are almost a dozen countries that do offer a free higher education. Why isn't America one of them?
*Farmers, soldiers, and everyone else providing one of the above services can all be compensated in other ways, like free tax-free land, in order to make the above services free or more affordable. If we take care of these people, they wont need much money. If farmers were provided with everything needed, food prices would drop. If soldiers were given everything they needed or wanted, we could save millions on defense. If teachers and healthcare providers were taken care of so that they would not need money, we could easily create a better and free healthcare and education system. It's a sad day when those growing our food and defending this country are losing their land due to debt, or land tax, or other problems. Farmers should definitely be given tax exempt land, and free houses, and free everything else that they need!
This country is broke.
But we can fix it.
This is just one poor, humble veterans vision for a better America.
If we dont do something radical quick, we might lose it all.
If you agree then please share.
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