Friday, May 9, 2014

Illusion of control

It is a common misconception 
that our fate is in our hands, but how can this be.  None of us chose to be born.  None of us chose the country we were born in.  None of us chose the family we were born into.  Nobody chose their parents, and thereby the DNA which molds and defines us.  None of us control the weather, or circumstances, or environment we are born into.  If you are born into a poor family, you can't afford school unless opportunity opens the door.  Life is all about opportunity and timing, neither of which are under our control.  Our looks, style, and taste is something we are born with, and both open and close the doors of opportunity.  If you are born with the right combination of disorders, you can't fit into society let alone hold a job.  Our passions, dreams, and desires are shaped by circumstances, environment, and our DNA.  One can have million dollar ideas but lack the opportunity to bring them to fruit.  We are all born with specific gifts and abilities, both of which specifically shape our future.  The future can change any second, as it is constantly and increasingly for many.  Think about those born in countries like North Korea, Iran, or Iraq, or other countries in Africa.  How much choice do they have over anything?   Think about those who have lost everything, several times over, from natural disasters such as Katrina or the powerful tornado that destroyed Joplin recently.  How many of them were control or safety freaks?  Two of the greatest men in history were born poor, Joseph and King David, but were thrust into greatness.   So none of us are truly in control of anything that matters, therefore, none of us are truly in control of our future.  Sure we make some choices, but those choices are limited and guided by pre-determined factors.  So are we really making that choice or was it some sort of pre-ordained path of destiny?
So we know control and even safety is an illusion.  Therefore, I daresay even choice is an illusion.

Paul says in Eph. 1:4,5 & 11 that we are "predestinated." 

Jesus says in John 6:44 that "no man can come to the Father, except the Father...draw him."

According to these 2 verses, we did not even make the most important decision of our life.  A study of the Old Testament history reveals that even in the bad God was in control and had a plan.  Case in point: Joseph and Judas.  Joseph was sold as a slave by his brothers, but it turned out this was exactly part of God's plan.  It was only because Joseph had become a slave in Egypt that he ended up falsely accused of something and then ended up in prison with Pharaoh's servants where he ended up interpreting a dream which led to interpreting Pharaohs dream which led to Pharaoh appointing Joseph in command above everyone which led to Joseph saving his entire family.  Concerning Judas, the whole reason Jesus came to Earth was to die as a sacrifice for our sins so there HAD to be a Judas.  Jesus even stated in John 14 "without me ye can do nothing."  In Psalms, David wrote, "the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord."  This means we can't even make good decisions without Him. and in fact when we are stepping right it is only because of the Lord.  David, Solomon, Isaiah, and Paul all taught us to simply 'wait' on the Lord.  This indicates God opens the doors of opportunity.  

So how can we really have free will if God is in control and has a plan and we are seemingly following a program laid out for us, a program built into our very DNA, where choices are limited and guided by our environment...

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