History and archaeology are full of drawings, artifacts, paintings, carvings, and legends which overwhelmingly demonstrate that man and dinosaurs coexisted. Yet, many today have been brainwashed into believing that dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. Check out this video if this subject interests you.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Monday, December 1, 2014
Freedom, one of the most important words and concepts man can ever hope to comprehend. In fact, after God and Jesus, only love and forgiveness rank higher in importance. Unfortunately today, there seems to be massive confusion regarding the definition and source of freedom, and so I feel obligated to shine a light on this topic. Therefore, it is the purpose of this blog to address three simple questions: what is freedom, how do we have freedom, and how does it apply today? These are critical questions that everyone must understand, because failure to do so inevitably leads to the forfeiture of our basic freedoms, and, as history repeatedly shows, miserable enslavement. First, let us look at the origin of freedom. Technically, the precedence for freedom was established six thousand years ago upon the Creation of man. Not only was man created as a free being, not as a slave, but man was given dominion over all the Earth directly by God to Adam. Therefore, as the sons and daughters of Adam, this Earth is ours through birthright. Technically, this means we are all Sovereign Citizens, free men and women, and not the property of anyone, or any country, any government, or any other organization or institution. As Sovereign citizens who inherited this Earth, we have true and complete freedom, so long as we are not harming anyone, or animals, or our home, Earth, and noone has any authority in between. The basic definition of freedom as it applies to our topic of discussion is as follows:
-the state of being free, absent from coercion or constraint in choice or action.
So what does all that mean today, or, in other words, how does this apply to our daily lives?
Freedom, one of the most important words and concepts man can ever hope to comprehend. In fact, after God and Jesus, only love and forgiveness rank higher in importance. Unfortunately today, there seems to be massive confusion regarding the definition and source of freedom, and so I feel obligated to shine a light on this topic. Therefore, it is the purpose of this blog to address three simple questions: what is freedom, how do we have freedom, and how does it apply today? These are critical questions that everyone must understand, because failure to do so inevitably leads to the forfeiture of our basic freedoms, and, as history repeatedly shows, miserable enslavement. First, let us look at the origin of freedom. Technically, the precedence for freedom was established six thousand years ago upon the Creation of man. Not only was man created as a free being, not as a slave, but man was given dominion over all the Earth directly by God to Adam. Therefore, as the sons and daughters of Adam, this Earth is ours through birthright. Technically, this means we are all Sovereign Citizens, free men and women, and not the property of anyone, or any country, any government, or any other organization or institution. As Sovereign citizens who inherited this Earth, we have true and complete freedom, so long as we are not harming anyone, or animals, or our home, Earth, and noone has any authority in between. The basic definition of freedom as it applies to our topic of discussion is as follows:
-the state of being free, absent from coercion or constraint in choice or action.
So what does all that mean today, or, in other words, how does this apply to our daily lives?
Being Sovereign Citizens means:.
- Any form of slavery is illegal. (Direct taxes, military draft, mandatory insurance) This means taxing my land and income is a form of slavery. This means forcing a healthcare tax is a form of slavery, and any other mandatory insurance or tax is also a form of slavery.
- We are free to travel. Any restrictions or fees to travel or cross borders is a violation of our God-given freedom.
- This Earth is ours, and everything in it. This means our God-given freedom is to use or grow any plant we see fit. This means any restrictions or fees to use any natural plant is a violation of our God-given freedom. This means it is our right to hunt or fish for food, and any restrictions or fees against such activities are a violation of our God-given freedom.
- No one can take my specific plot of land away. This means eminent domain is a violation of our God-given freedom. This means I can do whatever I see fit on my land, regardless of building codes, or the wishes of others, so long as I am not harming the Earth. This means I can paint my house any color I want, or let my grass grow as long as I want, or shoot fireworks up if I want, or grow any plant, or raise any animal. This means that laws requiring any kind of utility hook-ups are illegal.
- I have the right to pursue any business or interest so long as no human or animal or Earth is affected adversely. This means any regulation or red tape prohibiting me from doing business is a form of slavery and against my natural born God-given freedom. Even if there is high crime in an area, does not mean leaders have the authority to regulate my business and force me to close down early. This means sending S.W.A.T. teams to arrest unlicensed barbers is not only ridiculously stupid, but a violation of our basic freedom to earn money. If I want to offer dentistry services in the privacy of my home, that is my right. If someone does bad business and someone is hurt, then there should be ways of informing the people. An informed people will not do business with an idiot. A mistake does not authorize leaders to shut down a bad business, the market will handle that itself.
- Any public charge by the state in between either marriage or divorce is a violation of common sense because marriage and divorce is between two people. Charging a couple to update YOUR paperwork is not only ridiculous but a form of extortion.
