
For those that do not know me, I gave eight years of my life for this country through the United States Army, including two years split between Iraq and Korea.  Before I joined, I was a Bush and war supporter, but when I exited I was neither.  Growing and evolving spiritually and politically, and witnessing the complete difference between reality and the picture painted by media turned me into a reader, researcher, and analyst.  What I learned has turned me not only into an activist, but a 'survivalist.'

When I look across this country, I am deeply disturbed.
I see numerous serious crisis approaching
A dark and powerful storm that will either make or break this country if action is not taken Immediately

I see an apparent Muslim supporting President whose records are sealed off, placing czars in power who are answerable to no one, placing half a dozen Muslim Brotherhood (terrorists) supporters in the White House, unwilling to secure our borders, bypassing congress to arm, send money to, and release terrorists, and stiff-arming our ally on the front-lines of the 'war on terror' while engaging in subtle warfare by pressuring them to divide their land with terrorists who have openly and repeatedly declared their intentions of destroying Israel.  
(See my "Obama" page via right hand link on Home Page)
I see our freedoms and rights being slowly and subtlety stripped away.
I see police and homeland security being militarized.  
 I see gun confiscation beginning under false pretenses.
I see a major crisis blooming as apocalyptic drought ravages the West which will not only displace millions but will lead towards food shortages which means higher food prices.
I see our dollar negligently or deliberately being destroyed as our country hurtles downward on an unsustainable path, 18k trillion in debt, throwing 252 billion next year down the hole on national debt interest alone, while the debt ceiling is continually kicked upwards without a plan or even discussion.
Negligent and irresponsible banks crashing our economy, stealing our money, and then bailed out while pushing leaders to throw trillions of dollars down the hole fixing nothing, while simultaneously creating a bigger college-loan bubble that no one wants to talk about or address.

I'm telling you right here right now:

  • Our dollar is on it's way out, and soon (see page entitled "Currency" on right hand list)
  • The apocalyptic drought ravaging the West Coast as we speak will raise food prices and likely even create a food shortage.

The smart people are already getting independent or leaving this country.  The number of those who have renounced American citizenship since Obama assumed office is likely to exceed ten thousand before the year is over.  Check out the links below:

I fought for this country, and I don't plan on running.  
Give me a little time and just a little money and I could make a property invisible and untouchable short of a serious air strike.
The point of this page is two-fold:  
First, to warn my brothers and sisters abroad to get ready, and get independent.  Have a garden going.  Trust me, it's going to come in handy real soon.  Start 'jarring.'  Start a honey bee farm.  Get a pig or goat and some chickens.  Stock up on water and canned goods.  Start networking within your community with survivalists and local veterans.  When sh!& hits the fan, you could trade a place to stay and some food for protection assistance.
Secondly, I am looking for those who see what's coming, but either don't know what to do or are looking to join forces with those that do.  If that is you, please contact me immediately via email @ seanrowe83@gmail, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.  
Thank you for your time.
Please check out my other pages and blogs and let me know if I can improve your reading experience.

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