Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fraud & Waste

Check out these links below:

11 Examples of Waste     14 Examples of Waste     50 Examples of Waste

So far, 36 companies that were offered federal support from taxpayers are faltering — either having gone bankrupt or laying off workers or heading for bankruptcy. This list includes only those companies that received federal money from the Obama Administration’s Department of Energy and other agencies. The amount of money indicated does not reflect how much was actually received or spent but how much was offered. The amount also does not include other state, local, and federal tax credits and subsidies, which push the amount of money these companies have received from taxpayers even higher.
The complete list of faltering or bankrupt green-energy companies:
    Evergreen Solar ($25 million)*
    SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
    Solyndra ($535 million)*
    Beacon Power ($43 million)*
    Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
    SunPower ($1.2 billion)
    First Solar ($1.46 billion)
    Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
    EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
    Amonix ($5.9 million)
    Fisker Automotive ($529 million)
    Abound Solar ($400 million)*
    A123 Systems ($279 million)*
    Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($700,981)*
    Johnson Controls ($299 million)
    Schneider Electric ($86 million)
    Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
    ECOtality ($126.2 million)
    Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
    Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
    Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
    Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10 million)*
    Range Fuels ($80 million)*
    Thompson River Power ($6.5 million)*
    Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
    Azure Dynamics ($5.4 million)*
    GreenVolts ($500,000)
    Vestas ($50 million)
    LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($151 million)
    Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
    Navistar ($39 million)
    Satcon ($3 million)*
    Konarka Technologies Inc. ($20 million)*
    Mascoma Corp. ($100 million)

Not to mention America is slated to spend 252 billion on national debt interest alone.  And every year we spend 50 billion on a failed war on drugs.  Not to mention the trillions we wasted in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

And we wonder why we are going broke?

Saturday, October 19, 2013


I am amazed by the lack of creativity and ridiculous waste of resources from today's justice system.  America has the highest incarceration rate in the world, spending approximately thirty-two billion on our prison systems, but two out of every five prisoners released end up back in prison within three years.  We deem criminals so bad that we sentence them to life in prison and then spend over millions of dollars taking care of them while they waste away effectively doing nothing.  As of 2012, approximately 159,000 people were serving life sentences in America, and at least 2,500 inmates committed the crime as a kid.  Looking back, studies have found approximately 4% of death-row inmates to be innocent.  Furthermore, there is no evidence to suggest the death penalty is a particular deterrent to violent crime.  Since 1978 in California, the cost of enforcing the death penalty has totaled more than four billion dollars.  That's three hundred and eight million dollars for each of the thirteen executions carried out.  In fact, it costs ten times more to give someone the death penalty than life in prison.  So we know the death penalty is expensive, potentially kills innocent people, and does not deter criminals.

My problem with our incarceration system is two-fold: 

The money spent on massive prison facilities and taking care of prisoners is a MASSIVE WASTE, and prisoners are not learning anything except how to become better criminals!!! 
  It doesn't have to be this way!  

The solution is simple: there should be land set aside for criminals in a very remote location modeled after the tent-city prison system in Phoenix, Arizona.  An island should be designated for the more serious criminals, such as the murderers, rapists, and terrorists.  Drones could then be used to patrol perimeters with authorization to kill any criminal attempting to escape.  Prisoners should be put to work growing their own food, making their own clothes, and providing services, or manufacturing products for communities and companies.  All minor criminals should receive vocational training and employment in order to help them succeed in the real world.  Teaching criminals real skills would reduce their chances of turning back to crime. 

Life sentencing is just absolutely ridiculous, more inhumane than the death penalty, and a massive waste of money.  I believe people can be rehabilitated.  If they can't, then send them to an island to fend for themselves.  Wasting millions of dollars on them is astoundingly stupidity.    

Friday, August 9, 2013


Our Currency is in Danger!

We are already playing with monopoly money worthless as the paper it's printed on only valuable because of a decades old deal made under Reagan promising arms and protection to a few oil-rich Muslim nations as long as they traded their oil in dollars.  But much has been changing in the Middle East since then.  Thanks to our arrogance, stupidity, and imperialism, we have more enemies than allies, and while we have been almost completely stalled for decades now, our enemies have been growing.  Mark my words, the petro-dollar does not have long, which means our dollar does not have long.  And there is nothing we can do to stop it because the secret is that this is exactly what leaders want.  Think about it.  Are leaders really stupid enough to be ignoring our gigantically growing debt, throwing trillions down holes bailing out crook banks while creating a potentially bigger bubble immediately after the last? 
School-loan debt has recently reached a total of 1.2 trillion dollars.  
Check out these articles linked below real quick:

