Government took over education
and look at us now...
a country full of idiots barely able to read or think for themselves believing everything the TV says.
If the majority of Americans at least claim to believe in God, why did they allow God to be thrown out of schools? So atheists get free schools teaching their “religion” of non-religion, but the majority is either forced to submit their children to this brainwashing or pay extra for a private school. And we are investing billions of tax dollars into a system with an average success rate of 55%. And since higher education is not geared towards the job market, only 46% of the '12-'13 college graduates are working full-time today.
Our basic education has been dumbed down so much in order to improve the 'success' rate that our kids are no longer learning much of anything except to regurgitate basic information as classrooms are jammed packed creating a student/teacher ratio so disproportionate that teachers have no time to assist individual students and even scores are curved to help pass those not learning. The dropping education levels and scores and the rising illiteracy rate is proof of this.
You are NOT doing your children any favors by placing them in this horrible, ignorant environment. It’s a sign of the times when MTV has a reality TV show called “16 and pregnant.” Although the sad reality is that the age is now 14 and dropping. Drugs are prevalent in most high schools now. Prom night is a glorified night for sex and alcohol abuse.
Many teachers are actually destroying our children with their horrible stupidity and influence.
If you have any values or morals whatsoever public schools are the absolute worst environment for your child. In 2010, around 75% of public schools where the scene of a violent crime, while 1/4 students were violently threatened, and 1/4 were actually assaulted. The argument that kids will grow up socially retarded or handicapped unless they go to a public school is ridiculous. Public schools kids are graduating both socially and mentally retarded. They are growing up socially retarded because they are growing up thinking that sleeping around, alcohol, smoking, and drugs are “cool.” They are growing up mentally retarded because many of them cannot even read or pass the military SAT equivalent to become a “bullet catcher.” There are plenty of other ways to teach children social skills besides throwing them at the hands of the public school system. I experienced both private and public schools and there is no doubt in my mind which is the better environment and educational experience. The scores speak for themselves. Atheists have hijacked our system and now look; teen-pregnancy, gangs, violence, and shootings run amuck.
I went to a public school my junior and senior year and I can tell you I learned almost nothing, but my previous school was so good that my recruiters were absolutely shocked when I almost maxed my military SAT equivalent. I scored 93% with a GT of 125 which means I had my pick of the jobs. 40% of potential recruits are either not passing or barely passing the threshold to join the Army.
I believe leaders are deliberately dumbing down citizens because a dumb sheep is easy to control and manipulate. Someone who thinks for himself will question and challenge stupidity and corruption. Do you think rich people put there kids in public schools? Hell no.Check out this link Below:
How Bad is Education in America
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