- Prison is a form of slavery and against our natural born freedom. We should follow the old Hebrews example and simply banish criminals and murderers to certain cities or islands. Murderers and rapists should definitely be banished to islands. Just because someone does something wrong, does not give us the right to enslave him or her, especially for life. Our justice system is broke, and the punishments are ridiculous.
- Speech is a natural born freedom which we can exercise whenever and wherever. Reporting on government corruption, stupidity, or evil, is not espionage, it's called freedom of speech.
- Mass punishment (insurance, substance bans, other regulations) have no place in a truly free society.
Some may say, "If you don't like the rules, then leave," but this entire Earth is mine through birthright. I'll live where I want to live, and no man has the right to relocate me without my consent. Any man attempting to take away my freedoms is declaring war against myself, and I am within my rights to stand up and defend myself. So right now I call America my home, and I will live freely as God intended. Furthermore, I strongly encourage my brothers and sisters everywhere to do the same. This country and world is being hijacked by those who would strip us of our rights and freedoms and turn us into completely controlled slaves. However, any regulation against our natural God given rights is illegal and should be disobeyed. I for one would rather die than live in a world as a slave, bound by overwhelming and burdensome taxes and regulations at every turn. I refuse.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Coincidence or Assassinations
What DO
Chris Kyle, Keith Ratliff, and John Noveske
have in common?
Besides being strong leaders in the gun community,
and in their respective fields with a large and growing following.
Chris Kyle, Keith Ratliff, and John Noveske
have in common?
Besides being strong leaders in the gun community,
and in their respective fields with a large and growing following.
They all were mysteriously killed within 30 days of each other.
Keith Ratliff was a passionate gun lover and internet celebrity who helped make scores of videos about high-powered and exotic guns and explosives. His YouTube channel was ranked the 9th largest with 3.5 million subscribers and more than 500 million views. On Jan. 3 2013 Keith was found dead in his office from a gunshot wound to the back of his head that was not self-inflicted.
John Noveske was one of the most celebrated battle rifle manufacturers in America and his rifles are widely recognized as some of the finest pieces of American-made hardware ever created. On Jan. 4 2014, John was killed in a mysterious single-car accident when his car crossed the oncoming lane onto the dirt highway shoulder until it struck two large boulders. Barely a week before this incident, John Noveske posted a lengthy, detailed post on Facebook that listed all the school shootings tied to psychiatric drugs.
Chris Kyle, author of "American Sniper," was a sniper with Navy Seal team 3 who, over 4 tours in Iraq, made 160 confirmed kills earning him the title of the deadliest sniper in American history. This man was a hero, and the stuff of legends. After ten years in the military, Chris exited in order to "save his marriage." Afterwards he became president of Craft International, a tactical training company for the US military and Law Enforcement communities. Kyle also paired with FITCO Cares Foundation, a non-profit organization which created the Heroes Project to provide free in-home fitness equipment, individualized programs, personal training, and life-coaching to in-need veterans with disabilities, Gold Star families, or those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. One of the 'therapies' Chris Kyle provided for veterans involved taking them to the gun range to shoot targets. On Feb. 2nd 2013, a 'crazy' marine shot Chris at the gun range during a therapy session. An investigation has found conflicting reports on important details including the arrest of the suspect. Recent news reveals that not only were there two different pistols used, but Chris was shot 6 times, including once in the back of the head, and Chad was shot 7 times, including to bullets to the head.
As a former eight year veteran and analyst, I am convinced there is more to this story for three reasons. First, any veteran can testify to a deep mutual respect and comradery among veterans. I don't get along with almost anyone, but I almost always get along with veterans. I could believe a random shooting by a crazy veteran who happened to randomly kill another veteran, and I could believe a veteran shooting another veteran out of extreme anger, but I absolutely do not believe for one second that another veteran would approach anyone, let alone a hero, for help, and then shoot him and his friend in the back, with two different guns, for a total of thirteen shots. PTSD can lead to angry outbursts, but PTSD does not turn people into random killers. A killer always has a motive or justification, unless the whole thing was an accident, and there is nothing accidental about pointing a gun at two different people and pulling the trigger over, and over. Secondly, You don't kill a highly experienced and trained killer and his buddy unless you take them completely by surprise in a deliberate assassination. A veteran claiming PTSD problems would have distracted Chris from any instincts alerting him to the dangers of this assassin. And if Chris was engaged at shooting targets downrange, this would have left him perfectly vulnerable. Lastly, Chris was emerging as a prominent critic of the Obama administration’s gun control agenda, and had begun running programs focused around putting armed security guards in schools, as well as training teachers with firearms. In an interview conducted weeks before his death, the former Navy Seal warned that the White House’s attempt to ban semi-automatic rifles was “just opening the door so you can start taking more of our rights.” With a successful book and another one on the way bringing in several million, and as a hero and legend, and gun rights activist networking with veterans and the local community, this man was definitely a threat to the Obama regime and their agenda. We already know leaders are tracking militia members, veteran activists, and anyone else deemed a threat or 'domestic terrorist,' so a man like Chris Kyle would have definitely been one of their highest profile targets. We already know gun confiscation has begun under false pretenses around the country. Also, our police has been militarized, yet our borders remain unsecure. When coupled with the other following events, I believe it is obvious what is happening, and I am deeply disturbed by the implications. And we are living under a president who is literally financing, arming, and releasing terrorists, putting terrorist supporters in the White House (see my Obama page), siding with terrorists against Israel, and refusing to secure our borders. There is another, more likely explanation though -the killer was a Muslim sympathizer, and that this was a vengeance kill on our most notorious Muslim killer. You would have to be really naive to believe that the large bounty of Chris's head simply went away because he turned civilian, and most everybody knows there are numerous terrorist cells in our country. Unfortunately, Jihad killings in America seem to get blamed on anything else.