Prepare for the death of the petrodollar          The-end-of-the-petrodollar
Now Check this out, one of the last prophecies yet to be fulfilled specifies that a world leader will implement a new currency which no man will be able to buy or sell without.  If you have not read my "Last Hour" blog via the left hand page link then I strongly encourage you to do so.  You will find that there is a strong case to indicate that Jesus would come back 2,000 years after His ascension, and as we approach that juncture not only is Israel reborn and blowing up economically passing every other nation but the very countries specified by Ezekiel approximately 2,500 years ago to come against Israel in the 'latter years' are doing so now.  Moreover, as the major currencies teeter over the edge of ruin as America and the UK lead the world farther and farther into tremendous debt the stage is set for the emergence of a global currency because the current currencies must first be destroyed before a new currency could emerge.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark...
Rev. 13:16

As long as hard currency exists, people will always be able buy and sell if they want.  In order to control all buying and selling, the currency must be controlled.  The only way to control access to currency is by making it strictly electronic.  Already our banking industry is headed in that direction as the vast majority of transactions are conducted electronically via online or mobile banking or through the use of debit or credit cards.  With leaders pushing towards a new global order it would make sense that a global currency could be a piece of the puzzle.   If the dollar collapses, a new electronic 'credit' currency system could emerge.  I believe and presume to show you that our leaders want an electronic currency for several very important reasons:

  • An electronic currency system would give leaders ultimate control - the ability to cut off anyone's funds and stop any transactions.  Anyone deemed a terrorist would simply be cut off from access to electronic funds.
  • An electronic currency system would enable the recording, monitoring, and taxing of every transaction which would destroy underground and black markets, completely stop tax evasion, and create a tracking log which would help fight and significantly reduce crime. 
  • An electronic currency would save significant money by eliminating production and distribution costs of checks, debit/credit cards, and hard currency.  Cards are constantly lost, stolen, or damaged which require replacement and cut into money lender's profits.  Big businesses are all about improving profit margins.  Eliminating unnecessary costs is simply a step in that direction.

Already, we are living in a day of age where everything is being 'chipped' for many different reasons, including tracking and convenience.  Computers and phones are chipped in order to allow access to the internet or online database.  Automobiles are chipped in order to allow tracking, governing, and remote control.  Appliances are being chipped for better control and conveniences.  Dogs and goods are being chipped for tracking.  Credit cards, debit cards, and identification cards are being chipped to access electronic databases,.  Even the military and hotels have switched to electronically chipped plastic room card keys because plastic cards are cheaper to produce and replace than formerly used metal keys.  Due to the growing number of health problems, complications, and unnecessary hospital deaths related to the inability to immediately pull records of patients, a 'health chip' is being tested on a family in Florida to help provide instant access to health records, history, and emergency contact information.  In Mexico, workers are being chipped for security purposes.  Barcelona clubbers are offered the opportunity to be chipped in order to access VIP lounges and pay for drinks.  Recently, in Lima, Ohio, investigators and police have spent hundreds of hours trying to identify a woman who had scrubbed her fingerprints and repeatedly lied about everything.  Cases like this will push leaders towards a better way of identifying citizens such as 'chipping.'

The VeriMed system, formerly known as the Verichip, is a passive RFID microchip measuring about the size of a grain of rice and is implantable under your skin, making it possible for health care providers and other parties to instantly access your medical history and other personally identifying information.  It’s been hailed as the ultimate in personal identification and human tracking technology, and now it’s going mainstream.  This is what the Florida family started testing in 2002.  The chip itself does not store a whole lot of information other than a personal identification number, much like a social security number. When scanned it connects directly to the Healthlink global network via the internet allowing doctors immediate retrieval of everything they need to know about you.  The chip itself does not store a whole lot of information other than a personal identification number, much like a social security number. When scanned it connects directly to the Healthlink global network via the internet allowing doctors immediate retrieval of everything they need to know about you.  The systems are not only limited to human medical data storage, however, and have been used for years as location tracking for cattle and pets by Verichip’s former parent company Applied Digital Solutions.  Recently the UK prison system proposed that these machine-readable chips be implanted into prisoners to keep tabs on their whereabouts and help prevent escape:  Because of concerns about the security of existing tagging systems and prison overcrowding, the British Ministry of Justice is investigating the use of satellite and radio-wave technology to monitor criminals.  But, instead of being contained in bracelets worn around the ankle, the tiny chips would be surgically inserted under the skin of offenders in the community, to help enforce home curfews. 


This is why I am tell you now, chipping is the future for humans.  
A chip that could serve as identification, access to currency, the ability to instantaneously access health records, emergency contact information, and enable tracking would not only save everyone a tremendous amount of time, money, and hassle, but would literally save lives.

