Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Modern Day Slavery = Debt Creation

How to make slaves in the twentieth century:

  1. Create central bank
  2. Lend money to governments at interest
  3. Use that leverage to control politics
  4. Buy out major media outlets to control information
  5. Hand out loans like candy
  6. Wait until debt reaches exorbitant amount
  7. Citizens will be forced to give up most rights and to allow government take-over due to exceeding debt and thus become slaves.

This is exactly what is happening after the Rothschild's, an ancient family dating back centuries,  established the first central banks in Europe and then the Federal Reserve here in America.  The same bankers who lend our government money at interest thus becoming the puppet masters.  The same bankers who are handing out loans like candy to those who will never be able to repay.  The same men who could turn us into slaves should they decide to call in our trillion dollar debt deficit...

Please check out my previous post labeled the Fraudulent Federal Reserve.  Also, posted below are interested and educational related articles.  Enjoy.

Related Article 3

The best slave is an unknowing slave.
How can someone be a slave and not know it?
The average global citizen is an unknowingly a slave through debt.
The average college student is graduating with over eight years of debt.
The average working global citizen is in tremendous credit card debt.
The average home owner is in huge debt.
There is nothing wrong with loans and credit cards, but if you are in debt over your head for the next decade, then  are a slave to the system. 
Citizens who are not armed are “subjects.”
Unarmed, we are subject to the will of the government.
The government controls the military and police.
Who do you think soldiers and policemen are going to listen to, us, or the source of their paychecks?