But the mysterious coincidences do not end there.
What do
Breitbart, Tom Clancy, and Hastings
have in common?
Besides being strong activists and notable leaders in their own fields with a large and growing following.
Breitbart, Tom Clancy, and Hastings
have in common?
Besides being strong activists and notable leaders in their own fields with a large and growing following.
They all mysterious died within eight months of each other, and had just started working together on some big political news involving Obama and Bin Laden.
Andrew Breitbart was an American conservative publisher and powerhouse, commentator for The Washington Times, author, and occasional guest commentator on various news programs, who served as an editor for the Drudge Report website. He was a researcher for Arianna Huffington, and played a central role in launching her web publication The Huffington Post. Breitbart also owned Breitbart.com, a news aggregation site. He played a central role in the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal, the resignation of Shirley Sherrod, and the ACORN 2009 undercover videos controversy. At the age of 43, Breitbart suddenly collapsed while walking in Brentwood California, and died that morning on March 1, 2012 from what was reported later as heart failure. It was not until the 20th that the L.A. Coroner's Office released their preliminary autopsy report on the death of Breitbart. Disturbingly, that same day found veteran L.A.'s coroner forensic technician, Michael Cormier, dead, from significant arsenic poisoning. Deputy Chief coroner claims Michael Cormier and Breitbart never met, but who can be sure. Who wouldn't accept a bribe or be scared into lying after a a co-worker mysteriously dies from poison. Even more interesting is the timing of Breitbart's death, because he had recently announced that he would be releasing damning video of Obama. Some footage was released in the days after Breitbart's death, but it is not believed to be the material that would change the course of the election as Breitbart had indicated. Another interesting event before Breitbart's unfortunate death, included an article published by Wikileaks claiming Bin Laden had never been buried at sea, but that a body had been taken back to Dover Air Force base on a plane guarded by the CIA where it was to be examined and then cremated. Drudge, and other major news agencies going with the Wiki leaks story, also reported the story, but then mysteriously withdrew the story. Close friends of Breitbart also claim a discovery of foul play concerning the deaths of 22 members of Seal Team Six, and allege that their assassinations was to silence the truth about Bin Laden.
Tom Clancy - a famous author with seventeen bestsellers and a networth of 300 million, was known for his political thrillers including technically detailed espionage and military science storylines set during and in the aftermath of the Cold War. Tom Clancy was a lifelong member of the NRA, politically conservative, and critic of recent administrations. Tom Clancy also had a significant relationship with CIA-insiders who provided information for his books. On October 1, 2013, Tom Clancy died from an undisclosed illness. According to former CIA agent Jim Garrow, Breitbart and Tom Clancy were both killed for getting too close to a secret.
Michael Hastings was an American journalist, author, and contributing editor to Rolling Stone, and reporter for BuzzFeed. Hastings was a vocal critic of the surveillance state during the DoJ's investigation of reporters in 2013, and accused the Obama administration of war on journalism. On June 18, 2013 Hastings died in a single vehicle automobile accident near L.A. Earlier the previous day, Hastings had emailed a friend indicating that he was 'onto a big story,' and need to go 'off the radar.'
