Our Currency is in Danger!
We are already playing with monopoly money worthless as the paper it's printed on only valuable because of a decades old deal made under Reagan promising arms and protection to a few oil-rich Muslim nations as long as they traded their oil in dollars. But much has been changing in the Middle East since then. Thanks to our arrogance, stupidity, and imperialism, we have more enemies than allies, and while we have been almost completely stalled for decades now, our enemies have been growing. Mark my words, the petro-dollar does not have long, which means our dollar does not have long. And there is nothing we can do to stop it because the secret is that this is exactly what leaders want. Think about it. Are leaders really stupid enough to be ignoring our gigantically growing debt, throwing trillions down holes bailing out crook banks while creating a potentially bigger bubble immediately after the last?
School-loan debt has recently reached a total of 1.2 trillion dollars.
Check out these articles linked below real quick:
Prepare for the death of the petrodollar The-end-of-the-petrodollar
Now Check this out, one of the last prophecies yet to be fulfilled specifies that a world leader will implement a new currency which no man will be able to buy or sell without. If you have not read my "Last Hour" blog via the left hand page link then I strongly encourage you to do so. You will find that there is a strong case to indicate that Jesus would come back 2,000 years after His ascension, and as we approach that juncture not only is Israel reborn and blowing up economically passing every other nation but the very countries specified by Ezekiel approximately 2,500 years ago to come against Israel in the 'latter years' are doing so now. Moreover, as the major currencies teeter over the edge of ruin as America and the UK lead the world farther and farther into tremendous debt the stage is set for the emergence of a global currency because the current currencies must first be destroyed before a new currency could emerge.
16 And
he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to
receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark...
Rev. 13:16
Rev. 13:16
As long as hard currency exists, people will always be able buy and sell if they want. In order to control all buying and selling, the currency must be controlled. The only way to control access to currency is by making it strictly electronic. Already, our banking industry is headed in that direction as the vast majority of transactions are conducted electronically via online or mobile banking or through the use of debit or credit cards. With leaders pushing towards a new global order it would make sense that a global currency could be a piece of the puzzle. If the dollar collapses, a new electronic 'credit' currency system could emerge. I believe and presume to show you that our leaders want an electronic currency for several very important reasons:
- An electronic currency system would give leaders ultimate control - the ability to cut off anyone's funds and stop any transactions. Anyone deemed a terrorist would simply be cut off from access to electronic funds.
- An electronic currency system would enable the recording, monitoring, and taxing of every transaction which would destroy underground and black markets, completely stop tax evasion, and create a tracking log which would help fight and significantly reduce crime.
- An electronic currency would save significant money by eliminating production and distribution costs of checks, debit/credit cards, and hard currency. Cards are constantly lost, stolen, or damaged which require replacement and cut into money lender's profits. Big businesses are all about improving profit margins. Eliminating unnecessary costs is simply a step in that direction.
Already, we are living in a day of age where everything is being 'chipped' for many different reasons, including tracking and convenience. Computers and phones are chipped in order to allow access to the internet or online database. Automobiles are chipped in order to allow tracking, governing, and remote control. Appliances are being chipped for better control and conveniences. Dogs and goods are being chipped for tracking. Credit cards, debit cards, and identification cards are being chipped to access electronic databases,. Even the military and hotels have switched to electronically chipped plastic room card keys because plastic cards are cheaper to produce and replace than formerly used metal keys. Due to the growing number of health problems, complications, and unnecessary hospital deaths related to the inability to immediately pull records of patients, a 'health chip' is being tested on a family in Florida to help provide instant access to health records, history, and emergency contact information. In Mexico, workers are being chipped for security purposes. Barcelona clubbers are offered the opportunity to be chipped in order to access VIP lounges and pay for drinks. Recently, in Lima, Ohio, investigators and police have spent hundreds of hours trying to identify a woman who had scrubbed her fingerprints and repeatedly lied about everything. Cases like this will push leaders towards a better way of identifying citizens such as 'chipping.'