Here are 
7 Reasons 
Why the world will demand 
a 'bio-stamp' or something similar to a Radio Frequency Identification bio-stamp or chip implant

  • An RFID stamp can be scanned to access a central database and thereby identify an individual which would eradicate the need for any identification.
  • An electronic stamp linked to your bank account would eradicate the need for checks, debit, and credit cards and ultimately wallets.    
  • No more paperwork or questionnaires!  Identity chips would eradicate the need for most paperwork and save many trees.  Authorities would be able to just scan you and pull up all your information and history.   
  • No more hassle in emergencies, no more medical mistakes or deaths due to the inability to pull one's health history and records!  Medical professionals can just scan you and pull up your medical history and information and emergency contact information.
  • The fast growing crime, Identity Theft, recently effected approximately 15 million United States residents who had their identities used fraudulently with financial losses totaling upwards of $50 billion.  An identity/banking chip would eradicate identity theft.  All transactions could require a real time scan and thereby eliminate any false purchases by another in one's name.     
  • No more worry about lost or stolen cards or money, which would also reduce crime..
  • Recently missing person reports are averaging an astounding 2,300 every day, and totaling a 900,000 annually.  RFID tracking could eliminate abductions, kidnappings, and slave trafficking.  Although you better believe there are evil organizations with medical professionals on staff who would remove the chip from their victims.

Behold, The Future:


The reason behind RFID tracking with food stamp recipients is to reduce fraud. 
 FYI: 1/7 Americans are now on food stamps.


And the third angel...saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand...he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone...for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."
Rev. 14:9-11

Before leaders can implement this new global currency, a global database must be built, which requires some type of global network or 'order.'  This is why we will continue to see leaders pushing towards a global order.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Modern Day Slavery = Debt Creation

How to make slaves in the twentieth century:

  1. Create central bank
  2. Lend money to governments at interest
  3. Use that leverage to control politics
  4. Buy out major media outlets to control information
  5. Hand out loans like candy
  6. Wait until debt reaches exorbitant amount
  7. Citizens will be forced to give up most rights and to allow government take-over due to exceeding debt and thus become slaves.

This is exactly what is happening after the Rothschild's, an ancient family dating back centuries,  established the first central banks in Europe and then the Federal Reserve here in America.  The same bankers who lend our government money at interest thus becoming the puppet masters.  The same bankers who are handing out loans like candy to those who will never be able to repay.  The same men who could turn us into slaves should they decide to call in our trillion dollar debt deficit...

Please check out my previous post labeled the Fraudulent Federal Reserve.  Also, posted below are interested and educational related articles.  Enjoy.

Related Article 3

The best slave is an unknowing slave.
How can someone be a slave and not know it?
The average global citizen is an unknowingly a slave through debt.
The average college student is graduating with over eight years of debt.
The average working global citizen is in tremendous credit card debt.
The average home owner is in huge debt.
There is nothing wrong with loans and credit cards, but if you are in debt over your head for the next decade, then  are a slave to the system. 
Citizens who are not armed are “subjects.”
Unarmed, we are subject to the will of the government.
The government controls the military and police.
Who do you think soldiers and policemen are going to listen to, us, or the source of their paychecks?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Currency Collapse

The crisis in Europe is a prelude to what we will see in America unless the people rise up and replace key leadership.  You think your money is safe in a bank?  It's obviously not.  One main reason cited for this disastor was bad loans.  You thought the housing bubble bursting was bad, just wait until the college bubble bursts.  And I can promise you that no matter how natural things look, our currencies are deliberately being destroyed so that the right world leader can rise up and establish an electronic global currency which will enable controlling of all buying, selling, and trading.  Are you ready?

Monday, February 25, 2013



Ezekiel was a Hebrew Prophet who lived more than 2500 years agoand is recently becoming more and more popular as his prophesies concerning the scattering, rebirth, and blessing of Israel have ALL been fulfilled or are being fulfilled at this moment, with one of his last prophecy's concerning a war between Israel and Iran/Russia fulfilling before our very eyes today The literal fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophecies thousands of years later to the letter are a great example and concrete proof of the authenticity of God and thus the Bible. 

