Saturday, December 27, 2014


History and archaeology are full of drawings, artifacts, paintings, carvings, and legends which overwhelmingly demonstrate that man and dinosaurs coexisted.  Yet, many today have been brainwashed into believing that dinosaurs existed millions of years ago.  Check out this video if this subject interests you.


Monday, December 1, 2014



Freedom, one of the most important words and concepts man can ever hope to comprehend. In fact, after God and Jesus, only love and forgiveness rank higher in importance.  Unfortunately today, there seems to be massive confusion regarding the definition and source of freedom, and so I feel obligated to shine a light on this topic. Therefore, it is the purpose of this blog to address three simple questions: what is freedom, how do we have freedom, and how does it apply today?  These are critical questions that everyone must understand, because failure to do so inevitably leads to the forfeiture of our basic freedoms, and, as history repeatedly shows, miserable enslavement. First, let us look at the origin of freedom.  Technically, the precedence for freedom was established six thousand years ago upon the Creation of man. Not only was man created as a free being, not as a slave, but man was given dominion over all the Earth directly by God to Adam. Therefore, as the sons and daughters of Adam, this Earth is ours through birthright.  Technically, this means we are all Sovereign Citizens, free men and women, and not the property of anyone, or any country, any government, or any other organization or institution.  As Sovereign citizens who inherited this Earth, we have true and complete freedom, so long as we are not harming anyone, or animals, or our home, Earth, and noone has any authority in between.  The basic definition of freedom as it applies to our topic of discussion is as follows:

-the state of being free, absent from coercion or constraint in choice or action.

So what does all that mean today, or, in other words, how does this apply to our daily lives? 

Being Sovereign Citizens means:.
  • Any form of slavery is illegal. (Direct taxes, military draft, mandatory insurance)  This means taxing my land and income is a form of slavery.  This means forcing a healthcare tax is a form of slavery, and any other mandatory insurance or tax is also a form of slavery.
  • We are free to travel. Any restrictions or fees to travel or cross borders is a violation of our God-given freedom.
  • This Earth is ours, and everything in it. This means our God-given freedom is to use or grow any plant we see fit. This means any restrictions or fees to use any natural plant is a violation of our God-given freedom.  This means it is our right to hunt or fish for food, and any restrictions or fees against such activities are a violation of our God-given freedom.
  • No one can take my specific plot of land away.  This means eminent domain is a violation of our God-given freedom.  This means I can do whatever I see fit on my land, regardless of building codes, or the wishes of others, so long as I am not harming the Earth.  This means I can paint my house any color I want, or let my grass grow as long as I want, or shoot fireworks up if I want, or grow any plant, or raise any animal.  This means that laws requiring any kind of utility hook-ups are illegal.
  •  I have the right to pursue any business or interest so long as no human or animal or Earth is affected adversely.  This means any regulation or red tape prohibiting me from doing business is a form of slavery and against my natural born God-given freedom.  Even if there is high crime in an area, does not mean leaders have the authority to regulate my business and force me to close down early.  This means sending S.W.A.T. teams to arrest unlicensed barbers is not only ridiculously stupid, but a violation of our basic freedom to earn money.  If I want to offer dentistry services in the privacy of my home, that is my right.  If someone does bad business and someone is hurt, then there should be ways of informing the people.  An informed people will not do business with an idiot.  A mistake does not authorize leaders to shut down a bad business, the market will handle that itself.
  • Any public charge by the state in between either marriage or divorce is a violation of common sense because marriage and divorce is between two people.  Charging a couple to update YOUR paperwork is not only ridiculous but a form of extortion.
  • Prison is a form of slavery and against our natural born freedom.  We should follow the old Hebrews example and simply banish criminals and murderers to certain cities or islands. Murderers and rapists should definitely be banished to islands.  Just because someone does something wrong, does not give us the right to enslave him or her, especially for life.  Our justice system is broke, and the punishments are ridiculous.
  • Speech is a natural born freedom which we can exercise whenever and wherever.  Reporting on government corruption, stupidity, or evil, is not espionage, it's called freedom of speech.
  • Mass punishment (insurance, substance bans, other regulations) have no place in a truly free society.

Some may say, "If you don't like the rules, then leave,"  but this entire Earth is mine through birthright. I'll live where I want to live, and no man has the right to relocate me without my consent.  Any man attempting to take away my freedoms is declaring war against myself, and I am within my rights to stand up and defend myself.  So right now I call America my home, and I will live freely as God intended.  Furthermore, I strongly encourage my brothers and sisters everywhere to do the same.  This country and world is being hijacked by those who would strip us of our rights and freedoms and turn us into completely controlled slaves.  However, any regulation against our natural God given rights is illegal and should be disobeyed.  I for one would rather die than live in a world as a slave, bound by overwhelming and burdensome taxes and regulations at every turn.  I refuse.