My problem with our incarceration system is two-fold:
The money spent on massive prison facilities and taking care of prisoners is a MASSIVE WASTE, and prisoners are not learning anything except how to become better criminals!!!
It doesn't have to be this way!
The solution is simple: there should be land set aside for criminals in a very remote location modeled after the tent-city prison system in Phoenix, Arizona. An island should be designated for the more serious criminals, such as the murderers, rapists, and terrorists. Drones could then be used to patrol perimeters with authorization to kill any criminal attempting to escape. Prisoners should be put to work growing their own food, making their own clothes, and providing services, or manufacturing products for communities and companies. All minor criminals should receive vocational training and employment in order to help them succeed in the real world. Teaching criminals real skills would reduce their chances of turning back to crime.
Life sentencing is just absolutely ridiculous, more inhumane than the death penalty, and a massive waste of money. I believe people can be rehabilitated. If they can't, then send them to an island to fend for themselves. Wasting millions of dollars on them is astoundingly stupidity.