In Matthew 24,
Jesus warned His disciples concerning the sign of His 2nd coming.
In verse 12 Jesus prophecy's that
"the love of many shall wax cold."
Over the last twelve years of my life I have been blessed enough to spend time throughout fourteen different countries and twenty-one different states in this country meeting with thousands of people, and the literal fulfillment of this two thousand year old prophecy has become quite obvious to me. I have become aware of a significant and growing population of citizens who literally have no one in their life, no where to go, and to whom "love" is something completely dead and nothing more than a myth. Retired, disabled or handicapped, homeless, and many more who literally have no friends and no family, or if they have family alive they are not on speaking terms. There are whole communities of disabled people who lay in bed or sit around all day because they are unable to move for various reasons and they have no one in their life and rely on organizations like 'meals on wheels' to send someone daily just to bring them meals and other nonprofits like 'Helping Hands' or private healthcare organizations to send someone once a week to help them clean up and change or with other various simple tasks. And how many grandparents have been dumped in poor nursing homes never to receive a visit from anyone where they are then treated like dirt, assaulted, raped, and even killed either on purpose or from negligent care.
Speaking from personal experience, love has definitely 'waxed cold' for me as well. I have been stabbed in the back and turned on and treated like trash by literally everyone I have ever loved, including everyone who ever claimed to 'love' me, and including almost every type of institution at every level. It's my experience that a good, trustworthy, kind, forgiving person is very rare today and almost a myth. Even most companies today solely exist to take advantage of consumers, or constantly try to sneak in charges, or care more about profit margins than quality, and even indirectly torture animals to save some bucks. The vast majority of people today are selfish, greedy, backstabbing, and brainwashed brain-dead idiots who will turn on you in a second and turn their back on you if you tell the wrong joke. I have been assaulted by family, former friends, and strangers, I was severely abused by my dad, I was turned on and kicked out of Bob Jones Academy three weeks til graduation for going bowling with girls, I've even been turned on by the church and kicked out over a misunderstanding, I was banned from Clearwater Christian College for standing up for myself after I was assaulted, I was metaphorically bent over and mentally raped for years in the Army and then thrown away like garbage without a dime or benefits after eight years for choosing to exit three months early, I've been harassed by police and falsely arrested seven times including a false conviction for something I did not do, I was cheated on by the last two girlfriends, I've been forced out of four different living situations because someone turned on me over something stupid, I've been ripped off by Progressive car insurance, Chase bank, several cellphone companies, Best Buy, Paypal, and numerous other companies whose poor products broke immediately after use, and lastly this government who continues to attempt to steal every dollar I make and then throw it down a bottomless hole. Because of my experiences love is dead to me and I am completely sick of this world. I have lost complete trust in anyone or anything, and I literally have zero friends except for my girlfriend. Even my family is dead to me. Out of my parents and three siblings, only my mom and I ever talk. Two siblings have even blocked me from social media. By pure instinct today I do not truly open up anymore and I have strong, thick walls barring anyone from simply entering my life. Although I would love friends, isolation is easier because people are just backstabbers, drama, pain, and unstable. What kills me is that I give everything for others. I constantly bend over backwards. I constantly give of my time and money. I've donated thousands of dollars, including several vehicles to those in need. And I've volunteered thousands of hours of my time through various local community organizations, including numerous Churches, a veteran's organization, and even a homeless shelter. It just makes it that much more painful when you give everything and in return get spit on.
And I am not unique. Many people, more and more, today are finding themselves in a very similar situation with no one they can trust or turn to, including family. And as the morality of this country declines so much that children are in danger of being raped or taken advantage of by teachers, coaches, priests, and even their very own parents, with divorce now passes 50% in our country, while most relationships are built on casual flings of lust and then naturally failing within a short period of time one can be sure things will only get worse.
Just another example of Biblical prophecy literally being fulfilled before our eyes. For more examples, check out my "Last Hour" page and first blog entitled "Ezekiel."
Thanks for reading.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Atheism; Superior ignorance and arrogance
Mankind has KNOWN there is a God since the beginning. Although many chose to worship many different gods, even today over 4 billion people KNOW there is A God. The Muslims call him Allah, the Christians call Him Jesus.
Every single Christian circle can testify to real life miracles, miraculous healings, disappearance of cancer, and other answered prayers. I personally can testify to hundreds of answered prayers, and even numerous, unexplainable miracles.
Cults are growing quickly today, including witchcraft, and even they acknowledge another power out there that they are able to tap into as they perform various spells and enchantments. This may sound ridiculous to many, but for many this is reality.