 Ezekiel's 3 major prophecies: 

I. Scattering of Israel prophesied
-Ezekiel 11:16 & 36:19

II. Regathering of Israel prophesied

III. Blessing of Israel prophesied

One of Ezekiel's last prophesies involved a major war to take place in the "latter years" of Earth before the return of Jesus Christ. 
Ezekiel 38:2 tells us that this war will be led by one leader in particular from the north referred to as "Gog." This is not a personal name, but rather a title such as a "Czar."  Ezekiel describes him as both a military and political leader, and a coalition builder, but evil with an evil plan.  
Ezekiel also tells us that this leader is from the 'land of Magogfrom the 'uttermost parts of the north'.  According to a first century Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, the people of Magog are the people whom the Greeks knew as Scythians. We know from history that the Scythians were a group of people that migrated from the Middle East northward and settled north of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea in the region we know today as Russia and the former Soviet RepublicsEzekiel 38:15 says that Gog "will come from your place out of the remote parts of the north.” Ezekiel 39:2 says that Gog will come "from the remotest parts of the north" and come "against the mountains of Israel." The country that is farthest north in relation to Israel is Russia.

In Ezekiel 38:5 the first country mentioned in alliance with Magog is "Persia." Until 1935, Persia was the legal name of the country we now know as Iran. Iran and Russia have been building a military alliance for the past decade. Russia is helping Iran building nuclear facilities, and is selling billions of dollars worth of military equipment and supplies.

Ezekiel also mentions Ethiopia as part of this alliance against Israel, however the Hebrew word used for Ethiopia is "Cush," which is the upper Nile region we now know as Sudan as well as Ethiopia, and both are known as radical Islamic states, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, and closely allied with Iran.

Libya is also mentioned, and if you have been paying attention to foreign news you will have noticed the “Arab Spring,”during which radical Muslims, likely supported by Iran, overthrew long-time leaders, including the dictator of Libya.

“Gomer” is another country mentioned, and is now known as Turkey, also allying with Russia and Iran.

So there you have it.
2,000 year old prophecy 
Fulfilling before your eyes 

Not only are these countries coming together, holding military exercises, repeatedly and publicly declaring their intent to destroy Israel, but they are continually attacking and provoking Israel while building up international resentment through propaganda.

Now the scattering of Israel is history and their rebirth is obvious fact, but many have not been keeping up with Israel other than what they see on the news.  So here is a short summary for your interest:  


-One of the youngest countries in this world & formerly destitute for almost 2,000 years-

1. Top 10 military power, arguably the best air force in the world

2. Economy grew more than 5% last year, outperforming the U.S, the U.K, Europe, and Japan

3. World leader of industrial oils, fertilizers, and polished diamonds

4. World leader in software and telecommunication development

5. Top 20 tourist destination

6. 8th worldwide in per capita exports

7. 17th most economically developed nations

8. One of only nine nuclear powers

9. Third largest oil shale deposits

10. Recent discoveries of massive gas and oil will transform Israel into an energy giant

11. While most countries are failing, in unrecoverable debt, Israel is growing

12.  4th longest life expectancy in the world

13.  More Nobel Prizes per capita than the United States, France and Germany. It has more laureates, in real numbers, than India, Spain and China.

14.  Only country in the world that entered the 21st century with a net gain of trees, made more remarkable by the fact that it is 60% desert.

15.  93% of Israeli homes use Solar energy for water heating, the highest percentage in the world

16.  Israel scientific research institutions are ranked 3rd in the world.

17.  2nd in space sciences.

18.  One of only ten countries in the world capable of launching its own satellites

19.  Produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation by a large margin.

20.  3rd highest rate of entrepreneurship amongst women in the world

21.  Has attracted the most venture capital investment per capita in the world, 30 times more than Europe.

22.  That Israel leads the world in patents for medical equipment

23.  More NASDAQ listed companies than any other country, besides the US. More than all of Europe, India, China and Japan combined.

24.  In proportion to its population Israel has the largest number of startup companies in the world. In absolute numbers Israel has more startup companies than any other country besides the US.

25.  8th happiest country on Earth.

26.  One of the best healthcare systems in the world.

27.  The Middle East’s only "free" state and the highest standard of living in the Middle East, and the third highest in Asia.

28.  Ranked 27th in terms of GDP per capita

29.  Top three countries in cyber attack defense.

30.  Offers the best conditions for clean technology startup companies after Denmark

31.  Highest ratio of university degrees to population in the world.

32.  Second-most educated country after Canada.

33.  Highest per capita rates of patents filed.

34.  Largest fleet of aircraft outside of the US.

35.  $100 billion economy is larger than all of its immediate neighbors combined.

36.  First nation in the world to adopt the Kimberly process, an international standard that certifies diamonds as "conflict free."

God said the Jews were His people and that they would be blessed greater than ever in the last days.  Take a look and ask yourself if there is indeed a God blessing Israel...I think it's pretty obvious.

If that wasn't obvious enough for ya, God also promised curses against enemies of Israel.  And there is plenty of evidence to validate this 3,000 year old prophecy:

"And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem
(Zechariah 12:9)

"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee..."
Genesis 12:3

Every time we pressure Israel to divide her land something bad happens in our country within 3 days, although usually immediately after.  And most of the following events are the costliest in our history.