The VeriMed system, formerly known as the Verichip, is a passive RFID microchip measuring about the size of a grain of rice and is implantable under your skin, making it possible for health care providers and other parties to instantly access your medical history and other personally identifying information. It’s been hailed as the ultimate in personal identification and human tracking technology, and now it’s going mainstream. This is what the Florida family started testing in 2002. The chip itself does not store a whole lot of information other than a personal identification number, much like a social security number. When scanned it connects directly to the Healthlink global network via the internet allowing doctors immediate retrieval of everything they need to know about you. The chip itself does not store a whole lot of information other than a personal identification number, much like a social security number. When scanned it connects directly to the Healthlink global network via the internet allowing doctors immediate retrieval of everything they need to know about you. The systems are not only limited to human medical data storage, however, and have been used for years as location tracking for cattle and pets by Verichip’s former parent company Applied Digital Solutions. Recently the UK prison system proposed that these machine-readable chips be implanted into prisoners to keep tabs on their whereabouts and help prevent escape: Because of concerns about the security of existing tagging systems and prison overcrowding, the British Ministry of Justice is investigating the use of satellite and radio-wave technology to monitor criminals. But, instead of being contained in bracelets worn around the ankle, the tiny chips would be surgically inserted under the skin of offenders in the community, to help enforce home curfews.

This is why I am tell you now, chipping is the future for humans.
A chip that could serve as identification, access to currency, the ability to instantaneously access health records, emergency contact information, and enable tracking would not only save everyone a tremendous amount of time, money, and hassle, but would literally save lives.
Here are
7 Reasons
Why the world will demand
a 'bio-stamp' or something similar to a Radio Frequency Identification bio-stamp or chip implant
The VeriMed system, formerly known as the Verichip, is a passive RFID microchip measuring about the size of a grain of rice and is implantable under your skin, making it possible for health care providers and other parties to instantly access your medical history and other personally identifying information. It’s been hailed as the ultimate in personal identification and human tracking technology, and now it’s going mainstream. This is what the Florida family started testing in 2002. The chip itself does not store a whole lot of information other than a personal identification number, much like a social security number. When scanned it connects directly to the Healthlink global network via the internet allowing doctors immediate retrieval of everything they need to know about you. The chip itself does not store a whole lot of information other than a personal identification number, much like a social security number. When scanned it connects directly to the Healthlink global network via the internet allowing doctors immediate retrieval of everything they need to know about you. The systems are not only limited to human medical data storage, however, and have been used for years as location tracking for cattle and pets by Verichip’s former parent company Applied Digital Solutions. Recently the UK prison system proposed that these machine-readable chips be implanted into prisoners to keep tabs on their whereabouts and help prevent escape: Because of concerns about the security of existing tagging systems and prison overcrowding, the British Ministry of Justice is investigating the use of satellite and radio-wave technology to monitor criminals. But, instead of being contained in bracelets worn around the ankle, the tiny chips would be surgically inserted under the skin of offenders in the community, to help enforce home curfews.

This is why I am tell you now, chipping is the future for humans.
A chip that could serve as identification, access to currency, the ability to instantaneously access health records, emergency contact information, and enable tracking would not only save everyone a tremendous amount of time, money, and hassle, but would literally save lives.
Here are
7 Reasons
Why the world will demand
a 'bio-stamp' or something similar to a Radio Frequency Identification bio-stamp or chip implant
- An RFID stamp can be scanned to access a central database and thereby identify an individual which would eradicate the need for any identification.
- An electronic stamp linked to your bank account would eradicate the need for checks, debit, and credit cards and ultimately wallets.
- No more paperwork or questionnaires! Identity chips would eradicate the need for most paperwork and save many trees. Authorities would be able to just scan you and pull up all your information and history.
- No more hassle in emergencies, no more medical mistakes or deaths due to the inability to pull one's health history and records! Medical professionals can just scan you and pull up your medical history and information and emergency contact information.
- The fast growing crime, Identity Theft, recently effected approximately 15 million United States residents who had their identities used fraudulently with financial losses totaling upwards of $50 billion. An identity/banking chip would eradicate identity theft. All transactions could require a real time scan and thereby eliminate any false purchases by another in one's name.
- No more worry about lost or stolen cards or money, which would also reduce crime..
- Recently missing person reports are averaging an astounding 2,300 every day, and totaling a 900,000 annually. RFID tracking could eliminate abductions, kidnappings, and slave trafficking. Although you better believe there are evil organizations with medical professionals on staff who would remove the chip from their victims.
The reason behind RFID tracking with food stamp recipients is to reduce fraud.
FYI: 1/7 Americans are now on food stamps.
Before leaders can implement this new global currency, a global database must be built, which requires some type of global network or 'order.' This is why we will continue to see leaders pushing towards a global order.
9 And the third angel...saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand...he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone...for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."
Rev. 14:9-11
Before leaders can implement this new global currency, a global database must be built, which requires some type of global network or 'order.' This is why we will continue to see leaders pushing towards a global order.