Seal Team Six, on Aug. 6th, 2011, lost twenty-two members killed in an event that was either criminal gross negligence, or a set-up. Three months after news was criminally leaked by idiot Joe Biden linking Seal Team 6 to the capture of Bin Laden, twenty-two members (multiple teams) of Seal Team six were sent together, into a battle in an old and slow Chinook, and without any support. First, let me say this: Special Forces are one of our most valuable on-the-ground assets trained to a tune of over a half a million dollars, they only train and use state-of-the-art equipment, and anything they do is backed by a strong support system. 1.) Standard procedure separates teams to ensure mission integrity. If one team is shot down, the other team can complete the mission. You never place all your eggs OR your most valuable assets in one basket! It's just not done. The fact that this basic, common sense protocol was broken is either gross negligence, or a huge red flag of a set-up. 2.) Why were we transporting our special elite forces into battle in an old, slow moving helicopter built in the 1960's! As one of our most valuable assets, standard protocol is to use state-of-the-art equipment. No commander in their right mind sends special forces into battle in an old slow moving anything. This screams set-up or stupidity. 3.) Why were our special elite forces sent into battle without any support?! According to several commanders none of the previous 400 special forces missions were unescorted. Needless to say, upon arriving onto the scene of battle, they were shot down by a 'lucky' Taliban rocket. Their families have gone public with their concerns about many questions remaining unanswered and many inconsistencies and contradictions with the explanations provided, and are demanding an investigation, while blaming the Obama administration with at least partial responsibility. The families were told that there was no pre-assault fire because our administration's goal is to 'win the hearts and minds of our enemy,' which indicates our enemies are more important to our leaders than the heroes sacrificing everything for this country. Also, the seven Afghans that died were not on the manifest, which means there was a last minute switch, the black box was 'lost,' and the bodies were immediately cremated.
Now What DO
Philip Marshall and David Crowley
have in common?
Besides being notable activists, outspoken critics of our government, working on politically damning projects, and growing in popularity.
They both were found dead with their families in what was called a double murder-suicide.
Philip Marshall and David Crowley
have in common?
Besides being notable activists, outspoken critics of our government, working on politically damning projects, and growing in popularity.
They both were found dead with their families in what was called a double murder-suicide.
Phillip Marshall was an accomplished aviator turned 9/11 investigator and author who had written several 9/11 conspiracy books, including False Flag 9/11, and The Big Bamboozle: 9/11. Philip was about to release another book before being murdered along with both his children early in 2013. The local sheriff had declared the tragedy to be a double murder/suicide, but according to other investigators, neighbors, and others, this was some kind of special operations hit. Marshall had previously expressed fear that his life was in danger. According to neighbors, no gun shuts were heard, and the crime scene had been immediately cleaned by professionals. According to one source, Marshall claimed to be holding explosive material that would be revealed in his next book. With two kids, several successful books, and another one on the way, there would be no reason to be depressed and, therefore, suicidal. But Philip Marshall was growing in popularity, with a growing network of friends and followers, and as a critic of current leadership, was a threat who had to be eliminated.
David Crowley was the creator of the controversial FEMA Camp film 'Grey State, about the central government's takeover of society, and was found dead in his home, along with his wife and 5-year old daughter, in what was called a double murder suicide on Saturday 17th, 2015. Considering all the above incidents, I believe it is obvious what really happened. Who commits suicide in the middle of an important and and potentially very lucrative project? No one. People commit suicide because they are severely depressed, with no purpose in life, with with no friends, or real relationships; it sounds like David had everything to live for, with a beautiful wife, and a very important job making this critical political movie. David was set to make millions in profit from his movie, and being politically active with a growing network of friends and followers, and as a critic of our current leadership, David was a threat who had to be eliminated. You see, leaders don't care about poor men who criticize the government. It's those activist and critics who are growing in popularity and raking in the money that are a threat. With popularity comes power. With money comes the ability to get independent, buy guns, launch campaigns, and actually do something about corrupt leadership, like raising awareness with political movies or books.
And when talking about these deaths, one would be remiss not to mention Pat Tillman.
Pat Tillman was an NFL star turned Army Ranger and assassinated on April 22, 2004 with three bullets to the head. At first the Army reported that Pat had been killed by enemy fire, but then the story switched to that of friendly fire. Pat's body and possessions were immediately burned to cover up the crime scene, as has been noted in reports. It should be no surprise that Tillman was starting to vocally criticize Bush and the War, and had scheduled a meeting with Noam Chomsky, a notable government critic. For anyone not that bright, three bullets to the head is an obvious assassination. No soldier in history 'accidentally' friendly fired one of our own with 3 bullets to the head. Being a notable star with already a significant and growing following, Pat Tillman would have gained even more attention and popularity by turning to politics afterwards, as it seemed the direction he was heading. Pat Tillman was indeed a threat to political leaders.

May we learn the necessary lessons from the deaths of these brave leaders and activists. Their deaths serve as an obvious concrete testimony to the power and corruption of our political leaders, and to the fact there are pure brainwashed scum who are willing to carry out their bidding, even in assassinating innocent good men. So to my friends and activists out there. Get secure. Protect yourself. Be one step ahead.