1.)   1991 Oct 30 - Bush signed Oslo accord -Land for peace accord demanding Israel trade land
  • Very next day, rare huge storm moving East to West (wrong way) called perfect storm later made into the famous movie and book.
  • First hit home of Bush, demolishing most of his home
  • 1+ Billion damage

2.)   1992 Aug. 23 - Bush picked up pieces of Oslo and met with Israel in D.C.
  • Very same day Hurricane Andrew Category 5 smashed Florida
  • 30+ Billion damage destroying 180,000 homes
  • At the time, this was the worst natural disaster to hit America

3.)   1993 Feb. 18-25 - Clinton admin official visits Israel for first time to restart peace process
  • On his way back: Largest terror event at time in American history
  • 1500 lb car bomb under World Trade Center
  • ¾ + Billion damage

4.)   1993 March 10 - Sec. of State Warren Christopher makes public statement in D.C declaring that America must play active part in “making Israel get rid of land” for peace.
  • Next day: “Storm of the Century” forms and batters Eastern U.S. for four days
  • Effected 26 states; Covered one third of U.S; 120 mph winds; 56 in. snow
  • All East Coast airports closed first time ever
  • 6.6+ Billion damage

5.)   1993 April 27 - Sept. 13 - After intense negotiations between Israel and Palestinians a compromise peace agreement was signed between Peres and Arafat at the White House w/Presidents Clinton & Bush & Carter as witnesses.  
  • During exact time record flooding: “The Great Midwest Flood of 93’” went down as “the most devastating flood in modern United States history.”
  • Ranks as one of the greatest natural disasters to hit the United States due to area, strength, extent, intensity, and duration of the flooding.
  • 21+ Billion damage

6.)   1994 Jan. 16 - Assad and Clinton meet to talk about ‘peace agreement’ with Israel which included Israel giving up Golan Heights.
  • Next day - California 6.9 earthquake causes 15.3 billion damage 25 miles of L.A. in porn capital of the world.
  • 2nd most destructive natural disaster to hit the U.S. 2nd to Hurricane Andrew

7.)   1998 Jan. 21 - Netanyahu met with Clinton at White House but was coldly received due to his refusal to give up the West Bank.  Both Clinton and Sec. of State refused to have lunch with him.
  • Later that same day - Monica Lewinsky scandal breaks out resulting in Clinton’s impeachment and destroying his presidency.    

8.)   1998 Sept. 28 - Sec. of State finished details of agreement requiring Israel to surrender 13% of      Judah & Samaria. Clinton meets with Arafat & Netanyahu at White House to finalize another Israel “Land for Peace.”  Later, Arafat addresses the United Nations and declares an independent Palestinian state  
  • Same day, Hurricane George blasts Gulf Coast. 110 mph winds; 175 mph gusts.
  • Temporarily stalled until agreement was finalized and Arafat addressed U.N. in New York, then hit hard causing 6+ billion in damage
  • Storm dissipates same time that Arafat leaves

9.)   1998 Oct. 15 - Arafat and Netanyahu meet in Maryland where Israel is pressured to give up 13% of Yesha.  Talks conclude on the 23rd.
  • Two days later - Tornadoes hit Southern Texas causing heavy flooding in San Antonio until the 22nd of October.  
  • Floods ravaged 25% of Texas and left 1 billion+ in damages. 
  • Clinton declared this section a major disaster area on 22nd of October.

10.)   1998 Nov. 30 - Arafat arrives in D.C. to meet with President Clinton to raise money for a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as their capital. 42 other nations were represented and agreed to give Arafat 3 billion in aid.  Clinton promised 400 million, the E.U. promised 1.7 billion.
  • That exact day DOW Jones dropped 216 points.  
  • The following day the E.U. market had 3rd worst day in history as hundreds of billions of dollars in market capitalization were wiped out in Europe and the U.S.

11.)   1998 Dec. 12 - President Clinton arrived in Palestinian-controlled section of Israel to discuss 'land for peace.
  • That same day the U.S. House of Representatives vote four articles of impeachment against Clinton
12.)   1999 May 3 - Arafat schedules a press conference to announce a Palestinian State with Jerusalem as the Capital.  
  • That same day - the most powerful tornado system to ever hit the United States whips through Oklahoma and Kansas causing 1+ billion in damages with approximately 70 tornadoes, 1 being an F4, and fast wind speeds ever recorded at 316mph
  • 2nd costliest tornado in U.S. history
  • Over 3 dozen people killed, and over 8000 homes badly damaged or destroyed