Darwin witnessed the different species of finches and dogs and proposed that ALL life evolved from one organism, and his theory is being taught as scientific fact today despite the fact that fifty years later there is still not one shred of proof. Science literally means knowledge, that which we can observe and test, but science today has been twisted so that baseless theories are now called 'science.' The theory that nothing + nobody = everything is not knowledge, let alone scientific. The fossil record supports a sudden emergence of life as we know it today with exception of extinct species of course, yet many have been brainwashed into believing we all evolved from apes due to former text-book 'proofs' such as 'Lucy,' 'Piltdown man,' Neanderthal man,' etc, even though they have all disproven and thrown out and the search for the missing link continues. A new 'proof' today is a bird with talons on it's wings, but this does not prove we all evolved from goo, this simply shows there used to be birds with talons on their wings. The big bang has been disproven because there are planets and moons spinning in different directions, but many refuse to acknowledge the truth. Other scientists have shown that under the right conditions, such as the Biblical Flood, quick tectonic movements, and the quick growth of stalactites would have easily been possible, and even highly likely, which also debunks former primary pillars of evolution. An in-depth study of dating methods reveal that there is NO way to accurately date anything beyond a few thousand years. The current dating methods "proving" this and that as millions/billions of years old rely on, literally, a dozen assumptions. Although an old Earth does not contradict creation.
Many people seem to think dinosaurs supports evolution, but this is ridiculous. Dinosaur means "terrible lizard." Lizards don't stop growing. Dinosaurs are simply the first lizards. There have been fossilized footprints of man and dinosaurs, and history is full of legends, drawings, pictures, paintings of "monsters" or "dragons," which is literal proof that man and dinosaurs coexisted. According to genealogies, man lived much longer before the Flood, so it is easy to imagine that the first lizards grew to be huge. Why do you think there are not millions of dinosaur fossils....only a few.
The most damning argument against macro-evolution is the lack of any evidence and the continued search for the missing link which is quite mind-boggling considering that supposedly billions of transitions occurred as life evolved over billions of years. The only reason many are buying into the theory of evolution is because we see a type of evolution around us in the different species of dogs and finches. But this is just a side-ways mutation of DNA or micro-evolution. The theory of evolution is based on upwards or macro-evolution, which we now know from recent breakthroughs in DNA to be impossible. Genes can mutate, but new code can not simply produce itself. New breakthrough studies into DNA reveal a code, blueprints. Our DNA determines everything about us. Either we have code for wings, or we don't. New code does not just spontaneously create itself, let alone scramble to produce completely different, more complex 'code.' We now know that believing macro-evolution is like believing the blueprints for a car can eventually scramble into the more complex and completely different blueprints of an airplane, which any engineer can tell you is not only impossible but quite ridiculous. Believing evolution is worse than believing that if you dissembled a watch, threw the parts in a bag, and shook it up for a million of years, one day, somehow, a working watch would suddenly form. Evolution is worse because this theory starts out with nothing.
The theory of evolution has evolved more than actual evolution.
Recent breakthrough research into DNA has even top evolutionists are admitting "there must have been aliens." Disturbingly, anyone even mentioning intelligent design in the mainstream scientific and education community is fired and blacklisted from their respective communities, proving that our system has been hijacked by atheists who are bent on pushing THEIR religion of non-religion. This has been documented. Evolution is a dying theory, but who wants to admit they were gullible and lied to our children for the past 50+ years. Mark my words, I promise you that the theory of evolution will soon collapse and we will be told that ancient aliens seeded life on Earth. This is not far from the truth since technically God is an alien, but this subtle deception is all about pointing people away from God, just as the current Pope is doing by replacing Jesus with Mary which is why most Catholics pray to priests, popes, and Mary, instead of Jesus. The best lie is always a half-lie.
A prophet is someone claiming to be the voice of God. A true prophet is known by the accuracy of his prediction. Only one nation can claim 100% accuracy among prophets, the Hebrews. If you are searching for the truth, the best place to start is those claiming to be the voice of God. When one people can boast 100% accuracy, with prophecies literally being fulfilled today that were written over 2000 years earlier, only an idiot ignores them.
The rainbow is a phenomenon that cannot be fully explained. We know that raindrops refract light into an array of colors, but science cannot explain a perfect bow. According to the Hebrew prophet Noah, the bow is God's covenant with us that He will never Flood the world again.
To be an atheist, you have to believe that EVERYTHING is a coincidence, an accident, and you cannot explain anything except with ridiculous theories that are being proven impossible.