Friday, August 15, 2014

the definition of the word we are
discussing must first be addressed
in order to avoid any confusion or misconceptions. 'Brainwashed' is
the term used to describe anyone
who firmly believes a lie. Brainwashing
is usually accomplished by repeating
the lie over an extended period of time through reputable sources. Brainwashing can occur directly or indirectly. Many grow up indirectly brainwashed as a result of their environment. For example, many are brainwashed simply because they grew up surrounded by brainwashed people. If everyone around a child believes an idea, that child will grow up brainwashed into believing that idea. It's a common error to believe something simply because everyone around does. Even history demonstrates that the majority have often stood on the wrong side of an issue, like believing the earth was flat, and slavery. Corrupt leaders use brainwashing as a technique to manipulate or control their subjects. Studying history we observe that one of the first acts of every dictator in a hostile takeover is to control the flow of information. It is an ancient proverb that knowledge is power. So it is a natural first step of total control and power not only to control and limit information but to mislead through misinformation as is a common practice among corrupt leaders.
As an eight year Army veteran turned activist, and political analyst, among other things, whose passions for over a decade now have been reading, truth seeking, politics, history, and current events, among other things, with over four thousand books, articles, and papers read under my belt, I can assure you that I am on top of virtually everything important that is going on around the globe today, as much as is possible via the publication of information, and much more that is not being published. Throughout my travels I have been constantly meeting and talking with new people, to include thousands of citizens across this country, and I am deeply disturbed by what is best termed as the 'brainwashing' of the vast majority of those I meet on one subject or another, and even a complete ignorance concerning current events, even right here in our own country with our very own leaders. Because brainwashing is literally resulting in the destruction of millions of lives around the world, the unnecessary suffering of millions others, and even the destruction of our souls it is crucial that we uncover these areas where we have been deceived. So let us begin.
First off, let me start by saying that there should be no difference between people, not because of color, or race, or nationality. This is OUR planet, and if we were really free, we would not be limited by borders, or penalized by fees to cross borders. Borders only exist for power and control. Borders enable nationalism because of nationalism, and it is this nationalistic created pride that has led to many wars, including the two world wars just this past century, as countries fight over territories or resources. Now patriotic brainwashing is a very real technique used by leaders to motivate their citizens towards war. Constantly displaying symbols of national pride, portraying soldiers as heroes and defenders of freedom, is one of the primary methods this subtle manipulation is carried out. Patriotic brainwashing motivates high school kids to join the military where they then will either die or excel in mercilessly destroying many other human beings. Patriotic brainwashing allowed many to justify, at the time, one of the worst atrocities in history. The German soldiers who supported Hitler had been brainwashed with grand delusions of patriotism. "Patriotism" pushes boys to follow leaders without question. And history demonstrates that corrupt leaders always take advantage of that as it suits their interests. The biggest problem with patriotism is that it often conveys the message that "we are the best, and screw the rest." With recent technological developments, millions of lives and even cities can literally be vaporized by the simple push of a button. Yet young soldiers are so brainwashed with patriotism that they will follow any given order, even if that means pushing a button that will destroy an entire city. Although I will say that due to strict regulations concerning soldiers, they are scared to question orders because their careers can effectively be ruined and they can be thrown in prison. Once you are in, you are essentially a slave. It was our "patriotism" that leaders took advantage of which got us into a ten year nation building mission in order to secure oil interests in the Middle East. There is nothing wrong with joining the military to defend our country, but the last several wars we have fought had nothing to do with defending our country. It is only because of this patriotic brainwashing that we keep on without saying anything, without actually thinking about what we are doing. Vietnam was not about defending our country, it was about stopping the spread of an ideology. And Iraq and Afghanistan had nothing to do with defending our country. If you didn't know, now you do. Many, including military leaders, have been confirming what many of us already knew. We sent a small elite team to assassinate Bin Laden, we could have easily done the same for those cave hiding towel heads behind the 9/11 attacks. Bush was a big oil man, Iraq holds top 5 oil reserves in the world. I know you can connect the dots. Check out an excellent documentary entitled, "Why we fight." It will open your eyes. If we are all one people, and if we were just the human race, without nation, without tribe, without race, there would not be another world war. We certainly wouldn't be fighting over natural resources. Even the current turmoil in the Middle East is about tribal pride and hate of the other tribe. Muslims are all about killing everyone not Muslim who does not convert, but their hatred of the Jews goes back centuries and has nothing to do with religion.