13.)   2001 June 8 - President G.W. Bush sent CIA director to Jerusalem to promote his “roadmap to peace” the continuation of the failed Oslo accord.  
  • Same day - Tropical storm Allison hit Texas, the home state of Bush, closed Bush Airport for 2 days.
  • 7 billion damage
  • Deadliest & costliest tropical storm on record in United States
  • Continued 5 long days until CIA director left Jerusalem

14.)   2001 Aug. 23 - Bush challenged Arafat to stop terrorism if he wants Israel to negotiate.  King Abdullah (Saudi Arabia) is infuriated and tells Ambassador Bandar to leave U.S. immediately.  On his way out, Bandar meets with C. Rice while Bush is on vacation and complains, threatens to withhold oil, and leaves in disgust. Rice reports to Bush who issues letter to Bandar stating that “Palestinian people have the right to live in their own state in their own homeland.”  Sept 7, Bandar returns to America to hammer out details and announce to world the creation of Palestinian state.  Negotiations continue until 9th.  Sept. 10th, Bandar along with Cheney, Rice, and Powell finish Bush’s plans to create a Palestinian nation in Israel in 2005.  
  • Worst terrorist act in history not 24 hours later.  3,000 dead.

15.)   2005 July 6-8 - Tony Blair (then president of G-8 nations) holds meeting in Scotland.  Bush and other leaders agreed to give 3 billion to Palestinian authority.
  • Same day Blair was to announce declaration - London hit by four suicide bombers killing 52, injuring 700.  
  • Next day, Hurricane Dennis, hits Florida causing 2.5 billion damage.

16.)   2005 Aug. 23 - Israel completes evacuation of Gaza strip and gave it to Palestinians; forced by U.S.
  • Same day; small storm forms below Bahamas named Katrina
  • From beginning meteorologists states U.S. had nothing to fear.  Computer forecasts kept Katrina calmly detained in Atlantic, but defying all computer models, Katrina turned South East, scraped South tip of Florida, and then took unexpected turn into warm Gulf Coast.  
  • One of history's most bizarre hurricanes.
  • Literally recording wind strength “off the scale.”
  • Worst disaster in nations history
  • An estimated 150 billion in damages, ten thousand dead, and hundreds of thousands of homes destroyed 

17.)   2005 Oct. 14 - Prime Minister Sharon shared with Bush his plans of 90% pull out of the West Bank because of the pressure he was getting from the U.S. and its withdrawal of financial aid.  Next afternoon; Tropical depression 24 formed in Western Caribbean Sea.  Then Bush met with Abbas and reaffirmed support for Palestinian State and called for Israel to leave
  • That very day -  tropical depression became Category 5 Hurricane Wilma, becoming most intense hurricane in Atlantic base in history, forcing Bush’s brother, Jeb, Florida’s Governor to call for mandatory evacuation of Florida Keys.  
  • 20.6 billion damage
  • 3rd costliest disaster in U.S history  

18.)   January 2007 - Rice visits Tel Aviv/Jerusalem, 1/13-15; Ramallah, 1/14; Egypt 1/15; Saudi Arabia 1/15-16; Kuwait 1/16-17; Germany 1/17-18, and Great Britain 1/18-19.
  • President Bush declares major FEMA disasters due to severe winter storms in Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas from 1/13-19.
19.)   March 2007 - Rice visits Tel Aviv/Jerusalem, 3/25-27; Ramallah, 3/25
  • President Bush declares major FEMA disasters for severe storms and tornados in New Mexico from Mar. 23-24.

20.)  2007 April 16 - under intense U.S. pressure, Israel agreed to back U.S. plans to arm Abbas supporters (anti-Israel).  Nearly 60 million dollars given to arm pro-Abbas forces with 2 main objectives: 1.) Supply them with additional weapons, ammunition, training, equipment, and funds (to fight Israel) 2.) To secure areas of Gaza srip.  
  • Next day - 23 year old Virginia Tech student kills 32 on shooting rampage in worst mass murder in American history.
  • Oddly, he had written in red ink on right arm, and as the return address on the package he had sent to NBC, “Ismael’s Ax”
  • After agreeing to supply weapons to Arabs, enemies of Israel, a young Korean student with English as major, is possessed to write arab name on himself while he killed our children.

21.)  May 2007 - Rice visits Egypt from May 1-4
  • President Bush declares major FEMA disasters for severe storms, tornadoes and flooding for Kansas, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Missouri and Nebraska from May 4-19.

22.)   2007 Aug. 1 - Rice was in Jerusalem meeting to divide the land.  Minnesota's Congressman, Keith Ellison, (the only Muslim in Congress) announced he too was going to Israel to help.  
  • That very day during rush hour traffic the main spans of the bridge in his very own district collapsed.
  • 13 died, 100+/- more injured.
  • I-35 bridge is located in area called “The West Bank.”
  • Area known for high concentration of mostly Muslim residents.
  • Bridge was completed in 1967. Exact same year, Jerusalem was captured from the Muslims and the Muslims were trying to get back.  

