Saturday, February 21, 2015

Illegal Law

This is a compilation of illegal laws that violate our basic natural born God given freedoms, laws which I refuse to acknowledge whenever possible.

1.) Income tax laws. The income tax is technically unconstitutional as it is a direct tax that does not benefit us in any way. For the year 2015, America is slated to throw 252 billion dollars down the drain, the total income tax dollars collected, as this money is going towards nothing more than the interest off the national debt, which shouldn't even exist in the first place.

2.) Mandatory Insurance.  The auto insurance industry is an illegal scam industry taking money for services that are often never rendered.  Even worse, when services are needed either more money is demanded or help is refused.  Insurance should be optional, not mandatory.  A mandatory insurance that monetarily penalizes and restricts necessary transportation is an outrageous and grievous criminal enterprise for greed and control.  The mandatory health tax is also illegal.  Society should strive for free healthcare.

3.)  Gun laws restricting or hampering my ability to purchase and carry defense weapons are illegal. Laws requiring paperwork or permits are illegal.

4.) Cohabitation laws are illegal.

5.) Business laws. Any law attempting to regulate or restrict my business is illegal. The market will handle bad businesses itself. As a business owner, it is my right, and mine alone, as to who I hire, how much I pay, and with whom I do business.

6.) Marijuana laws. Any laws regulating or barring natural resources, nature, and especially plants are illegal, which means all marijuana laws are illegal.

7.)  Private property laws and tax. Any laws requiring utility hook-ups and barring or regulating off the grid establishments are illegal. Any laws about anything I do on or with my property are illegal.  This means laws enforcing building codes on private property are illegal. My property is my property and no one has the authority to tax it.

8.)  Draft or conscription laws are illegal. They were done away with, but could come back.

9.)  Imminent Domain is illegal. A man's land is his land, and no one else can step in and take that away.  Any man who steps on my land attempting to deprive me of life or liberty is engaging in the act of war.

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