This brings me to religious brainwashing. This tactic is used by leaders to control their members. The greatest attempted genocide in history, when millions of Christians were murdered by the now Catholic Church, was carried out by followers who had been so religiously brainwashed that they were literally torturing and murdering people in full confidence that they were carrying out the will of God, in complete contradiction to His recorded word in the book they were supposed to believe in and be following. One of the ten commandments clearly states, "Thou shalt NOT kill!" This is just another example of how brainwashing often blinds us to reality. It is possible the top leaders knew of their clear violation of scripture, but used religion as a tool for control. But they would not have been able to carry out their murderous plans if not for the blind, brainwashed 'foot soldiers.' It was because of this evil and corruption that gripped the early church which led to the second greatest revolution in history, the Protestant Reformation. -The first being the revolution started by Jesus, the birth of Christianity. The masses who still support the Catholic Church are a great example of those so brainwashed that they believe whatever the pope says, even if it is clearly against the Word of God, the FOUNDATION for their religion. Not only has the Catholic Church strayed far from God's Word, but there is a disturbing movement today known as ecumenicalism which means the pope along with other major protestant leaders are attempting to merge back Christianity in complete disregard and ignorance of the irreconcilable differences that led to our split in the first place. The fact that many major Protestant leaders today are apparently with the pope in this merger is a huge display of both ignorance and brainwashing as well. These churches have been brainwashed by the world into issues clearly against the Bible anyway so it should be no surprise. For example, these churches have been brainwashed into supporting abortion and gay rights both of which are in direct conflict with God's Word.
Murdering babies and calling it "pro-choice' is another way many have been brainwashed. Now I do not see any problem in scripture with contraceptives, but when babies are literally being murdered and pulled out of the womb and thrown in the trash, this is a horrible atrocity and unjustifiable. The choice was in the decision to have sex. The choice was the decision NOT to use contraceptives. Getting pregnant does not give you the 'choice' to commit murder. And in reference to rape victims, one evil does not excuse another. We have adoption agencies for a reason. Society should come together and figure out an alternative to killing babies...but that would require work, and thinking...killing babies is just so easy... I detail the Catholic brainwashing on my "Catholicism Exposed" page via the link on the left hand side. To summarize, the Catholic Church leaders have brainwashed their members into believing in an imaginary place that THEY control, they have brainwashed their members into 'idolizing' the pope, Mary, and the saints, praying to dead people instead of God, confessing to man instead of God, and have turned people from true baptism to a made up fake baptism.
1. Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
A study of history would reveal that the first church involving Jesus and His twelve disciples had no fancy building. The true Church is the people, not a building. The fact that so many churches have turned "church" into fancy building, a once a week social club, is further brainwashing that is turning many away from their true purpose of getting out in the world and witnessing and doing good in the community. Like many other churches of different denominations, Catholic churches are usually exceptionally and expensively designed, and no doubt require large sums of money to maintain. How much more money could be spent helping the poor and suffering of this world if we were not wasting it away on large, fancy buildings? Joel Osteen just spent approximately 120 million dollars renovating his church...when people in this country are starving and sleeping on the street. Mega churches are ridiculous and not Biblical. As soon as a Church reaches several hundred they should be sending teams out all over as missionary's planting churches. 44,000 is WAY too big of a church!!! I call these people 'pew Christians' because they spend their whole Christian lives sitting in the church pew.
Some of the worst atrocities today are being committed by another religiously brainwashed group, Muslims, who are blowing themselves up, and beheading children and 'nonbelievers' in the name of religion, ironically referred to as a "religion of peace." Many Muslims today would have you believe that Islam really is a religion of peace, yet if you study their Quran, this is impossible. Radical Muslims are true Muslims. If a Muslim wants a religion of peace, he/she needs to find a new religion. The growing number of Muslims is a great example of those indirectly brainwashed because of their environment. As European and American economies have stalled decades ago, the oil rich Middle East countries are exploding, which is why the number of Muslims is overtaking the number of Christians. The only ones converting to Islam are doing so at the point of a weapon, or in places like prison.
There is also political brainwashing where citizens are deceived into playing a game (voting) that is controlled and manipulated if necessary. In America, political parties provide the illusion of control with leaders who do not represent the people but the big business donors who bought and paid for them, and where the main 'players' all work for the same people. This is why jobs are outsourced, war is pushed in order to secure oil, or sustained in order to maximize profits, and their buddies running the banks are bailed out if necessary. Political brainwashing has split the country into halves giving each side the illusion of hope towards future elections if we don't like the current candidate. How can we ever expect Big Business leaders to represent us when the only thing Big Business cares about is profit margins. We are nothing more than an expendable commodity. Why do you think our leaders are multi-millionaires while the majority of citizens suffer from unemployment, or poor unemployment, barely making 20k a year? The very fact that we had or could again have the draft is obvious proof that we are viewed as property. The fact that not one but TWO nuclear bombs were dropped on cities full of innocent civilians obviously demonstrates a complete lack of regard for the live of others. Do you really think that was necessary to end the war, or was it more about sending a message to the world, "Don't Fck with us."