The Athiest - um...we believe there was nothing...then somehow there was goo...then somehow something magical happened.....then somehow life magically formed from nothing....then somehow that life magically evolved and evolved into beings more complex until this beautiful, wonderful, and complex human body eventually formed which, oddly enough, resembles a super and superior biological robot with a computer for a brain, although we still can't find one shred of evidence, we call it science and make fun of anyone who disagrees and fire any scientists or researchers within our communities who disagree or even think otherwise.
Ya, that's very intelligent and 'scientific.'
-It was a coincidence and mystery that the right parts existed.
-It was a coincidence that the right conditions existed
-It was a coincidence that the right "something" happened
-It was a coincidence that the law of gravity was just perfect. A slight deviation in either direction would either squish us, or send us flying off the ground.
-It's a coincidence that the planets and sun hang on nothing....
-It's a coincidence that our heart begins beating when we are born and stays beating until such time as we die.
-It's a coincidence that we have lush green grass for carpet, beautiful stars and moon for night light, that we have night for rest which our bodies need,
-It's a coincidence that the best things for us are vitamins and minerals, all which come from the ground, and according to the Bible we were formed from the ground.
-It's a coincidence that we have such a wonderful variety of wholesome fruit and nuts for food.
-It's a coincidence that our brain is a super computer, and we have free will, and intelligence
-It's a coincidence that we have a moral code in our hearts, and God says He put His law into our hearts. If there were no God, there would be no moral code, or conscience. It would be every man for himself.
-It's a coincidence that there are several thousand fulfilled prophecies in the Bible
-It's a coincidence that we have unnecessary pleasures such as beautiful flowers, trees for shade and furniture, cocoa, and syrup.
-It's a coincidence that bees make us honey which has so many great health and medical uses.
I could go on, and on, and on, and on....
Every single Christian circle can testify to real life miracles, miraculous healings, disappearance of cancer, and other answered prayers. I personally can testify to hundreds of answered prayers, and even numerous, unexplainable miracles.
Cults are growing quickly today, including witchcraft, and even they acknowledge another power out there that they are able to tap into as they perform various spells and enchantments. This may sound ridiculous to many, but for many this is reality.
Darwin witnessed the different species of finches and dogs and proposed that ALL life evolved from one organism, and his theory is being taught as scientific fact today despite the fact that fifty years later there is still not one shred of proof. Science literally means knowledge, that which we can observe and test, but science today has been twisted so that baseless theories are now called 'science.' The theory that nothing + nobody = everything is not knowledge, let alone scientific. The fossil record supports a sudden emergence of life as we know it today with exception of extinct species of course, yet many have been brainwashed into believing we all evolved from apes due to former text-book 'proofs' such as 'Lucy,' 'Piltdown man,' Neanderthal man,' etc, even though they have all disproven and thrown out and the search for the missing link continues. A new 'proof' today is a bird with talons on it's wings, but this does not prove we all evolved from goo, this simply shows there used to be birds with talons on their wings. The big bang has been disproven because there are planets and moons spinning in different directions, but many refuse to acknowledge the truth. Other scientists have shown that under the right conditions, such as the Biblical Flood, quick tectonic movements, and the quick growth of stalactites would have easily been possible, and even highly likely, which also debunks former primary pillars of evolution. An in-depth study of dating methods reveal that there is NO way to accurately date anything beyond a few thousand years. The current dating methods "proving" this and that as millions/billions of years old rely on, literally, a dozen assumptions. Although an old Earth does not contradict creation.
Many people seem to think dinosaurs supports evolution, but this is ridiculous. Dinosaur means "terrible lizard." Lizards don't stop growing. Dinosaurs are simply the first lizards. There have been fossilized footprints of man and dinosaurs, and history is full of legends, drawings, pictures, paintings of "monsters" or "dragons," which is literal proof that man and dinosaurs coexisted. According to genealogies, man lived much longer before the Flood, so it is easy to imagine that the first lizards grew to be huge. Why do you think there are not millions of dinosaur fossils....only a few.