23.)   2007 Oct 14 - Rice arrives in Middle East once again to work on plans for peace which involve Israel giving up land.  Leaves Jerusalem the 18th.  
  • Very next day, Santa Ana winds blow later turning to hurricane force winds (75-108 mph) causing wildfire to rage across much of Southern California.  
  • 2 days into the fire, half million forced to evacuate in largest evacuation in regions history.
  • 800 square miles charred.
  • 1+ billion in damage
  • During same time extreme drought strikes southeastern U.S.
  • One third of Georgia declared disaster area
  • 24 hour hours after Governor prays for rain, first rain in months comes.  

24.)   2007 Nov. 28 - Bush issues statement declaring that United States will actively be engaged in laying out Palestinian state side by side with Israel.  
  • Following that conference, meteorologists began to report two disturbances, one in the Northeast, one in the Pacific Northwest, and were predicted to hit hard.
  • Next ten days Washington experienced largest flood in history
  • Hurricane winds in Oregon up to 127mph; I-5 between Seattle and Portland was closed for 5 days.
  • The largest ice storm in Oklahoma history produced the largest power outage in that state’s history.
  • Bush declared major FEMA disasters in Oklahoma, Kansas, Washington, and Oregon.  
  • Two separate, back-to-back, $1 billion+ disasters bringing 2007 total to 4 billion disasters that directly coincided with United States pressing Israel to divide her land.  

25.)   2008 Jan. 4-5 Bush had multiple interviews with Israel and Middle East news services prior to his trip. He declared his commitment to Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security. There were hurricane force winds in California and Nevada. 
  • Two million households and businesses lost their power due to the winds. 
  • Floods in Nevada.
26.)   2008 Jan. 8 Bush left for Israel. 
  • A tornado hit Jerusalem, Arkansas, that morning. 
  • The Midwest experienced 38 tornadoes from Jan. 7-11.
27.)   2008 Jan. 9 - Bush made first travel to Israel as president to divide the land of Israel
  • That exact day, a freak tornado slams Jerusalem, Arkansas demolishing the small American town named after Israel’s capital and demolishing a church named Mt. Zion church.  
  • Meteorologists insist it was a freak of nature for any tornado to hit Arkansas in January, not to mention tornados rarely touch down in the morning when air is cooler.
  • Jan. 10: Major fog in Jerusalem and Ramallah on the morning of the Bush-Abbas meeting. Bush forced to take 34-car caravan to Ramallah instead of flying on Marine One. The skies cleared immediately after their meeting and prior to Bush's trip to Bethlehem.
  • President Bush later declared a major FEMA disaster for Missouri, Iowa, and Nebraska for the period from Jan. 7-11.

28.)   2008 Jan. 11-16 Bush and Rice traveled to Kuwait City, Kuwait; Manama, Bahrain; Abu Dhabi and Dubai, UAE; and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to talk about the status of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and the Iranian threat.
  • During this part of the Middle East trip, there were record low temperatures and rain during the red carpet welcoming ceremonies.
  • Baghdad, Iraq, which is a short distance north of Kuwait, experienced its first snow in 100 years. 
  • During Bush's few-hours visit in Dubai, they experienced flooding due to record rain on that day. 
  • Riyadh had snow flurries and temperatures in the 20s, which followed summer-like temperatures the week before. 
  • There was also a major blizzard in the northeast U.S.
  • Record cold temperatures
  • Record crude oil prices
  • Approval of a $154 billion U.S. economic stimulus bill shortly after the president's return to the U.S.
  • Rising fears about credit markets and the health of U.S. financial institutions drive down stock prices. Between Jan. 1-22, the Dow lost over 1,000 points -- more than 8 percent of its total value.
29.)   2008 Mar. 3-7 Rice in Egypt, Israel and the Palestinians territories. President Bush met with Jordan's King Abdullah II Tuesday at the White House about the ongoing peace efforts in the time remaining before he leaves office. Bush said that the United States is engaged and will remain engaged in helping convince the prime minister of Israel and President Abbas that now is the time to formulate a vision of what a state will look like.
  • Credit collapse of 2008 began which became the 'Great Recession'
  • Unprecedented surge in home foreclosures
  • Housing prices fell approximately 30% on average

30.)   2008 June 4 - Ehud Olmert met with Bush at White House for three days of meetings about Israel land for peace
  • During the middle of their meeting, a massive storm hits D.C. ½ million homes without power
  • Bush later forced to declare major disaster for Wisconsin due to severe storms, tornadoes, and floodings which began on 5th of June.  
  • June 6 - Dark day on Wall Street.  The Dow’s 395-point dropping is biggest one-day point loss in 15 months.
  • June 6 - Oil prices biggest single-day advance in history and skyrocket to a new record
  • More storms bring new round of destruction to Midwest U.S.