Millions more have been brainwashed into believing a harmless, medicinal natural herb that helps millions is actually "bad." There are those that can be found to abuse EVERYTHING in life, but does not make whatever they are abusing bad. Think about calories, or tobacco, or woman, or sex, or anything for that matter. The fact that we allowed the government to ban this plant in the first place is evidence that we have been brainwashed about our basic freedom, but I wont get started on freedom just yet. Millions are forced to suffer because the best and even sometimes only effective treatment has been banned. Doctors today would have you spend years enduring horrible side effects as "correct medication" and dosage is figured out while prescribing pill cocktails for numerous ailments like depression and anxiety, both of which are treated perfectly through cannabis. Many will continue to endure bad side effects until medical marijuana is legalized in their state unless they move. With marijuana, there are NO bad side effects, except maybe for a very rare few. As many wake up to the truth, more and more states are legalizing medical marijuana, with some even allowing recreational use. As someone who has often struggled with depression, suicide, and anxiety, I can personally testify to the wonderful alleviation this medicine provides for both depression and anxiety, as well as the overall general improvement in mood.
Even in Education, brainwashing is occurring as science is substituted for fiction. The very definition of science means knowledge, referring to what we can observe and test. Yet today millions are being brainwashed as baseless theories are taught as fact and 'knowledge' or science. The fact that many FIRMLY believe that nothing + nobody = everything and call this theory 'knowledge' is a damning testament to the power of brainwashing. The apparent confusion is a result of the fact that micro-evolution IS scientific, yet the "theory of evolution' is based on macro or upwards evolution (all life evolved from nothing) which is something that has never been observed, still today fails all experimentation at every level, and not only lacks zero, I repeat, absolutely zero evidence whatsoever, but is being disproven at every level while schools continue on teaching this theory as fact. DNA is the tiny code toppling evolution, yet this truth will likely be buried because leaders will do anything to avoid embarrassment and disgrace. Who would admit that they have been teaching lies for decades now? For those that don't know, because this lie by far has brainwashed the overwhelming majority, new research has found code, language in DNA, which means there HAS to have been a coder, an intelligent source. And they also discovered that everything about us boils down to blueprints found in our DNA which completely destroys macro evolution. You see, code can mutate, which would explain sideways or micro-evolution, but believing that code can somehow produce superior code is like believing the blueprints for a car can somehow mutate over time to produce the blueprints for an airplane. As an engineer with an intro to computer programming, this is easy for me to grasp, but it might be difficult for many of you. So let me put it this way, every complex machinery, (as our bodies are - biological machines) has blueprints, and if you were to put the blueprints of a car side by side with the blueprints of a plane you would see how completely different on many different levels the two are from each other and you would realize how impossible it could ever be for one to mutate into the other. Every computer programmer or engineer knows how impossible this is. Even top evolutionists now are admitting, "it must have been aliens." Ironically, technically God IS an alien. Unfortunately, many will stay in denial because they are so entrenched, so brainwashed. This is exactly the point of this lie, to point us away from God. This battle of truth is for your soul. I hope you find the Truth before you die.
So it is no surprise that another brainwashing going on today refers to a book of history and wisdom as nothing more than 'fairy tales.' The Bible, an ancient historical book supported by numerous other ancient texts, historians, and archeology, containing several thousand fulfilled prophecies, genealogies, timeless wisdom written by several of history's greatest kings, and, most importantly, the words of God. This book has positively changed more lives in history so much that there is no close comparison. I understand the skepticism of some as this book has also been used to justify the worst atrocity in history, the murder of millions of saints. Yet, the truth still stands, and this book is powerful and legitimate. The destruction of Sodom, recorded approximately over four thousand years ago can still be verified today. The only sulfur (brimstone) stones on this Earth are found in that land, and the purest by far. Just YouTube it and you'll find out what I mean. Many refuse to believe in the global flood, but there is overwhelming evidence to support this event as well. For example, many fossils of sea creatures have been found on some of the highest mountains. A study of tectonic plates reveal a quick shift which would have occurred as the ground ruptured to spew water contained beneath. If you are not familiar with the study of tectonic plates then I encourage you to do some research. Evolutionists try to use the current shift in tectonics to 'prove' earth is old, but other scientists have found that this shift appears to have been sudden. Water shooting high in the atmosphere and returning frozen would account for the sudden freeze of animals like the woolly mammoths. There are ancient texts supporting a world wide flood, and almost every civilization has stories and legends of a great flood. If you study our population growth and back track it, it fits right in with life starting over around 4500 years ago, which is the approximate Biblical date of the flood. If life was as old as evolutionists say, there would be plenty more fossils, and plenty of "missing links." The oldest tree and great barrier reef are both estimated by scientists to be a little over 4,000 years old. The only part of the Bible that is debated among scholars is the first 5 chapters where creation is detailed, but the fossil record shows a sudden emergence of life.