The most damning argument against macro-evolution is the lack of any evidence and the continued search for the missing link which is quite mind-boggling considering that supposedly billions of transitions occurred as life evolved over billions of years. The only reason many are buying into the theory of evolution is because we see a type of evolution around us in the different species of dogs and finches. But this is just a side-ways mutation of DNA or micro-evolution. The theory of evolution is based on upwards or macro-evolution, which we now know from recent breakthroughs in DNA to be impossible. Genes can mutate, but new code can not simply produce itself. New breakthrough studies into DNA reveal a code, blueprints. Our DNA determines everything about us. Either we have code for wings, or we don't. New code does not just spontaneously create itself, let alone scramble to produce completely different, more complex 'code.' We now know that believing macro-evolution is like believing the blueprints for a car can eventually scramble into the more complex and completely different blueprints of an airplane, which any engineer can tell you is not only impossible but quite ridiculous. Believing evolution is worse than believing that if you dissembled a watch, threw the parts in a bag, and shook it up for a million of years, one day, somehow, a working watch would suddenly form. Evolution is worse because this theory starts out with nothing.
The theory of evolution has evolved more than actual evolution.
Recent breakthrough research into DNA has even top evolutionists are admitting "there must have been aliens." Disturbingly, anyone even mentioning intelligent design in the mainstream scientific and education community is fired and blacklisted from their respective communities, proving that our system has been hijacked by atheists who are bent on pushing THEIR religion of non-religion. This has been documented. Evolution is a dying theory, but who wants to admit they were gullible and lied to our children for the past 50+ years. Mark my words, I promise you that the theory of evolution will soon collapse and we will be told that ancient aliens seeded life on Earth. This is not far from the truth since technically God is an alien, but this subtle deception is all about pointing people away from God, just as the current Pope is doing by replacing Jesus with Mary which is why most Catholics pray to priests, popes, and Mary, instead of Jesus. The best lie is always a half-lie.
A prophet is someone claiming to be the voice of God. A true prophet is known by the accuracy of his prediction. Only one nation can claim 100% accuracy among prophets, the Hebrews. If you are searching for the truth, the best place to start is those claiming to be the voice of God. When one people can boast 100% accuracy, with prophecies literally being fulfilled today that were written over 2000 years earlier, only an idiot ignores them.
The rainbow is a phenomenon that cannot be fully explained. We know that raindrops refract light into an array of colors, but science cannot explain a perfect bow. According to the Hebrew prophet Noah, the bow is God's covenant with us that He will never Flood the world again.
To be an atheist, you have to believe that EVERYTHING is a coincidence, an accident, and you cannot explain anything except with ridiculous theories that are being proven impossible.
The Athiest - um...we believe there was nothing...then somehow there was goo...then somehow something magical happened.....then somehow life magically formed from nothing....then somehow that life magically evolved and evolved into beings more complex until this beautiful, wonderful, and complex human body eventually formed which, oddly enough, resembles a super and superior biological robot with a computer for a brain, although we still can't find one shred of evidence, we call it science and make fun of anyone who disagrees and fire any scientists or researchers within our communities who disagree or even think otherwise.
Ya, that's very intelligent and 'scientific.'
And these idiots have the audacity to make fun of us?! There is nothing scientific about believing all these coincidences...
-It was a coincidence and mystery that the right parts existed.
-It was a coincidence that the right conditions existed
-It was a coincidence that the right "something" happened
-It was a coincidence that the law of gravity was just perfect. A slight deviation in either direction would either squish us, or send us flying off the ground.
-It's a coincidence that the planets and sun hang on nothing....
-It's a coincidence that our heart begins beating when we are born and stays beating until such time as we die.
-It's a coincidence that we have lush green grass for carpet, beautiful stars and moon for night light, that we have night for rest which our bodies need,
-It's a coincidence that the best things for us are vitamins and minerals, all which come from the ground, and according to the Bible we were formed from the ground.
-It's a coincidence that we have such a wonderful variety of wholesome fruit and nuts for food.
-It's a coincidence that our brain is a super computer, and we have free will, and intelligence
-It's a coincidence that we have a moral code in our hearts, and God says He put His law into our hearts. If there were no God, there would be no moral code, or conscience. It would be every man for himself.
-It's a coincidence that there are several thousand fulfilled prophecies in the Bible
-It's a coincidence that we have unnecessary pleasures such as beautiful flowers, trees for shade and furniture, cocoa, and syrup.
-It's a coincidence that bees make us honey which has so many great health and medical uses.
I could go on, and on, and on, and on....
So therefore I conclude that atheists who buy into this and think that they are right and the billions of those who KNOW there is a God are wrong are THEE prime example of superior ignorance and arrogance. Believe what you want. But stop calling macro-evolution science because there is NOTHING scientific about the 'theory' that nobody + nothing + everything.

"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse."
Romans 1:20
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalms 19:1

"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse."
Romans 1:20
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalms 19:1
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