31.)   2008 June 7-8 - Rice travels to Israel, West Bank
  • June 8th - Record heat wave in Washington and northeast U.S.
  • 9th - Heavy rains, floods pound Midwest
  • 10th - Florida tomato industry in “complete collapse” due to salmonella panic.
  • Mississippi River floods could be worst in 15 years
  • 12th - Midwest expecting up to 4 more inches of rain: towns submerged, crops drowned, drivers still rising, dams threatened.  Cedar Rapids Iowa evacuating due to floods.  Flooding hits historic 500-year levels in Iowa.
  • June 5-13th - 37 tornadoes hit U.S. heartland.  1200 tornadoes so far this year.  
  • Death toll from tornadoes already 110.  

32.)   July 23 2008 - Obama met with Israeli and Palestinian leaders to affirm Palestinian state.
  • The same day Hurricane Dolly slammed Texas coast.  
  • 100mph winds; $750 million damage
  • 15 counties declared federal disaster areas
  • 3rd most powerful hurricane to hit United States in month of July in recorded history; 2nd most destructive U.S. hurricane in July
  • 1+ billion damage

33.)   2008 July 29 - Rice met with Israeli and Palestinian leaders to work out peace plans.  
  • That very day California experienced largest earthquake in 14 years.
  • 5.4 magnitude felt from San Diego to L.A. to Las Vegas

34.)   2008 Aug. 18 - Rice rescheduled visit to Mideast for peace talks.  
  • Hurricane Fay made landfall on Florida Keys, and again near Naples in early hours on the 19th, progressed northeast through Florida peninsula emerging into Atlantic Ocean near Melbourne on 20th, and again on 21st reentered near Daytona Beach, moving due west across panhandle of Florida crossing Gainesville and Panama City.   
  • Extensive flooding in parts of Florida due to hurricane’s slow movement
  • 1st storm in history to make landfall in Florida 4 times.  
  • Bush forced to declare Florida “major disaster area.”  
  • 1st storm on record to make landfall 7 times.
  • Oddly, this visit was Rice’s 7th visit to Middle East that year.

35.)   2008 Aug 25 - Rice once again in Jerusalem to discuss dividing of Israel.
  • That same day - Tropical depression 7 develops and turns into Hurricane Gustav
  • While U.S. tried to force Israel to evacuate “West Bank,” New Orleans Mayor ordered mandatory evacuation of city’s “West Bank,” in preparation of “mother of all storms,” “storm of the century.”  
  • 6.6 billion damage

36.)   2008 Aug 31     New Orleans evacuation starts with West Bank.
  • New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin used stark language to urge residents to get out of the city, calling Gustav the "storm of the century."
  • The mandatory evacuation of the city's west bank, where levee improvements remain incomplete, was to begin at 8 a.m.
  • 1 Million flee
  • Started within 24 hours of when America tried to get Israel to sell land

37.)   Other record setting events in relation to Bush and Rice's peace efforts during 2008
  • $10 trillion in U.S. stock market capitalization lost
  • The highest crude oil prices in history occurred when crude oil topped $148 per barrel in mid-July.
  • The 2008 Atlantic Hurricane Season produced a record number of consecutive storms to strike the United States and ranks as one of the more active seasons in the 64 years since comprehensive records began.
  • The U.S. government approved a $700 billion bailout of the U.S. financial system
  • Dollar hit record lows
38.)  April 19th 2010 – Fox News reported that U.S. would not categorically support Israel at U.N.
  • The next day - the Deep water oil well disaster
39.)    May 19th 2011 – Obama announced Israel should return to 1967 borders
  • May 22 – F5 Tornado wipes Joplin (Heart of America) of the map
  • 158 killed; 2.8 billion in damages
  • Costliest single tornado in history
40.)    Oct. 20, 2011 – Turkey condemns Israel over E. Jerusalem settlements
  • Three days later, 7.2 earthquake hits Turkey
  • Hundreds killed, hundreds of buildings collapse
41.)  During anti-Israel protest in California they are hit with 6.0 earthquake 8/24/14
  • billion + losses, hundreds of buildings damaged
  • Worst earthquake in 25 years

It is no coincidence that as our nation turns it's back on God and Israel, we find ourselves hurtling towards destruction, in tremendous debt, a stalled economy, and corruption gripped, worthless leadership.  The only hope for our country is if we turn back to God.