Another area we are being brainwashed about is Aliens. With a rise in reports not only of alien and UFO sightings but even encounters, many do not know what to think. Now many would agree that it would be foolish to rule out other life forms in this vast galaxy, but if there were an alien race advanced enough to make it here, they would not be seen unless they wished. We would either know about them, or we would not. The idea of little green men bumbling around our planet being seen here or there is extremely ridiculous. For several reasons, I believe this increase in 'alien activity' is a subtle deception. I believe the truth is a mixed bag. For example, I believe all 'UFO' activity is nothing more than top secret government experimentation of cutting edge developments. It was several decades before the release of our Blackhawk, the highest, fasted flying aircraft of its time, that reports of triangle shaped 'UFO's' started surfacing. Since history demonstrates the continual rise of pure evil men, like Hitler, I believe some 'alien abductions' are actually the result of evil experiments. What evil genius would not want to create a virus along with a cure and then mysteriously unleash that virus and then 'save the world' with a cure, at cost of course, making trillions of dollars and becoming the world's savior at the same time? Maybe someone just wants to develop a 'mysterious' virus for population control, or as a deadly weapon against enemies. I believe most 'alien encounters and/or abductions' are demonic related. Now let me clarify for you that 'demonic' is reference to fallen angels. It is interesting that on television a regular program is aired called, "Ancient Aliens" which highlights an abundance of evidence demonstrating our 'alien heritage." This is very interesting to us Christians because even the Bible mentions in Genesis 6 that fallen angels came to Earth and took our women for wives. This would explain legends such as Zeus or Hercules. The literal words used are 'the sons of God,' but the actual Hebrew root is interpreted as 'nephilim' which means 'fallen angels.' There are other ancient texts that point towards these fallen angels as the source for 'black magic,' or the 'dark arts,' including what is now known as 'witchcraft,' all of which are making a comeback today. Fear turns us towards the problem and tears us away from God. Through alien abductions we are being filled with fear. And what better way to prepare for one of the last prophecies yet to be fulfilled concerning the 'rapture' of believers? How else will the focus of people be misdirected away from the truth of the Bible and God if such an event were to occur? The number of true Christians is only around maybe 2% and quickly dwindling for several reasons: faith and truth are being buried with lies and propoganda as evil and ignorance take over, Christians are being out procreated,and many Christians are being killed around the world today. With the increase in 'alien activity' the rapture will be easy to explain away as an 'alien abduction.'
Lastly, we have been brainwashed about our basic freedom, as the definition changes while corrupt leaders strip us of our rights in order to tighten their grip and control. True freedom means one can travel anywhere without being restricted by fees and process. Having to pay for an ID to legally work is NOT freedom. Having to pay 3 different fees (insurance/registration/tags), just to legally drive your own vehicle is NOT true freedom. Having your grandfathers land taken away by the government for a 'project ' or because you could not pay a land tax that did not even benefit you in anyway because your job was outsourced is NOT true freedom. If we were truly free, education and healthcare would be free, like many other countries. Going broke and into debt just to pay for a medical emergency is NOT true freedom. Going into debt for life just to afford education is NOT true freedom. Having to pay a tax and submit to a process just to arm oneself is NOT true freedom. Not being able to self-medicate with a harmless, medicinal, natural herb is NOT true freedom. True freedom is the ability to be stupid if one chooses, as long as it does not harm anyone else. Mass punishment is NOT true freedom, like seat belts, or a ban on texting and driving. If we really wanted to solve most ALL traffic problems, we would hurry up and develop automated cars. This would eliminate traffic accidents, speeding, drinking and driving, and texting while driving accidents. Mass conscription or draft directly conflicts true freedom. We are NOT property at the governments disposal.
There are other areas many have been brainwashed, but you can't handle the truth. Many of you probably can't even handle this truth laid out in front of you above.
We are truly living in dark times as evil takes over politics, science, education, our freedom, and everything else. Nobody wants to believe they have been brainwashed about something, especially something as important or 'mainstream' as or our religious beliefs or education. But the truth stands for itself, whether you realize it yet or not. One thing we should be able to agree on is that violence is not the answer. It's time to end wars. No more dropping of bombs. There are better ways of handling situations, and we can defend ourselves just fine without resorting to the destruction of whole cities and millions of innocent civilians. It's simply a matter of will power. Have not enough suffered throughout history and even today from this nationalism or religious pride that leads so many to violence? When will it all stop? Since war is the best money maker, it will not stop unless we the people rise up and put an end to it ourselves. But how can we end wars and violence when most have been brainwashed into supporting them? Is there hope for peace on this planet? Or will history continue repeating itself...and billions continue to suffer....
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