Wednesday, May 30, 2018


44 Horrendous Evils of Capitalism


WHY Capitalism IS absolutely doomed

1.) Pushes/Elevates profits before/at the expense of human decency

2.) Creates Greed and profit driven lifestyle, which turns people into worst versions of themselves -corrupt lying backstabbing blackmailing murderous selfish thieves.

3.) Creates inequality as most wealth inevitably ends up concentrated into the hands of a few, who, because of greed, dominate and enslave the rest. There will never be true equality until there is income equality, and there will never be income equality under Capitalism.

4.) Propels impoverished women into life of prostitution and abuse.

5.) Pillars of society (healthcare/education/housing) become accessories only for wealthy

6.) Discriminates (healthcare/education/housing) against the poor.

7.) Discriminates against the sick or injured.

8.) Discriminates against the disabled and handicapped.

9.) Discriminates against the pregnant

10.) Creates enormous unnecessary hardship for society regarding #3-6.

11.) Acts as roadblock for education

12.) Acts as roadblock for healthcare

13.) Creates Unemployment – Businesses can only hire whom they can afford; jobs can only be created based on capital.

14.) Everything is for sale (who can say no to tons of money) and, as history repeatedly shows, inevitably corrupted, particularly anything influential over minds of men (when someone wants to control/manipulate public knowledge/perception), and especially government and media. This means:

15.) NO honest government/leadership is possible because greed will always corrupt positions of power for personal gain. Those who cannot/will not be corrupted are assassinated.

16.)NO honest flow of information is possible because greed will always corrupt information highways for personal gain. This especially includes education systems and news outlets, but also includes any source of information on which consumer decisions are based.

17.) NO stable honest market system is possible because corruption and greed inevitably create secret elite inside groups who manipulate and even crash the markets for gain.

18.) Demand for profit leads towards promotion of war.

19.)Demand for profit leads towards slavery

20.) Demand for profit facilitates human trafficking

21.) Demand for profit leads towards human poisoning (creating health problems for profit)

22.) Demand for profit leads towards rampant frivolous lawsuits

23.) Demand for profit leads towards rampant animal abuse

24.)Demand for profit leads towards rampant scamming

25.) Demand for profit leads towards famine/starvation; Instead of producing in abundance, capitalism only allows production of what can be sold.

26.)Demand for profit facilitates mass homelessness in increasingly impoverished society; Instead of building/providing housing for all, even with millions of homes sitting empty, provision is only based upon greed (profit).

27.) Demand for profit leads towards baby murder; instead of expanding an adoption/foster program for unwanted/accidental babies, only possible in a capitalistic society if leaders can designate available funds -mother’s, in fear of costs, turn to killing their own babies, which is embraced by leaders because baby killing is a profitable business.

28.) Culminates in complete loss of privacy -and thus security- with 24/7 monitoring and logging of all activity as greedy marketing companies desperately jockey for every scrap of marketing information to corner markets and maximize profit.

29.) Encourages annoying and abusive guerrilla marketing campaigns which lead to endless spamming of mail, email, phone, computer (pop-ups), and harassment just walking in public, or even while at home.

30.) Opens the door towards corruption of every industry, which inevitably leads towards:

a.Monopolies which over-charge for poor services and inferior products

b.Criminal neglect & abuse of humans and nature for profit.

31.) Destroys/Corrupts/Prevents true Healthcare.

a. True healthcare is preventative, however, today healthcare simply treats symptoms while ignoring the actual problems.

b.Generates criminal practices which harm others in order to produce profit through treatment. For example, creating viruses, or adding brain destroying ingredient to vaccines.

32.) Stifles and Restricts Life, particularly growth, creativity, & art. As wealth centralizes among a few who through greed seek to dominate and enslave, life and innovation inevitably suffer.

33.) The inescapable fact stands, the inevitable natural conclusion of Capitalism will be the end of civilization as we know it through the automation of nearly every 'J.O.B.' Capitalism drives demand for increasing profit, which will eventually lead to the removing of the 'human factor' from every job possible. Let's face it, we humans are unreliable, incompetent, distracted, lazy, slow, and stupid; we can't compete with technology. What will happen when technology forces most into unemployment? How will people eat if they can't work? Will that mean a mass welfare system? In case you don't realize how serious the situation is....we are only a few years away from numerous major industries ending up almost completely automated and sending 10+ million into unemployment...including: Transportation (taxi/delivery), Military, & Cashiers.

34.) Mankind is being turned into slaves through debt. If the dollar collapses with you in debt, you become a debt-slave! Although, considering all the taxes and regulations one must abide by simply to live (unless you're a complete vegetable), we basically already are slaves. If you didn't know, the dollar IS on the way out to give way to a new global currency which will be instated with the coming New World Order, or rather rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire.

35.)Life is amazing and invaluable, yet Capitalism not only devalues life but creates potential value for death. How many have been killed over money? How many wars have been fought because of GREED?!

36.) Capitalism…it’s why: harmful products are pushed through without care

37.) We pay $10 for a $2 item at the movies.

38.) Dogs are raced, fought, and abused for money.

39.) People are kidnapped and killed for their organs

40.) People are robbed daily

41.) Many live in poverty

42.)Facilitates loneliness and thus depression, and therefore, suicide -everything takes money!

43.)Capitalism creates competition which is COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE! Think about how much money is wasted as numerous companies and countries spend money on the SAME THINGS! For example, research and development, whether it be military or other technology as numerous entities race against each other trying to out-do each other.

44.)Capitalism is why company’s leech out developments slowly over time, particularly with smart-phones, while they sit on technology years ahead of what they are releasing.

45.) Capitalism restricts innovation. Only those with money can create and develop new technologies. I’m sitting on numerous ideas and inventions which would significantly improve life for everyone, but without money I am helpless to do anything.

One common flawed logic passed around today is to attribute modern success to our Capitalistic system. The logic - 1.) Look at how far we came so fast, 2.) We arrived here through capitalism, therefore, 3.) Capitalism is best or good. The problem with this logic not only is a lack of imagination but the assumption that capitalism is the best simply because it drove us here. News Flash: There's always more than one way to skin a cat. Just because you're naively satisfied with the results, does not mean one way was the best. We didn't and don't need this failed, corrupt, and evil system which is destroying us and our planet. We can and should do better.

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